In our study, we investigated in vivo changes in retinal thickness over time in type II diabetic OLETF to evaluate retinal neurodegeneration using SD-OCT and related the histology to changes in retinal thickness.
We designed a new method to measure various retinal thicknesses with SD-OCT. Measuring the thicknesses of the various retinal layers with SD-OCT has several important advantages over conventional histology. First, SD-OCT allows for noninvasive in vivo examination of the retina in live animals, which is key to performing longitudinal studies. It is difficult to monitor retinal thickness with conventional histology without killing the animal. Histologic methods are limited to follow-up of disease progression. Second, SD-OCT excludes the bias from thickness measurements of various retinal layers and inherent artifacts in histologic preparation, including tissue shrinkage from fixation and compression, and oblique sections cut during sectioning.
20,21 Third, SD-OCT has faster scanning rates and higher axial resolution, allowing for the acquisition of detailed microstructures in rodents.
17,22 Fourth, SD-OCT allows for acquisition of the same image as previous scan images during the follow-up period with built-in software. We used the “TruTraking Active Eye System” of SD-OCT, which compensates for eye movements during breathing and blinking. It is difficult to find a specific location on the retina due to the large number of vessels and the lack of a specific landmark, excluding the optic disc (hyaloid stalk), when the retina of rats is rescanned using the vertical plane scan of OCT. We used the AutoRescan and RNFL circular scan of the SD-OCT to measure retinal thickness. The AutoRescan of SD-OCT can identify previous scan locations and guide the OCT laser to scan the same location, and, therefore, has a follow-up function to ensure that the same scanning location is identified on subsequent examinations. It is difficult to perform an AutoRescan because the AutoRescan can acquire an image to alignment currently image location from a previous acquired image, such as many vessels and scanned location. To solve this problem and measure the same location measured previously, we performed the RNFL circular scan to measure a constant distance from the optic disc using the AutoRescan. Measuring retinal thickness with SD-OCT, however, has several limitations. The lateral magnification of the rat fundus should be approximately five times larger than that of the human fundus, according to data of representative rat
23 and human eyes (Gullstrand's schematic eye), the axial length of a rat eye is much shorter than that of humans (6.92 vs. 24.00 mm), and total power of the rat eye is much greater than that of human eye (300.705 vs. 58.64)
20,24 To address the limitations of using OCT, we obtained an image toward the center position rather than to one side, and applied hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and a cover slip to negate the refractive power of the cornea.
Our results suggested that neurodegeneration occurs predominantly in the RNFL after 28 weeks (approximately 8 weeks after the development of diabetes) in OLETF due to DR. These data are consistent with previous data regarding retinal thickness in diabetes. Martin et al. reported that TRT, INL, and ONL were decreased in mice within 10 weeks after the development of diabetes.
6 Barber et al. reported a significant reduction in the thickness of the TR, IPL, INL, and the number of ganglion cells in streptozocin diabetic rats compared to controls.
2 Barber et al. reported significant reductions in the thickness of the IPL and INL in diabetic mice compared to controls within 22 weeks after hyperglycemia.
7 Park et al. reported a slight reduction in the thickness of the inner retina and a marked reduction in the thickness of the ONL at 24 weeks after the onset of diabetes.
8 Together, these data indicate that retinal thickness is decreased in diabetic rats. There are, however, subtle differences in the decreases of the retinal layer thicknesses. The reason for these differences is unclear, but the inconsistency might be due to differences in species and the methods used to induce diabetes.
In our study, the thickness of various retinal layers decreased over time, and there were no differences in the thickness of any of the layers between OLETF and LETO until 20 weeks (
Fig. 3). Thickness was decreased at 20 weeks in both groups and continued to decrease in LETO up to 36 weeks, although less than that in OLETF, consistent with previously reported age-related changes in the rat retina.
