To assess the relative risk of an eye's conversion to wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) based primarily on drusen measurements obtained from analysis of digitized images.
Four hundred forty-four subjects (820 eyes) enrolled in the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS I) and 78 subjects (129 eyes) from the Prophylactic Treatment of AMD trial (PTAMD) were studied retrospectively. Drusen size, distribution, drusen area, and hyperpigmentation in two central macular regions on baseline fundus images were determined using an image analysis algorithm. The relative risk for choroidal neovascularization (CNV) based on drusen area, presence of one or five large drusen, hyperpigmentation, and fellow eye status was calculated.
Odds ratios (ORs) for measured drusen area within the 1000- and 3000-μm regions were 1.644* (1.251–2.162) and 1.278 (0.927–1.762) for AREDS eyes and 0.832 (0.345–2.005) and 1.094 (0.524–2.283) for PTAMD eyes (*P < 0.05). In the 1000-μm region, respective ORs for the presence of a large druse, hyperpigmentation, and fellow eye affected were 2.60, 1.71, and 6.44* for AREDS eyes and 8.24, 1.37, and 17.56* for PTAMD eyes; for the 3000-μm region, ORs were 3.45*, 3.40*, and 4.59* for AREDS and nonsignificant, 6.58, and 11.62* for PTAMD eyes, respectively.
Total drusen area, presence of large drusen, and the presence of hyperpigmentation were not consistent risk factors for an eye's development of CNV. Risk depended on study cohort as well as location. Having an affected fellow eye was the strongest and most consistent risk factor across all models. A larger drusen area does not necessarily increase an eye's risk of conversion to CNV.
We evaluated the morphological characteristics of the previously acquired fundus images of 522 subjects (949 eyes) at the UPMC Eye Center who were enrolled in one of two separate prospective clinical trials, AREDS I
17 and the Prophylactic Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration study (PTAMD).
20,21 The images were digitized and read by masked readers. Institutional review board approval was obtained, and the Declaration of Helsinki was followed. To be eligible for AREDS, subjects had to have had good visual acuity of at least 20/32 in both eyes (categories 1–3) or in one eye with a specific AMD morphological profile in the fellow eye (category 4). The amount of AMD varied from virtually none in both eyes (category 1), mild or borderline AMD in one or both eyes (category 2), or large drusen or extensive intermediate drusen in one or both eyes (category 3), to advanced AMD in one eye and good visual acuity ≥20/32 in the fellow eye. We studied 376 AREDS subjects who had both eyes eligible and 68 who had only one eligible eye (total 444 AREDS subjects, 820 eyes). We also analyzed the images of 78 subjects in the PTAMD study, 51 of whom had both eyes eligible and 27 of whom had only one eye eligible.
In PTAMD, eyes of subjects had to manifest more drusen at baseline than AREDS subjects to be eligible, as the trial investigated laser effects on drusen. PTAMD eyes had to have at least 5 drusen of at least 63 microns in diameter located in the central macula and a best-corrected visual acuity of at least 20/63 at baseline. Subjects in whom both eyes were eligible had one of their eyes randomly selected to subthreshold laser treatment. Subjects having only one eye eligible had that eye randomized to either treatment or observation. In the present study, we did not include in the formal analysis any PTAMD eyes that were subsequently treated with subthreshold laser, as such treatment could have influenced the development of choroidal neovascularization (CNV). For PTAMD, our analysis was thus limited to 62 subjects and 62 eyes. We did, however, perform all the analyses on all the eligible eyes of the PTAMD subjects but do not report them specifically.
A previously described drusen analyzer
15 was used to measure the features of drusen. An advantage of the software that helps make the data more reproducible is the requirement that the measurements made on each digital image be indexed to the diameter of the optic nerve on that image. In this way, any noise in the measurements resulting from variable magnification or from the influence of the refractive status of each eye is minimized. The drusen area measurement provided by the analytical software results in the form of a continuous variable, in increments of one hundredth of a square millimeter.
19 The drusen distribution, that is, the number of drusen of various sizes, is also generated.
In addition to drusen, we also assessed the presence or absence of fundus hyperpigmentation, although we did not quantify the area of this hyperpigmentation. We did not include hypopigmentation in the assessment as such changes are typically more subtle and less apparent than hyperpigmentation. As the readers looked at every fundus image, it is unlikely that hypopigmented regions were mistaken for drusen. We did not distinguish between soft and hard drusen and lumped them together in our counts. Fluorescein angiography was not performed in AREDS at baseline, and neither optical coherence tomography (OCT) nor autofluorescence imaging had been clinically introduced when the study was launched. Thus, we did not consider reticular drusen separately. We excluded those few subjects who had end-stage central geographic atrophy in either eye at baseline. We considered the fellow eye to be affected with CNV only if there was evidence of wet AMD including previous laser or photodynamic therapy treatment by history or the presence of fibrotic scarring, subretinal fluid, hemorrhage, or hard exudates on clinical examination.
