The authors thank the members of the Mycotic Ulcer Treatment Trial Group and the MUTT Data and Safety Monitoring Committee for their help:
Clinical Centers: Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India: N. Venkatesh Prajna, MD (principal investigator), Lalitha Prajna, MD, Jeena Mascarenhas, MD, Muthiah Srinivasan, MD, Thirukkonda Subramanian Chandravathi, MA, R. Somu Saravanan, MA, Rajarathinam Karpagam, Malaiyandi Rajkumar, Rajendran Mahalakshmi, MSc, S.R. Sumithra, and Charles Sundar; Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India: Revathi Rajaraman, MD (site director), Anita Raghavan, MD, and P. Manikandan, MPhil; Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India: Tiruvengada Krishnan, MD (site director), and N. Shivananada, MD; Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, San Francisco: Thomas M. Lietman, MD (principal investigator), Nisha R. Acharya, MD, MS (principal investigator), Stephen D. McLeod, MD, John P. Whitcher, MD, MPH, Salena Lee, OD, Vicky Cevallos, MT (ASCP), Catherine E. Oldenburg, MPH, Kieran S. O'Brien, MPH, and Kevin C. Hong, BA; Data and Safety Monitoring Committee: Marian Fisher, PhD (chair), Anthony Aldave, MD, Donald F. Everett, MA, Jacqueline Glover, PhD, K. Ananda Kannan, MD, Steven Kymes, PhD, and Ivan Schwab, MD; Resource Centers: Coordinating Center, Francis I. Proctor Foundation, University of California, San Francisco: Thomas M. Lietman, MD (principal investigator), Nisha R. Acharya, MD, MS (principal investigator), David Glidden, PhD, Stephen D. McLeod, MD, John P. Whitcher, MD, MPH, Salena Lee, OD, Kathryn J. Ray, MA, Vicky Cevallos, MT (ASCP), Catherine E. Oldenburg, MPH, Kevin C. Hong, BA, Kieran S. O'Brien, MPH; Project Office, National Eye Institute, Rockville, Maryland: Donald F. Everett, MA; Photography Reading Center, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, New Hampshire: Michael E. Zegans, MD, and Christine M. Kidd, PhD.
Supported by National Eye Institute/National Institutes of Health Grants U10 EY018573 (TML) and K23 EY017897 (NRA) and by That Man May See (which supports the Department of Ophthalmology and the Francis I. Proctor Foundation for Research on Ophthalmology of UCSF); the Harper/Inglis Trust; The South Asia Research Foundation; Research to Prevent Blindness (TML, NRA); and UCSF Academic Senate Committee on Research (CQS). Natamycin and voriconazole were donated by Alcon and Pfizer, respectively. The sponsors did not have any role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
Disclosure: C.Q. Sun, None; N.V. Prajna, None; T. Krishnan, None; J. Mascarenhas, None; R. Rajaraman, None; M. Srinivasan, None; A. Raghavan, None; K.S. O'Brien, None; K.J. Ray, None; S.D. McLeod, None; T.C. Porco, None; N.R. Acharya, None; T.M. Lietman, None