Several types of innate immune sensors are triggered when HSV infects the cornea and many molecules with diverse function are rapidly produced. These include proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, interferons and angiogenic factors such as VEGF. Among the best-studied innate sensors are the toll-like receptors with TLR2, TLR3, and TLR9: all involved as HSV sensors.
45,46 Additional intracellular sensors may also recognize HSV and these include the recently described sensor STING that recognizes HSV-induced membrane fusion and inflammasomes that lead to production of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1b.
47–49 The innate recognition phase sets the scene for both infection control, mediated by interferons and innate effectors such as granulocytes, macrophages, and NK cells, as well as establishing conditions that result in tissue damage orchestrated by adaptive components of immunity. Most persons with HSV keratitis resolve infection with little or no stromal disease. Those less fortunate develop HSK with this outcome most likely to occur after one or more recurrences from latency. Why individuals differ in their response pattern to HSV infection remains poorly understood, but differential regulation of innate and adaptive immunity by one or more species of miRNA is a likely possibility that merits investigation.
With regard to the extent of innate immune sensing, evidence accumulates showing that TLR function is subject to control by numerous miRNA species. As lucidly reviewed by O'Neil and colleagues,
50 miRNAs may regulate the strength, location, and timing of TLR responses and also appear to control the switch from an early innate immune-induced–proinflammatory response to conditions that represent the resolution phase of the inflammatory process. In fact, at least 10 miRNAs are upregulated when one or more TLRs engage their ligands and others are downregulated. Apparently, the TLRs themselves are not targeted by miRNAs and regulation mainly affects the activity of signaling molecules.
50 In this context, TLR signal transducers such as MyD88, IRAK, TAB, TRAF6, and IKK are all targets of one or more species of miRNAs. In addition, transcriptional factors induced by TLR ligation are subject to miRNA regulation and some miRNAs also degrade the products of TLR signaling.
50 One such miRNA is let-7, which binds to the mRNA of IL-6 and decreases expression of this cytokine, which is a major participant in HSK pathogenesis and also a stimulant of the angiogenic factor VEGF.
51 Additionally, other cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-10, IL-12, and IFN-γ are directly repressed by miRNA action.
50 However, what role if any these aforementioned miRNAs play during the innate phase of HSK pathogenesis remains to be seen.
Additional components of innate responses to HSV include granulocytes, macrophages, and NK cells. The function of all of these cell types is influenced by miRNA expression.
52–54 For example, miR-223 regulates the proliferation and activation status of neutrophils.
55 Furthermore, it's also conceivable that miRNAs are involved in regulating tissue-damaging molecules such as the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen radicals by neutrophils and the generation of neutrophil extracellular traps. Macrophage function during infection is influenced my several miRNAs that include miR-155, miR-146, miR-132, miR-147, miR-9, let-7e, miR-27b, and miR-125b.
56,57 Similarly, NK cell killer function, such as granzyme activity, is influenced by miR-155 and miR-27a*.
Although it is still in its early days, it has become evident that miRNAs derived from innate immune cells—and perhaps exported from such cells in the form of exosomes
60 —are important regulators of inflammation, and the miRNAs also influence the balance of adaptive immune responses that determine whether immunity or tissue damage ensues. Indeed, the enforced expression of TLR-induced miRNAs might well turn out to be useful negative regulators of the inflammatory process, as well as tools to shape the desired pattern of adaptive immunity to one that has minimal tissue damage.
As mentioned in a previous section, the tissue-damaging events in HSK are orchestrated predominantly by effector CD4 T cells, with the actual damage mainly mediated by neutrophils and macrophages.
9,61,62 Multiple miRNAs are known to influence the induction and effector function of T cells, the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells, as well as the participation of additional cell types such as regulatory T cells involved in lesion resolution. The topic is complex and fast moving. In consequence, we mention only what may be the most pertinent miRNA expression events that impact on the pathogenesis of HSK and that represent promising candidates for therapeutic manipulation to change the outcome of disease.