We performed histology to confirm the results of the SD-OCT. Based on the number of neurons in the RNFL, a significant loss of ganglion cells in the RNFL was observed in OLETF compared to LETO. This finding is consistent with previous data regarding the number of ganglion cells in diabetic rodents. Martin et al. reported that within approximately 10 to 14 weeks after the onset of diabetes, there were significantly fewer cells in the ganglion cell layer in diabetic mice than in age-matched nondiabetic mice.
6 Barber et al. reported a 23.4% reduction in the number of cell bodies in the retinal ganglion cell layer in diabetic mice.
In our study, the decrease in TRT and RNFL thickness, and the decrease in the number of retinal ganglion cells in OLETF suggested neuronal cell loss in the RNFL. Based on an apoptotic assay, neurons of the RNFL in OLETF were dying by apoptosis. The apoptotic cells were identified by immunofluorescence with an antibody that recognizes the active form of caspase-3 and TUNEL analysis. We used 14 μm thick cryosections to detect active caspase-3
+ and TUNEL
+ cells. In these cryosections, it was clear that ganglion cells of the RNFL were affected. The assay results revealed significantly more active caspase-3
+ and TUNEL
+ cells in the RNFL of OLETF than in the RNFL of LETO. Barber et al. reported a 10-fold increase in retinal apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells after 12 months of diabetes.
2 Asnaghi et al. reported a 4-fold increase in apoptotic neurons in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats compared to nondiabetic rats.
Neurodegeneration leads to changes of ERG in DR. Shinoda et al. reported that implicit times of oscillatory potentials were significantly longer in diabetic rats 1 month after streptozocin treatment.
27 Li et al. reported that diabetic rats have reduced ERG responses as early as 2 weeks after the onset of diabetes.
28 Segawa et al. suggested that retinal neuronal dysfunction revealed by oscillatory potential abnormalities in the ERG occurred before the angiopathic diabetic changes in OLETF.
29 It is expected that the change in the ERG response will correlate with reduced ganglion cell counts. Our study is limited in that these findings are not complemented by functional data corresponding to decreased retinal thickness and increased apoptosis. Functional studies, such as ERG, would be performed in conjunction with histologic and OCT studies in future investigations. However, a major strength of our study is the finding that structural changes characterized by longitudinal in vivo measurement can be a biomarker for assessing retinal neurodegeneration.
We did not attempt to determine the mechanism of neurodegeneration in OLETF. Recent studies reported increased levels of glutamate in the vitreous of rats with diabetes.
30,31 Villarroel et al. reported that overexpression of the renin–angiotensin system has an essential role in neurodegenerative processes in the diabetic retina.
10 Park et al. reported that diabetes upregulates the expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in bipolar cells, and nitric oxide from these cells may aggravate degeneration of the outer retina in diabetic retinas.
32 Further attempts to understand the mechanisms and mediators of neurodegeneration in DR in OLETF, and to develop treatments for this disease will require consideration of the roles and interactions of all three cellular elements (neuronal, glial, and vascular cells).
Several studies have examined whether DR is a result of neurodegeneration,
2 microangiopathic changes,
33 or both.
7 The neurodegenerative and microangiopathic changes are likely to be closely linked components of DR.
34 Barber proposed two possible explanations to account for the relation between the neurodegenerative and microangiopathic changes.
34 First, loss of the blood–retinal barrier integrity, which initially manifests as an increase in vascular permeability, leads to a failure to control the composition of the extracellular fluid in the retina, which results in edema and neuronal cell loss. Alternatively, diabetes directly affects metabolism within the neural retina, which leads to an increase in apoptosis and causes a breakdown of the blood–retinal barrier. The intimate relationship between the neurodegenerative and microangiopathic changes, however, is not clear at cellular level. Further investigation of the relationship between the neurodegeneration and microangiopathic changes is needed to elucidate the mechanisms of DR and to develop applicable therapies.
In conclusion, TRT and RNFL thickness begin to decrease in OLETF after 28 weeks with SD-OCT. Ganglion cells decrease and apoptotic cells are detected in the RNFL at 36 weeks through histology. Our results suggest that sustained retinal neurodegeneration in type II diabetic OLETF begins after 28 weeks.