Retinal vascular PO
2 was measured with our custom optical section phosphorescence lifetime imaging system.
15 In short, a laser beam was focused to a vertical line, and projected at an oblique angle on the retina. An optical section phosphorescence image of the retinal vasculature was acquired with an intensified charge-coupled device camera attached to a slit lamp biomicroscope. Since the incident laser beam was at an angle with respect to the imaging path, phosphorescence emissions of the Pd-porphine from the retinal vessels were depth-resolved. Phosphorescence lifetime was determined using a frequency-domain approach and converted to PO
2 measurements using the Stern-Volmer relationship defined by PO
2 = (1/
κ Q) · (1/
τ − 1/
τ 0), where
κ Q (mm Hg
−1) is the quenching constant for the triplet-state of Pd-porphine,
τ (μs) is the phosphorescence lifetime, and
τ 0 (μs) is the lifetime in a zero-oxygen environment.
16,17 Measurements of PO
2 were obtained in a retinal sector, defined by a zone bounded by two major retinal arteries (PO
2A), with a major retinal vein (PO
2V) between the two arteries (
Fig. 1). Three repeated measurements were obtained at nasal and temporal retinal sectors, within three optic disc diameters (∼600 μm) from the edge of the optic nerve head. A red-free retinal image was acquired for documenting the locations of the PO
2 measurements. Under both ventilation conditions, the laser power incident on the cornea was approximately 40 μW, which is safe for 1 hour of continuous viewing according to the American National Standard Institute for Safety Standards.