The miRNA miR-23b, generally implicated in liver regeneration,
63,64 is a likely candidate since it also acts as a critical regulator in several autoimmune syndromes in humans and mice whose pathogenesis is similar to HSK.
65 Accordingly, miR-23b normally plays an anti-inflammatory role by inhibiting the transcription factor NFkB that in turn regulates the production of numerous proteins involved in tissue damage, as well as the recruitment of proinflammatory cells. The expression of miR-23b is downregulated by a still poorly understood mechanism when the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17 binds to its receptor. As a consequence, NFkB becomes hyperactivated and inflammation progresses. Although HSK is mainly orchestrated by inflammatory Th1 cells, the cytokine IL-17A produced by innate cells does play a prominent role during the onset of HSK and may also participate in neovascularization.
35,66 Thus, it is conceivable that miR-23b dysregulation occurs during HSK and this may influence the severity of lesions that ensue. This aspect merits investigation, as does the prospect that administration of additional miR-23b may represent a useful adjunct to therapy (Table).
miR-155 is another miRNA frequently implicated in inflammatory lesions and serves to positively regulate inflammation.
67–69 It is also required for normal immune function,
70,71 as well as for generation of pathogenic T cells,
72 and acts as an oncomir in various cancers.
73,74 Animals deficient in miR-155 because of gene knockout (KO) are resistant to the induction of some autoimmune diseases.
67,72 We have also observed that miR-155 KO animals develop significantly reduced HSK lesions, although they become highly susceptible to virus-induced encephalitis (S. Mulik, S. Bhela, and B.T. Rouse, unpublished observations, [2012]). The miR-155 may influence tissue damage in several ways that include regulating the production of critical chemokines such as those for neutrophils, which play a prominent role in HSK pathogenesis.
68 Our preliminary results in the HSK system indicate that chemokines such as the neutrophil attracting CXCL1, are reduced in miR-155–deficient animals. In addition, as is shown in some autoimmune models, miR-155 deficiency may also result in the increased production of the critical anti-inflammatory mediator IL-10, as well as reduced generation of Th1 and Th17 effectors that orchestrate HSK lesions.
72 In some inflammatory and autoimmune settings, loss of miR-155 also results in profound reduction in the inflammatory milieu as well as tissue damage.
69 Since counteracting T cell function and inflammation would be useful to limit tissue damage, administering antagomirs to diminish miR-155 expression may be a valuable approach to achieve this objective during HSK, as we are currently evaluating (Table).
There are other miRNAs that we speculate may significantly influence the pathogenesis of HSK. In this regard, miR-29 was recently shown to target Tbet and Eomes transcription factors, both of which promote IFN-γ production by Th1 cells,
75 central orchestrators of HSK pathogenesis. Similarly, miR-326 and miR-301a are involved in the generation of Th-17 cells, a subset recently shown to influence the later stages of HSK.
35 Inhibition of miR-326/301a resulted in attenuated EAE lesions in mice via effects on Th-17 cells.
76,77 miRNAs are also known to be involved in sequential steps of T cell proliferation. For example, miR-142-3p/5p, miR-17, and miR-20a inhibit T cell activation.
78,79 On the other hand, IL-2 induced miR-182 degrades Foxo 1 and promotes clonal expansion of activated helper T lymphocytes.
It is now realized that fully differentiated T cells, once considered a stable population, may take on other activities depending on environmental cues. For example, Tregs can lose their regulatory function and adopt effector phenotypes.
81 It appears that changes in miRNA expression may be involved in this cellular functional plasticity.
82 For example, in response to retinoic acid and TGFb, Tregs increase miR-10a expression that limits their conversion into follicular helper T cells and Th-17 cell subsets. Whether and how miRNAs influence various stages of T cell activation or T cell flexibility during HSK is largely unknown (Table).