Two schemes were designed to further test the hypothesis that the temporal change of RNFL reflectance speckle was associated with axonal dynamic activity. In the first, we lowered the temperature of the physiologic solution from 34°C to 24°C, with the expectation that lower temperature would slow axonal transport.
30 In two retinas, an image series was obtained at 34°C followed by another at 24°C. The results from one of these retinas are shown in
Figure 4. At 34°C, the change in speckle was similar to other retinas, with
τ = 0.38 min. At 24°C, however, the change in speckle slowed by a factor of nearly three to
τ = 1.11 minutes. In the second retina
τ = 0.27 minutes at 34°C and 0.72 minutes at 24°C. A third retina was measured at 24°C only; three bundles gave values of
τ = 0.90, 1.03, and 1.13 minutes. A one-way analysis of variance showed that in the five bundles of the three retinas measured at 24°C,
τ was significantly higher than that measured at 34°C (
P = 0.003).
We also used colchicine to depolymerize MTs. Because MTs are an active cytostructure participating in axonal transport and also a major contributor to RNFL reflectance,
21–25,31 we postulated that depolymerization of MTs would hamper axonal transport and thereby reduce temporal change of RNFL reflectance speckle.
Figure 5A demonstrates a CC time course before colchicine treatment with
τ = 0.24 minute. After 15 minutes of treatment, the decrease of CC became slower with
τ = 0.87 minute (
Fig. 5B), whereas with 50 minutes of treatment the decay became much slower (
τ = 2.85 minutes;
Fig. 5C). However, at this time point, speckles were still apparent in the reflectance image (
Fig. 5D). The CC time course of nearby gaps was similar over the entire treatment period (not shown). Six bundles in four treated retinas showed that
τ increased from 0.55 ± 0.25 minute at the baseline period to 1.34 ± 0.80 minutes and 2.39 ± 0.63 minutes after colchicine treatment of approximately 15 to 20 minutes and 40 to 50 minutes, respectively. A paired
t-test for means showed that
τ increased significantly with the colchicine treatment (
P = 0.04 with 15–20 minutes of treatment and
P = 0.001 after 45 minutes of treatment).