Hyaluronate is not only an important component of extracellular matrix but also interacts with cells during several cellular pathways, such as embryonic morphogenesis, inflammation, and wound repair, as well as chemoresistance. It regulates cell movement and transport of extracelluar components.
19 It could inhibit nitric oxide–induced apoptosis and dedifferentiation of articular chondrocytes,
20 and upgrade VEGF expression in rabbit Achilles tendon.
21 At present, SH is widely used as a kind of substitute for tears. Clinical research has shown that SH could improve grading scores of conjunctival impression cytology for treating severe dry eye in Sjögren's syndrome patients.
22 In this study, we demonstrated that SH could decrease ocular surface toxicity induced by benzalkonium chloride–preserved latanoprost. To our best knowledge, this has been the first in vivo study to demonstrate the function of SH to decrease the toxicity induced by BAC-preserved antiglaucoma drops.
Although quite a few studies suggested that the active component latanoprost did not induce overexpression of various inflammatory cytokines,
23,24 and was even responsible for protective effects against BAC toxicity by its antioxidative properties, evidence showed that BAC-preserved latanoprost induced toxicity on conjunctival epithelial cells in vitro.
25 We demonstrated significant time-dependent ocular surface toxicities in 0.02% of the BAC-latanoprost treated group in this study, including decreases in basal tear secretion and goblet cell density, increases in inflammatory cell infiltration, and apoptosis rates. It seemed that the protective effects of latanoprost were not enough to neutralize the toxicities of BAC.
BAC induces damage in the superficial structure and integrity.
26 Fluorescein staining means the disruption of corneal epithelial cell-cell junctions and damaged corneal epithelial cells.
27 Rose bengal staining means deficiency in tear film (especially mucin layer), which covers corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells.
28 The Schirmer test is the classic method for measuring the production of the aqueous component in tears.
26 Microvilli on the surfaces of corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells play a key role in the adherence of tear film mucin layer to epithelial cells. Under SEM and TEM, ultrastructural disorders of the epithelial cells and microvilli could be observed clearly. The results of our study showed that SH could decrease fluorescein and rose bengal staining induced by application of BAC-preserved latanoprost and could increase aqueous tear production and protect ultrastructures, such as microvilli on the epithelial cells. A rational explanation may be that SH, a viscous biopolymer with negative charges, can neutralize the toxic cationic charge of the remaining BAC quaternary ammonium.
29 Moreover, viscoelastic properties and long ocular surface residence time of SH have rendered it effectively increase tear film stability and corneal wettability, and reduce the tear evaporation rate.
30 It was recently reported that a hyaluronate receptor, CD44, is expressed in human and rabbit corneas.
31,32 SH promoted human cornea epithelial cell migration by the adhesion between CD44 receptor.
Dogan et al.
7 found that the apoptosis rates of epithelial cells were higher in glaucoma patients; however, no difference was found between different antiglaucoma medications. In a reconstructed three-dimensional model of human corneal epithelial cells (3D-HCEs), BAC induced more positive TUNEL staining (representing late stage of apoptosis and cell death) in the superficial cell layers and more activation of caspase-3 (representing early stage of apoptosis) in the deeper layers.
34 We also demonstrated that BAC-preserved latanoprost increased TUNEL staining especially in the superficial layer of conjunctival epithelium; nevertheless, this phenomenon was significant suppressed by topical application of SH. Because protection against ocular surface disorders could be achieved by suppression of apoptosis,
35,36 we consider that SH could effectively protect the ocular surface during topical antiglaucomatous therapy.
There are three possible mechanisms through which SH decreases the apoptosis rate. First, BAC can induce reactive oxygen species overproduction, which is associated with alterations of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and results in stretching of mitochondrial crests and formation of megamitochondria.
37 The mitochondrial dysfunction induces the activation of apoptogenic proteases with secondary endonuclease activation and consequent apoptosis.
8 SH is rich in hydroxyl functions, which may potentially absorb reactive oxygen species induced by BAC. Second, several recent studies indicated that BAC-induced P2X7 receptor activation could cause cytolytic pore formation and lead to apoptosis.
