The electroretinogram (ERG) is a useful tool for assessing mainly outer retinal function.
1 Full-field ERGs reflect mass potential changes that originate in activity of the complete retina. However, spatial variations in the ERG responses are not assessed. In 1992, Sutter and Tran
2 first introduced the multifocal ERG (mfERG) technique, which provides a functional topographic map of the central retina. In retinal research and for pharmacological studies, rodents are routinely used as a disease model. Furthermore, full-field ERG is widely used to monitor functional changes due to either degenerative processes or therapeutic success. However, degenerative processes can be local and therefore only weakly contribute to changes in the full-field ERG. Thus, to analyze the spatial distribution of effects from the retinal disorders and/or of treatments in these models, the mfERG technique would be extremely useful. It permits the functional analysis of local structural changes in the living animal. However, before mfERG recordings can be implemented routinely, several technical problems have to be solved. Ball and Petry
3 first recorded mfERGs in the rat. They were able to show that mfERGs were recordable but there were major limitations with this method. First, in rodents, an ERG is mostly rod driven, whereas the mfERG in humans is highly cone dependent. Therefore, stimulus frequency should be reduced to allow the rod system to respond. Second, the relatively small size of the retina of the rat model enhanced the occurrence of stray light artifacts. Third, in animals without a fovea, a control of the position of the stimulus on the retina is absent.
4,5 Therefore, a direct visualization of the fundus during mfERG recordings is mandatory in rodent research. In early attempts, a fundus image was taken during or after recording an mfERG.
4,6 However, even if a fundus image is obtained, it is not clear whether the image and the mfERG stimulus are well-aligned. Accordingly, retinal landmarks are necessary in order to correlate both the image and the recording. A natural landmark is the optic nerve head (ONH); however, more landmarks are necessary to obtain a better correlation.
The aim of this study was to ascertain the feasibility of mfERG recordings in mice using defined retinal landmarks from simultaneously obtained retinal images. For future therapeutic approaches, it is important to show that a reproducible mfERG technique is able to detect functional consequences of local therapy. As a model of focal retinopathy, various local retinal damages were induced in mice by argon laser photocoagulation. The effects of the local damage on the mfERG responses were investigated. The retinae were visualized by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO). The mfERG stimulus was projected onto the retina using a part of the optical path of the SLO. Specifically, the reproducibility of the mfERG recordings was studied. Finally, we investigated the effects of the laser spot size and energy on the mfERG amplitudes.