The synaptic transfer of light-induced signals from rod photoreceptors to horizontal cells and bipolar cells in the OPL displays linear transmission characteristics,
46 a property that enables a proportional response of the inner retina to small changes of light intensity.
47 Apparently, this linearity results from a near-linear dependence of glutamate release on the membrane voltage of dark-adapted rod photoreceptors within the response range between −40 mV and −55 mV.
48 The dynamics of presynaptic Ca
2+ signaling, which involve both L-type Ca
2+ channels
47,49 and Ca
2+ release from intracellular stores,
50,51 are not completely understood. But transmitter vesicles with a near-linear Ca
2+-dependence within the Ca
2+ range of 0.5 to 3 μM are present and may preserve linearity between membrane voltage and exocytosis.
52 Ca
2+-activated Cl
− channels with a relatively broad range of Ca
2+ sensitivities (half-maximal activation requires ∼ 0.6 μM Ca
2+ in salamander rods
4 and 1–3 μM Ca
2+ in heterologously expressed ANO 2
14,15 ) are active in the dark-adapted photoreceptor when the free Ca
2+ concentration in rod terminals exceeds 1 μM.
20,41,53,54 As demonstrated by the Thoreson group, the Ca
2+-induced Cl
− conductance mediates a decline of [Cl
i in the rod terminals and, hence, inhibits voltage-gated L-type Ca
2+-channels, limiting presynaptic Ca
2+-influx in the dark.
1,6,7,55 ANO 2 channels are good candidates for this function as they are specifically expressed in rod terminals. Any depolarization in excess of the resting voltage of −40 mV causes substantial activation of L-type Ca
2+ channels and, consequently, increased Ca
2+ influx and transmitter release. The feedback inhibition mediated by ANO 2 counteracts such a depolarization as decreasing Cl
− levels progressively suppress Ca
2+ influx. In this way, ANO 2 channels appear to contribute to the control of transmitter release in the dark, supporting other inhibitory factors like Ca
2+ channel inactivation and Ca
2+ depletion in the synaptic cleft.
56 These control mechanisms may help to explain the observation that [Ca
i is lower in rod terminals than in cone terminals,
57,58 and that vesicle release in the dark is slower in rods than in cones.
58,59 At increasing light intensity, when Ca
2+ channels are switched off by hyperpolarization, the phosphorylation of NKCC1 may reinforce Cl
− uptake and may help to refill the rod terminal with Cl
−, so that the feedback mechanism is operative again upon return to the dark.