The increase in intraocular pressure in congenital or infantile glaucoma causes enlargement of the globe due to the softness and elasticity of the infant globe, which is particularly evident as a progressive increase in corneal diameter. Breaks in the Descemet's membrane, termed Haab's striae, are another typical finding.
1,2 Only a few studies
7–9 have analyzed the histopathological findings in buphthalmic corneas. Mastropasqua et al.
8 described findings from two adult patients with congenital glaucoma with buphthalmos using an in vivo confocal microscope. Using this modern technology, we studied the corneal changes in a group of patients with unilateral buphthalmos.
In our study, we found that the number of endothelial cells in healthy eyes was similar to that reported in previous studies.
11,21 In accord with earlier studies
7,8 we found abnormalities in the Descemet's membrane and the endothelium in buphthalmic eyes. The density of endothelial cells was significantly lower in buphthalmic eyes, and the mean area of these cells was significantly larger compared with healthy eyes. However, we did not prove increased polymegathism and pleomorphism of the endothelial cells in buphthalmic eyes compared with the healthy eyes. The mean endothelial cell area in the buphthalmic eyes was smaller than that in the cases by Mastropasqua et al.
8 Morphologic changes in the buphthalmic corneas were also clearly visible as Haab's striae on the Descemet's membranes. Very hyperreflective acellular scar tissue was also often observed at this tissue level. This is in agreement with the histologic description of Haab's striae.
8,22 It was also possible to observe that the inner surface of the above-described tissue revealed evident tractions and distortions of the endothelial cells, causing breaks in the endothelial layer in some cases. Similar findings were not observed in any of the healthy eyes. The mechanical expansion of the corneal tissue is assumed to be an important factor in the development of changes in buphthalmic corneas. These changes result in reduced density and compensatory hypertrophy of endothelial cells, which have very limited ability to proliferate, and lead to cicatricial changes in the surrounding tissue. In accord with this conception and previously published studies,
3–5 we proved the decreased central corneal thickness of buphthalmic eyes compared with healthy eyes. At the same time, this still confirms the satisfactory function of endothelial cells, preventing the formation of significant corneal edema. Nevertheless, other factors could contribute to the reduced number of endothelial cells. Prolonged corneal edema, which is a typical finding in eyes with congenital glaucoma at the time of diagnosis,
1–5 is one of these possible factors. It must also be noted that all the buphthalmic eyes herein had undergone intraocular glaucoma surgery, and the potential for endothelial cell loss is well documented after intraocular surgery.
23–26 In conclusion, the buphthalmic eye in each of these patients has a much different ocular history than an age-matched control. The final density of the endothelial cells observed in this study could have been influenced by a variety of factors.
Unlike Mastropasqua et al.,
8 we did not find a significant difference in the mean keratocyte density between buphthalmic corneas and healthy eyes in the posterior stroma. We also found no difference in the number of keratocytes in the anterior stroma between buphthalmic eyes and healthy eyes. The number of keratocytes in the anterior and posterior stroma corresponded to findings in healthy eyes that have been previously reported.
16 However, we observed abnormal stromal nerve fiber morphologies in some buphthalmic eyes. The altered stromal nerve morphology could be consistent with a possible mechanical force acting on the stroma at some point in the patient's past.
Compared with previous results,
16 we found a slightly higher density of basal epithelial cells in healthy eyes. Although earlier studies
11,16 failed to find a correlation between basal epithelial cell density and age, none of the studies focused on patients as young as the ones who participated in our study. So, the age variation could explain the observed differences in results. We also found a higher density of basal epithelial cells in buphthalmic corneas compared with healthy corneas.
Recent studies
27–29 have documented the effects of topical antiglaucoma therapy (with preservative) on corneal morphology. The basal epithelial cell density of glaucomatous preservative therapy groups was significantly higher than that of control and preservative-free groups. The density of superficial epithelial cells was significantly reduced in glaucoma patients except for patients in the preservative-free group. The authors hypothesized that the increase in basal epithelial cell density could be attributable to a proliferative stimulus from the superficial layer. Although in our study the mean superficial epithelial cell density was lower in buphthalmic eyes, the difference was not statistically significant. Proliferative activity of different cells can be affected by the action of mechanical factors,
30–32 basement membrane modifications,
33–35 and effects of growth factors.
36,37 Different growth factors have been identified that can modify corneal epithelial cell mitotic activity.
32 Corneal epithelial cells are derived from mitotic activity in the limbal basal cells and basal epithelial cells continuously.
38–40 The toxic action of preservative, especially BAC, on the eye surface has been widely demonstrated.
29,41 BAC promotes activation of lipoxygenases and synthesis and secretion of eicosanoids, cytokines, and inflammatory mediators.
42 Thus, chronic antiglaucoma medication as a cause of high basal epithelial cell density in buphthalmic eyes is probable. However, we also found a higher basal epithelial cell density in the buphthalmic eye in one patient who was not using topical medication. Mechanical forces acting at the time of buphthalmos development could also affect the proliferative capacity of basal and limbal cells, and the growth factors released during trauma and the subsequent healing process of corneal tissue may influence the basement membrane structure and rate of corneal epithelial cell proliferation. Thus, the effect of additional factors that could contribute to changes in buphthalmic eyes cannot be ruled out. Further studies are needed to fully clarify the process.
In the present study, we described corneal changes in buphthalmic eyes using a corneal confocal microscope. Unilateral glaucoma with buphthalmos is rare. We had a unique opportunity to compare findings from patients with unilateral impairment and, in so doing, clearly document the structural changes that appear in buphthalmic corneas. The buphthalmic eye in each of these patients has a much different ocular history than an age-matched control. However, using the same patient for his or her own control is a way to eliminate some of the confounding factors. Nevertheless, we cannot quite exclude the possibility of concurrence of more complex anterior segment dysgenesis and an inherent corneal pathology. Another limitation is the fact that the measurements represent small areas within the central cornea.
A possible weakness of the study is that the measurements were not performed in truly masked fashion because the basic data of a selected patient are always displayed on the screen. However, the observer who evaluated the scans did not know which eye was healthy and which eye was buphthalmic. Thus, we believe that the measurements performed were not biased.
Progress in the treatment of congenital glaucoma maintains usable vision of the affected eyes up to older age. Thus, we may be increasingly faced in the future with the problem of dealing with consequent potential pathologies such as cataracts or endothelium exhaustion. Also, refractive surgery could enable full correction of high anisometropia (in cases of unilateral buphthalmos) or high astigmatism in some cases. Monitoring of corneal changes and their evolution over time could help to contribute to accurate assessments regarding future ocular surgical procedures.