38 SH physically coated cell membrane via strong links with CD44 receptors. At the same time, it masked the P2X7 receptors, and inhibited the P2X7 receptors to be activated.
15 Finally, toxicological studies showed in conjunctival cell lines, the prostaglandin analogue seemed to present cytoprotective and antioxidative effects against BAC-induced toxicity.
23–25 These protective effects of latanoprost became possibly apparent after BAC neutralization by SH. That is to say, we can hypothesize that SH and latanoprost play a synergic role in reducing BAC-induced toxicity.
A more severe side effect of BAC-preserved antiglaucoma drops is chronic ocular surface inflammation. Broadway and colleagues
39 found that subclinical inflammation induced by the use of topical preserved antiglaucoma drugs was associated with a significantly lower trabeculectomy success rate in comparison with patients undergoing initial trabeculectomy. Baudouin et al.
6 showed that glaucoma patients treated over 1 year, even though clinically asymptomatic, exhibited significant expression of HLA-DR, ICAM-1, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 in the conjunctival epithelium. BAC-preserved drugs may cause apoptosis in epithelial cells, increased renewal of the conjunctival epithelium, release of inflammatory cytokines, and further activation of inflammatory cells. Our study demonstrated that SH could effectively decrease inflammatory cell infiltration induced by BAC in the conjunctival epithelium and stroma. Ex vivo and in vivo studies showed that BAC-preserved latanoprost induced fewer positive cells for inflammatory marker expression compared with 0.02% BAC-preserved timolol
23 or 0.02% BAC alone.
40 In this work, the latanoprost anti-inflammatory effect observed may be promoted after BAC neutralization by SH. Besides the antioxidative nature and possible cooperation with latanoprost, SH may decrease expression of apoptosis-related inflammatory markers, Fas, APO2.7, HLA-DR, and CD40 through CD44 mediation, just like in treatment of moderate dry eye syndrome and superficial keratitis.
41 A limitation of this study is lack of detecting the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Our further understanding of the mechanism was limited due to the poor availability of antibodies against rabbit proteins. Further studies are required.
GCD is a key parameter that reflects the overall health of the ocular surface.
42 Conjunctival impression cytology is the most effective noninvasive technique for counting goblet cells. Current studies showed that BAC might trigger a direct toxicity on goblet cells and inhibit mucin production in goblet cells.
26 Pisella et al.
23 found that in patients treated with BAC-preserved antiglaucoma drugs, the lowest levels of MUC5AC-positive cells were related to the highest HLA-DR and ICAM-1 levels, thus emphasizing that inflammation in conjunctiva was associated with a highly significant decrease in goblet cells. Inflammatory immune environment caused apoptosis of goblet cells and decreased production of secretory granules, resulting in an unstable tear film, thereby aggravated ocular surface damage and stimulated the inflammation cascade of the epithelial cells. Thus, the eye entered a vicious cycle.
43 In our study, SH significantly improved GCD and conjunctival squamous metaplasia. Moreover, TEM also showed more glycogen inside goblet cells in the SH-treated latanoprost than in the PBS-treated group. SH possibly maintains goblet cell density and stimulates mucin synthesis by neutralizing BAC and also through its antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, which might help the ocular epithelium break out of the vicious cycle of apoptosis, inflammation, and goblet cell loss.
The model consisting of regular applications that mimic the clinical setting in rabbit eyes does not reflect the real ocular surface reactions in patients, even rabbit corneal tissue appears to be more sensitive to the exposure of antiglaucoma medications than human tissues.
5 But it may emphasize the actions of SH and the histomorphological changes that are difficult to obtain from patients.
In conclusion, our in vivo study displayed that SH significantly reduced the ocular surface toxicity induced by one commonly used antiglaucoma medication, preserved latanoprost. As a vehicle or neutralizing material, SH could be proposed to reduce ocular toxicity, and protect the ocular surface in long-term BAC-preserved latanoprost treatment.