Subjects were followed from 12 to 2953 days, with an average follow-up of 1294 days or 3.5 years. One AREDS subject (category 3) was lost to follow-up after having only one postbaseline visit (12 days), and one AREDS subject (category 4) suffered an event 20 days after enrollment. All other subjects were followed for a minimum of 200 days. All morphological assessments were performed in a masked manner and in a random order. In the AREDS trial, subjects were randomized to intervention with one of four vitamin or micronutrient groups. We controlled for the possible effect of the assigned intervention as part of our analysis.
After collecting the data, we developed retrospective risk models predictive of CNV event occurrence for an eye, based on the eye's morphological features seen at baseline in both AREDS and PTAMD cohorts. In our models, we studied the following parameters: (1) the presence or absence of hyperpigmentation in the central 1000- and 3000-micron-diameter regions of the macula, (2) whether or not the fellow eye was affected by previous neovascular AMD, and (3) the total drusen area, measured as a continuous variable, within the central 1000- and 3000-micron regions.
We also included two categorical statistical models. The first was based on whether or not the total drusen area in a region reached a threshold amount, equivalent to the area of either one or five large drusen. The second categorical model was based on the presence or absence of at least one large druse. We also included best-corrected ETDRS visual acuity and age of the subjects.
To account for the clustering of eyes within subjects, we estimated logistic regression models using the method of generalized estimating equations. Two regions of interest within the macula were considered: the central 1000- and 3000-micron-diameter circles, centered at the foveola. For each region, four models were estimated: (1) the full model in which both the AREDS and PTAMD study subjects were pooled and allowing for an interaction between drusen area and the specific study in which the patient participated, (2) a model using AREDS subjects alone, (3) a model using only PTAMD subjects, and (4) a model in which both studies were simply combined without allowing for an interaction. The R statistical programming language and environment was used to perform all of the computations and to construct graphs (R Development Core Team. 2009. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3–900,051-07-0,
We expressed the effects of all the explanatory factors for CNV event occurrence as odds ratios (ORs). For categorical explanatory factors such as pigment occurrence (yes/no), the effect is the odds for a CNV event occurring given a “yes” response divided by the odds for an event given a “no” response. For continuous explanatory factors such as age, the OR is the ratio of the odds for a CNV event at age x in years divided by the odds at age x − 1. For these statistical models, the measured drusen area in the eyes of cohorts was transformed to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Thus, the OR is based on the effect of a 1-standard deviation increase of drusen area. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05.
As neither baseline visual acuity nor the AREDS supplement group assignment achieved statistical significance in any of our models, we did not include them in our final models. Age of the subjects in years was included for descriptive purposes.
Categorization of a patient's eye into either a high- or low-risk category for the development of a neovascular event has several implications. In addition to needing more careful monitoring, high-risk patients should themselves perform more detailed Amsler grid testing or other functional assessments at home if they are capable of doing so. Furthermore, as prophylactic strategies are introduced in an effort to prevent dry AMD from converting to the wet form, clinical trials to establish efficacy are best conducted by selecting those patients at high risk for event occurrence. This has the practical value of decreasing the number of subjects needed for such a trial while also decreasing its cost and duration.
Our study is among the first to explore the risk of developing neovascular AMD using careful quantification of drusen and drusen area on digital images obtained over several years' time. We found that total drusen area and the presence of pigment were significant risk factors in only some of our models and that the results depended on the region of regard (
Tables 1 and
2). In the central 3000 microns, total drusen area was not a significant risk factor in any model, but hyperpigmentation was. In the central 1000-micron-diameter region, total drusen area was significant. It is noteworthy that models using continuous parameters such as total drusen area are generally more robust than those using categorical data. Looking at previous descriptions of risk and drusen area as found in the AREDS risk scale, the depiction of measured drusen area was actually categorical in nature.
14,15 This may be one reason why our results differ from those described in previous reports. In our cohort of AREDS participants, we did find that the presence of a single large druse located within the central 3000-micron region of regard was a significant risk factor, but when the druse was found within the central 1000-micron zone alone, it was not (
Table 3A).
The strongest and most consistent risk factor for the development of CNV in every model that we investigated was involvement of the fellow eye (“fellow eye affected”). Our statistical method calculated the risk for each eye alone and did not require us to express risk on a per-subject basis, as is done in other risk assessment strategies.
15 In this way, the relative importance of each risk factor for an eye can be seen more clearly.
When drusen area was treated as a threshold parameter (
Table 4), its significance as a risk factor for the development of CNV was inconsistent. In the central 3000-micron-diameter region of the macula, the presence of hyperpigmentation (OR, 3.176), an affected fellow eye (OR, 4.048), or a drusen area equivalent to that of five large drusen or more (OR, 4.904) each reached significance in the AREDS cohort. Operationally, ORs for each of the significant parameters are multiplied together when more than one feature is present in a given eye, yielding the total odds for event occurrence for that eye. For example, in the AREDS subject described, the odds of a CNV event occurring in the remaining eye is 3.176 × 4.048 × 4.904, or 63 times, higher than if these same features were absent. Significance for these same parameters was not met in the PTAMD cohort, except for hyperpigmentation. When the drusen area threshold was lowered to an equivalent area of just a single large druse located within in the central 3000-micron region, this risk parameter was no longer significant for predicting CNV.
We are aware of research conducted at several centers where drusen volume is determined using OCT.
22,23 The OCT provides a geometric profile of larger drusen, allowing the volume to be calculated from the cross-sectional, z-axis information. Germane to these calculations, however, is the necessity that accurate measurements of drusen area in the x-y plane must be made. Since we found that drusen area, when measured as a continuous variable, was not a consistent and compelling risk factor for the development of CNV, we are skeptical that drusen volume itself will be particularly relevant. Furthermore, as part of a recent report, we longitudinally assessed morphological features in thousands of images from hundreds of subjects with AMD followed over several years.
24 In that study, measurements of drusen were conducted at baseline and at each annual visit up to 8.1 years thereafter (median, 3.8 years). We found that sequential changes in drusen area over time did not signal an increased risk of conversion to neovascular AMD. We did find, however, that ETDRS protocol–measured visual acuity decreased in subjects well before the neovascular event occurred, and this reduction in acuity appeared to signal the eventual conversion of dry AMD to the wet form of the disease.
We did not control for systemic risk factors, such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, smoking history, family history, or dietary habits.
1,2,25 We did control for vitamin and mineral assignment in the AREDS cohort. In PTAMD, vitamin usage was not documented. Failure to control for these parameters is an admitted weakness in our investigation, but we doubt that adjusted ORs for our drusen parameters would be substantially different.
As the number of neovascular events occurring in our cohorts over the follow-up interval was rather small (26 eyes in AREDS, 6 eyes in PTAMD), our model could not predict the probability of event occurrence in a robust fashion. We did, however, plot the rough probability of an eye developing wet AMD as a function of drusen area, measured at baseline in the two regions of regard for our AREDS subjects (
Fig. 1). For the 26 AREDS event eyes in aggregate, the probability of an event increased with increasing drusen area initially, but then the curve flattened out. As 10 of the 26 AREDS event eyes were in subjects whose fellow eye was affected at baseline (category 4), we plotted this event group separately. In the 3000-micron region, the curve for fellow-eye–affected eyes actually inverted as a total drusen area of approximately 0.75 mm
2 was reached (an area equivalent to approximately 60 large drusen).
Our results, taken in aggregate, challenge the belief that an eye is necessarily at a correspondingly higher risk of developing wet AMD as more and more drusen develop and drusen area increases. The risk of CNV imparted from the presence of drusen in an eye seems, in fact, to reach a maximum threshold in some cohorts. In addition, we found that where the drusen are located is also relevant.
