The OCT data of patients can be reasonably well reconstructed with 48 PCs (e.g., left column of
Figs. 2–
7). In other words, the anatomical variability across subjects and the variability in the region of glaucomatous damage across patients can be expressed with a limited number of basic patterns. However, the reconstruction will never be perfect. (See, e.g., the data in the top row of
Fig. 4, which is one of poorest reconstructions in our data set.) First, the OCT data reconstructed with the 48 PCs (e.g.,
Fig. 4, top row) may lack some detail because details of high spatial frequency are represented in higher-order PCs, which are not included. In addition, some details of structural damage in a particular eye may not be well represented in the data of the other 83 patient eyes. Therefore, a sufficient amount of data that include most patterns of glaucomatous defects is the key to the success of this approach.
MLR has been previously applied by Zhu et al.
7 to transform SLP disc RNFL data into VFs formatted as 24-2 grayscale plots. They found that the MLR approach did not work as well as a neural network algorithm they devised. However, in their case, there were extra challenges for achieving a high-quality transformation with MLR. In particular, the information from the disc scan was essentially the thickness of RNFL in a ring. Thus, they used 1-dimensional data to predict the 2-dimensional VF data. Second, around the optic disc, there are many blood vessels that generate high-intensity and high spatial frequency signals. It is possible that many of the higher-order PCs of the 228 PCs used in their study represented blood vessels and that MLR might have worked better with considerably fewer PCs so that high spatial frequency signals not representing the RNFL profile were removed. In contrast, we used a richer frequency-domain OCT dataset, which included 2-dimensional RNFL and RGC+IPL thicknesses in the macula and RNFL thickness at the disc, 48 PCs, and assumed that retinal structural measures could be linearly transformed into visual function.
Consistent with this linear assumption, the VF scatter plots (
Figs. 7,
8) of actual VFs versus derived VFs show a linear trend. However, notice that there is a substantial nonzero intercept on the
y-axis (derived VF) and that the derived VFs have values less than 1.0 when the actual VFs of the patients are normal, similar to previous findings.
7 In other words, while the relationship is linear, it is not proportional. Based on our linear assumption, this result is not surprising. The derived VF essentially represents the relative thickness of the retinal structure. The value of 1.0 for the derived VF indicates normal thickness and the value of zero indicates zero thickness. Because there are structures that are relatively unaffected by glaucoma, such as glial cells and blood vessels, it follows that even after total loss of visual function, there will be some OCT thickness remaining, as has been observed in patients with extreme visual loss, originally shown by Sihota et al.
12 (see Ref. 11 for other references). There is another reason for the nonzero y-intercept. Due to the structural variability among eyes, the locations of RGCs and retinal nerve fibers corresponding to a given VF location are not identical in different eyes.
4,13–15 The OCT to VF transformation matrix represents not only the transformation between the two measures, but also the distribution of structural variability among subjects. The structural variability can be manifested in two ways in the linear transformation approach. First, a derived VF value will not be zero until all the related retinal structures become zero. Second, a derived VF value will not be 1.0 until all the related retinal structures are normal. On the other hand, normal eyes with significantly different distributions in the RNFL, such as those shown in the second and third rows in
Figure 6, will be predicted as normal.
Overall, our study showed reasonably good agreement (82.2%) between the derived VF and the actual VF in terms of normal and abnormal hemifields. Note that we did not expect perfect agreement given the independent sources of variability in both tests. If there were perfect agreement, there would be little value-added in combining information from both tests. In fact, the derived VF and actual VF disagree in 18.6% for the combined 10-2 and 24-2 format. In some cases the derived VF was a false negative (e.g.,
Fig. 4, top). In other cases, the actual VF was clearly a false negative (e.g.,
Fig. 5, top). The latter is more common. Given the derived VF is reasonably sensitive and specific and the OCT data are often acquired more quickly and easily, it is possible that OCT scans can play an important role for some screening purposes. In general, it has been shown that more diagnostic information can be gleaned by combining the structural and function information.
16,17 Our technique of expressing the OCT data as a VF makes combining the data much easier, for instance, by a simple point-to-point multiplication of the
P values, since the OCT to VF transformation map already has many of the corrections built in, such as ganglion cell displacement, that would be needed otherwise to compare the data in an optimal manner.
Our study is not without its limitations. First, the patients we included had abnormal-appearing optic discs, while their VFs could have appeared normal. Therefore, our measure of sensitivity of the derived VFs might be greater than one would expect for a general glaucoma population. Second, as mentioned above, a larger sample of healthy controls is needed for a more accurate determination of specificity. Finally, a larger sample of patterns of glaucomatous defects should further improve the agreement between the derived and actual OCT maps.