The retinal straylight measurements in this work were performed with the C-Quant (Oculus Optikgeräte, Wetzlar, Germany), a commercial version of the compensation comparison technique proposed by the research group of van den Berg.
22,23 Only subjects with preoperative and postoperative straylight measurements of acceptable quality were included (i.e., a repeated measures standard deviation parameter, Esd, below 0.08 and a measurement quality parameter, Q, above 0.5).
In healthy eyes retinal straylight has been shown
1,2 to increase with the fourth power of age after the age of 45 and can be modeled as follows
which can be considered as the age-normal curve, supplemented by a range of
±0.2 log units to account for the normal biological variation in straylight. By subtracting
Equation 1 from the measured straylight it is possible to define the “base and age-corrected” (BAC) straylight, which compensates for the age related straylight increase.
5 Moreover, since axial length
L also influences retinal straylight, a “base, age, and axial length-corrected” (BALC) straylight can be defined as well as the difference between the following equation and the measured straylight value
However, as the age-related increase in straylight is mostly due to changes in the crystalline lens,
Equations 1 and
2 can no longer be used after cataract extraction. We therefore modeled this using the reference regression recently proposed by van Bree et al.
14 for pseudophakic eye without posterior capsule opacification:
which has a 95% confidence interval of ±0.35 log units. Subtracting
Equation 3 from the pseudophakic straylight measurement, we can define a “pseudophakic base and age corrected” straylight BAC
In addition to straylight measurements, the axial length was determined with the IOL Master (Version 2; Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany), the refraction with the AR-700 autorefractometer (Nidek, Gamagori, Japan), and the corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) in decimal notation with a retro-illuminated Bailey-Lovie high contrast acuity chart (ETDRS) at a distance of 4 m from the patient. The IOL volume as a function of power was calculated using the thickness, diameter, and radii of curvature of the lenses, which were provided by the manufacturer (Morcher GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany).