This study shows for the first time that the antioxidant enzyme GPx1 plays an important role in protecting the premature retina from oxidant-induced injury in ROP. Lack of GPx1 exacerbates key pathogenic features of ROP in mice, including vaso-obliteration and intravitreous neovascularization. In the first phase of ROP, lack of GPx1 and the associated oxidative stress results in enhanced vaso-obliteration under hyperoxic conditions, most likely as a result of vessel growth cessation. In turn, lack of GPx1 also exacerbates the proliferative phase of ROP (phase 2), resulting in a modest yet significant increase in preretinal neovascularization, most likely due to an increase in proangiogenic growth factors such as VEGF.
It is speculated that preterm retinas are particularly vulnerable to oxidant-induced damage because of their underdeveloped antioxidant defense systems coupled with their lipid-rich composition. Biological organisms utilize several endogenous antioxidant defenses to cope with oxidative stress.
25 Superoxide radicals are neutralized to water via a two-step process involving superoxide dismutase (SOD) in a first step, and GPx or catalase in a second step. Increased production of superoxide leads to the formation of peroxynitrite through its interaction with NO and a buildup of the intermediate H
2. This leads to increased protein and lipid damage, respectively, the latter resulting in increased formation of lipid hydroperoxides.
13 Since antioxidant defense systems mature only in the later phase of gestation within the preterm retina in preparation for transition into an oxygen-rich extrauterine environment, this leaves the premature retina vulnerable to oxidative injury.
Several studies have investigated the role of SOD in protecting the premature retina from ROP; however, conflicting results have been reported.
26–28 In a recent study, Usui and colleagues showed that an increase in GPx or catalase, the peroxide-detoxifying enzymes, is more important than overexpression of SOD alone in attenuating oxidative stress–induced damage in retinal disease.
29 However, since catalase and GPx both detoxify H
2, the relative importances of these two enzymes cannot be distinguished in their study. In the current study, we found that the expression of catalase, at the mRNA level at least, was not altered in our model of ROP in WT retinas, while GPx1 was significantly upregulated. In addition, we showed that catalase is unaffected by the lack of GPx1, suggesting that catalase plays a lesser role in protecting the premature retina from oxidative damage.
On the other hand, a previous study reported a significant increase in the activity of GPx in the premature retina compared to the mature retina, implying that GPx functions as an important early defense mechanism in premature infants.
15 GPx has previously been reported to play important roles in protecting the retina from phototoxicity
24,30 and cataract formation.
31 The GPx enzyme family consists of four selenium-dependent isoforms, GPx1, GPx2, GPx3, and GPx4. In this study, a significant increase in GPx1 gene expression was observed in ROP WT retina. However, the gene expression of GPx2, GPx3, and GPx4 was not changed in ROP WT retina compared to shams. Most importantly, the gene expression of GPx2, GPx3, and GPx4 was unaffected by the lack of GPx1, suggesting that the lack of GPx1 is not compensated for by the other selenium-dependent GPx isoenzymes. Our data therefore suggest not only that GPx is the more important H
2-detoxifying enzyme in the retina, but also that the GPx1 isoform plays a significant role in protection of the premature retina from oxidant-induced damage.
GPx1 neutralizes three major oxidants, namely H
2, lipid peroxides, and peroxynitrite.
13 The protective role of GPx1 may be of clinical relevance in ROP since retinal tissue has the highest level of polyunsaturated fatty acids of any known tissue, and the aforementioned molecules are known to cause damaging peroxidation reactions.
10 Lipid peroxidation of cell membranes results in loss of structural integrity and function, and retinal endothelial cells are particularly susceptible to peroxidation-induced injury.
32 Furthermore, peroxynitrite is known to mediate hyperoxia-induced apoptosis of retinal capillary endothelial cells, resulting in retinal microvascular degeneration and subsequent preretinal neovascularization.
6 Indeed, the increased nitrotyrosine observed in the ROP GPx1 KO retinal tissue is indicative of increased peroxynitrite. Together with the increased vaso-obliteration observed in the ROP GPx1 KO retina, this strongly suggests that GPx1 protects against apoptosis of retinal endothelial cells.
Another major antioxidant system that is capable of neutralizing H
2 is the thioredoxin system in which thioredoxin 1 (Trx1) and Trx peroxidase (peroxiredoxin) scavenge H
2 to produce water. However, our model of ROP had no effect on the gene expression of Trx1; and additionally, a lack of GPx1 did not affect the level of Trx1 gene expression. Heme oxygenase (HO) is an enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of heme to produce biliverdin, iron, and carbon monoxide.
33 The inducible form of HO, HO-1, is increased in response to oxidative stress.
34 In preterm infants, the expression of HO-1 is known to increase concurrently with a drop in total plasma bilirubin level and a reduction in total hydroperoxides, suggesting that HO-1 might play a role in reducing oxidative stress in premature infants.
35 Furthermore, HO-1 is thought to play an important role in retinal glial cells to protect photoreceptors from oxidative damage.
36,37 In this study, gene expression of HO-1 was increased in our model of ROP; however, the induction of HO-1 was not affected by the lack of GPx1. Therefore, although HO-1 may play a protective role in ROP, the increased oxidative damage and exacerbated retinal pathology observed in the GPx1 KO retina suggests that HO-1 was unable to prevent the overriding injury caused by a loss of GPx1 activity.
In the current study, expression of VEGF was significantly increased in the ROP GPx1 KO retina compared to the ROP WT retina, together with a concomitant increase in preretinal neovascularization. VEGF is an endothelial-specific mitogen and chemoattractant that plays a key role in the normal development of the retinal vasculature. Furthermore, the role of VEGF in ROP has been well characterized.
1,38 Indeed, when premature infants are exposed to supplementary oxygen, hyperoxia suppresses VEGF expression, resulting in the cessation of normal vessel growth, regression of existing vessels, and vaso-obliteration. In the second phase of ROP, hypoxia driven by the loss of vessels in phase 1 leads to induction of VEGF expression, resulting in neovascularization.
39 Astrocytes are the normal source of VEGF that drives the formation of the inner layer of vasculature.
40 Under intense hypoxia, retinal astrocytes degenerate, leading to compensation by other cell types such as neurons and Müller cells to secrete VEGF. Aberrant vascular development and patterning ensues, which results in intravitreal neovascularization.
41 In the ROP GPx1 KO retina, vaso-obliteration appeared to be more severely affected than preretinal neovascularization and increases in VEGF. These findings suggest that an increase in ROS due to a deficiency in GPx1 has a more potent effect on capillary degeneration than on new blood vessel growth. Nevertheless, the increase in DHE labeling in the GCL associated with preretinal neovascularization in ROP GPx1 KO retina indicates that ROS may have induced VEGF expression
9,42 to promote preretinal neovascularization.
Glial cells, which include astrocytes and Müller cells, are thought to play important roles in ROP, and their function is well characterized in mouse
23 and rat models of ROP.
43 Hypoxia is known to induce Müller cell gliosis, resulting in a loss of function.
44 In ROP, gliotic Müller cells upregulate GFAP and are found predominantly in the avascular retina.
23,45,46 Müller cell–derived VEGF is a major contributor to retinal neovascularization in ROP.
47 Microglia increase in number and become activated in ROP
18,23 ; however, their role in ROP remains unclear. Microglia may contribute to ROP by releasing both neurotoxic and proangiogenic factors.
43 In the current study, despite the increase in ROS and the oxidative damage observed in the ROP GPx1 KO retina, Müller cell gliosis and the number of microglia were unaffected by the lack of GPx1. This result is consistent with previous findings showing that retinal endothelial cells are especially vulnerable to ROS toxicity while other cell types, such as smooth muscle cells, astrocytes, pericytes, and neurons, are considerably less affected.
In summary, a deficiency in GPx1 was associated with increased oxidative stress, increased avascular area, and preretinal neovascularization in a mouse model of ROP. Our study has therefore shown the importance of the antioxidant GPx1 in the protection against ROP and provides evidence that a deficiency in this antioxidant enzyme leads to retinal vascular damage, most likely as a consequence of increased oxidative injury. Our data therefore strongly suggest that the reduced antioxidant capacity of preterm retinas is an important factor in the development of ROP. This idea would be further strengthened by gain-of-function studies to increase GPx1 activity, either via the overexpression of GPx1 or through the use of synthetic GPx1 mimetics in animal models of ROP. Furthermore, GPx1 mimetics might offer a novel antioxidant approach to limit retinal vascular damage associated with ROP. Thus far, treatment of preterm infants with nonselective antioxidants such as vitamin E has proved disappointing.
48–50 Therefore, a deeper understanding of the antioxidants and the specific pathways that convey protection against ROP, as shown by this study, will lead to better treatment options to satisfy this unmet clinical need.