All prior studies described above, where qPCR analysis was performed, except for the LCM samples, involved the analysis of whole neurosensory retina or whole RPE/C homogenate. For the LCM samples, the following analysis procedure was used: The localization of the RTP801 mRNA expression in retinas of normal (n = 2 eyes) and diabetic rats (n = 2 eyes; STZ 50 mg/kg IV) was determined in LCM samples taken from the INL, OPL, ONL, RPE, and retina cross-section followed by qPCR. Immediately after euthanasia, eyes were embedded in cryomolds containing OCT compound (Sakura Finetek, Torrance, CA), frozen in an isopentane–dry ice bath, and then stored at −80°C. Tissue sections were cut on a Leica CM1950 cryostat (Buffalo Grove, IL) and collected on RNase-free glass slides (Arcturus PEN membrane; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). For hematoxylin and eosin staining, sections were placed in decreasing concentrations of ethanol (from 100% down to 50%) in stepwise fashion, followed by hematoxylin, 50% ethanol, eosin, de-stained and then dehydrated in xylene and ethanol. Immediately after staining, different retinal layers were sampled using LCM (Arcturus Veritas system; Applied Biosystems), and the samples were collected separately from each animal using Macro LCM caps (Arcturus CapSure; Applied Biosystems). The caps were then processed to stabilize the RNA and frozen at −80°C until RNA extraction. For the RNA amplification and gene expression analysis, total RNA was extracted from the LCM samples (Arcturus PicoPure RNA isolation kit; Applied Biosystems) and evaluated (2100 Bioanalyzer, RNA 6000 Pico kit; Agilant Technologies, Santa Clara, CA). Total RNA was amplified to generate cDNA (WT Ovation Pico SL WTA system; NuGen, San Carlos, CA), such that 6 to 8 μg cDNA was generated from 500 pg of RNA. The amplified cDNA was then used in the qPCR analysis using primers and probes specific to the RTP801 gene (catalog no. Rn00590207; Applied Biosystems), which was validated at Pfizer (San Diego, CA) using LCM samples and to the β-actin housekeeping gene that was designed by Pfizer and produced by IDT Technologies (San Diego, CA). The β-actin probe sequence was 5′-/56-FAM/ATC AAG ATC ATT GCT CCT CCT GAG CGC/36-TAMSp/-3′. The forward and reverse primers were TGGCTCCTAGCACCAT and ACCAATCCACACAGAGTACT, respectively. qPCR analysis (qScript qRT-PCR; Quanta Biosciences, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) was performed using total RNA on a LightCycler 480 (Roche, Indianapolis, IN).