Table 3. CNV Event Occurrence as a Function of the Presence of a Large Druse: Comparison of Models (Odds Ratios)
Table 3. CNV Event Occurrence as a Function of the Presence of a Large Druse: Comparison of Models (Odds Ratios)
1000 | | Confidence Intervals |
AREDS | Point Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.032 | 0.000 | 35.273 | |
Age | 0.990 | 0.908 | 1.079 | |
Pigment = Y | 1.709 | 0.548 | 5.327 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 6.437 | 2.496 | 16.595 | * |
At least one large druse | 2.596 | 0.955 | 7.059 | |
1000 | | Confidence Intervals | |
PTAMD† | Point Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 3.654 | 0.002 | 5917.327 | |
Age | 0.920 | 0.825 | 1.027 | |
Pigment = Y | 1.365 | 0.153 | 12.186 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 17.558 | 2.136 | 144.362 | * |
At least one large druse | 8.235 | 0.308 | 220.073 | |
3000 | | Confidence Intervals | |
AREDS | Point Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.025 | 0.000 | 11.157 | |
Age | 0.986 | 0.916 | 1.062 | |
Pigment = Y | 3.398 | 1.183 | 9.76 | * |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 4.586 | 1.689 | 12.454 | * |
At least one large druse | 3.452 | 1.113 | 10.713 | * |
3000 | | Confidence Intervals | |
PTAMD† | Point Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.000 | 0.000 | Infinite | |
Age | 0.978 | 0.890 | 1.075 | |
Pigment = Y | 6.579 | 0.606 | 71.389 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 11.624 | 1.542 | 87.646 | * |
At least one large druse | Infinite | 0.000 | Infinite | |
Table 3A. Comparison of Models by Parameter (Odds Ratios)
Table 3A. Comparison of Models by Parameter (Odds Ratios)
Parameter | AREDS | PTAMD* |
1000 | 3000 | 1000 | 3000 |
Intercept | 0.032 | 0.025 | 3.654 | 0.000 |
Age | 0.990 | 0.986 | 0.920 | 0.978 |
Pigment = Y | 1.709 | 3.398 | 1.365 | 6.579 |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 6.437 | 4.586 | 17.558 | 11.624 |
At least one large druse | 2.596 | 3.452 | 8.235 | Infinite |
Table 4. Odds Ratios for CNV Event Occurrence as a Function of Meeting Drusen Area Thresholds
Table 4. Odds Ratios for CNV Event Occurrence as a Function of Meeting Drusen Area Thresholds
AREDS One Druse Equivalent Area (EA) |
1000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.012 | 0.000 | 8.816 | |
Age, y | 0.992 | 0.917 | 1.075 | |
Pigment = Y | 1.533 | 0.598 | 3.928 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 5.142 | 1.996 | 13.25 | * |
At least one1 large druse EA† | 5.360 | 1.482 | 19.389 | * |
AREDS Five Drusen Equivalent Area (EA) |
1000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.016 | 0 | 16.168 | |
Age, y | 0.997 | 0.916 | 1.086 | |
Pigment = Yes | 1.484 | 0.548 | 4.022 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 5.765 | 2.241 | 14.831 | * |
At least 5 large drusen EA† | 3.299 | 1.347 | 8.08 | * |
PTAMD One Druse Equivalent Area (EA) |
1000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.000 | 0.000 | Infinite | |
Age, y | 0.952 | 0.870 | 1.043 | |
Pigment = Y | 2.821 | 0.404 | 19.688 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 13.056 | 1.869 | 91.190 | * |
At least one large druse EA† | Infinite | 0.000 | Infinite | |
PTAMD Five Drusen Equivalent Area (EA) |
1000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 1.577 | 0.001 | 2218.004 | |
Age, y | 0.951 | 0.868 | 1.043 | |
Pigment = Y | 2.920 | 0.394 | 21.619 | |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 12.62 | 1.731 | 92.012 | * |
At least five large drusen EA† | 0.728 | 0.080 | 6.632 | |
AREDS One Druse Equivalent Area (EA) |
3000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.009 | 0 | 7.781 | |
Age, y | 0.993 | 0.919 | 1.072 | |
Pigment = Y | 4.690 | 1.819 | 12.097 | * |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 4.772 | 1.745 | 13.05 | * |
At least one large druse EA† | 3.296 | 0.427 | 25.464 | |
AREDS One Druse Equivalent Area (EA) |
3000 | | 95% Confidence Interval |
Estimate | Lower Bound | Upper Bound | SS Slope |
Intercept | 0.018 | 0.000 | 8.35 | |
Age, y | 0.986 | 0.916 | 1.061 | |
Pigment = Y | 3.176 | 1.179 | 8.558 | * |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 4.048 | 1.584 | 10.346 | * |
At least five large drusen EA† | 4.904 | 1.247 | 19.282 | * |
Table 4A. Comparison of Odds Ratio Estimates by Study and Drusen Area Equivalent for the Central 1000-Micron Region
Table 4A. Comparison of Odds Ratio Estimates by Study and Drusen Area Equivalent for the Central 1000-Micron Region
One Druse | Five Drusen | One Druse | Five Drusen |
Intercept | 0.012 | 0.016 | 0.000 | 1.577 |
Age | 0.992 | 0.997 | 0.952 | 0.951 |
Pigment = Y | 1.533 | 1.484 | 2.821 | 2.920 |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 5.142 | 5.765 | 13.056 | 12.620 |
At least one (or five) large drusen EA | 5.360 | 3.299 | Infinite | 0.728 |
Table 4B. Comparison of Odds Ratio Estimates for AREDS by Drusen Area Equivalent for the Central 3000-Micron Region*
Table 4B. Comparison of Odds Ratio Estimates for AREDS by Drusen Area Equivalent for the Central 3000-Micron Region*
One Druse | Five Drusen |
Intercept | 0.009 | 0.018 |
Age | 0.993 | 0.986 |
Pigment = Y | 4.690 | 3.176 |
Fellow eye affected = Y | 4.772 | 4.048 |
At least one (or five) large drusen EA | 3.296 | 4.904 |