Although there are differences in the study designs, the following studies have already found that lower DPP essentially equates to a higher risk for OAG: Baltimore Eye Study, Egna-Neumarket Study, Proyecto VER, Barbados Eye Study, and the Rotterdam Eye Study. It has also been shown in an Asian sample that lower DPP is associated with OAG.
17 The Barbados Eye Study
5 in particular showed that DPP under 55 mm Hg more than doubled the risk of OAG, a result supported by the findings in this study. Observations that decreased blood flow is found in OAG but not in ocular hypertensive patients with matched IOPs
24 are in line with the findings of this study because increased IOP with raised DBP could potentially result in adequate DPP. More recently, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure profiles on 60 glaucoma patients showed an association between the degree of nerve fiber layer loss (using optical coherence tomography) and the time of day that hypertensive medication was administered (in the evening as opposed earlier in the day).
25 This effect was suggested to potentially arise from greater nocturnal dips in blood pressure when medications were taken later in the day. The authors of this report did not discuss image quality during image acquisition, a point that has been addressed in our study using HRT imaging.
The results presented in our paper agree with the previous reports of an increased risk of glaucomatous optic neuropathy associated with lower DPP. Our analyses suggest that a DPP of 56 mm Hg or lower is likely a reasonable clinical threshold for concern. This finding is in agreement with several studies showing a 2- to 6-fold increased prevalence of OAG in patients with DPP lower than 55 mm Hg.
5,6,9,17 This research is novel, however, in that it is to our knowledge the first demonstration of increased progression rates with lower DPP using HRT TCA when the images were obtained using relatively stringent image acquisition criteria.
It is important to discuss briefly the reason for the use of a lower SD (20 μm) versus the 50 μm SD suggested as being acceptable in the HRT II manual. Although the limit of 50 μm SD is stated in the HRT manual and has been accepted in other peer-reviewed publications,
21 in our experience any HRT image with an SD greater than 25 to 30 μm results in clinically questionable fluctuations in stereoparameter trends and TCA data output. Once 30 μm is exceeded, even in the three-dimensional rendering of the optic nerve one can actually see the image degradation (i.e., the “bumpiness” of the three-dimensional rendering option). We suggest that a more conservative SD of 20 μm could be used, especially when looking for early glaucomatous change. It seems intuitive that the larger the SD in micrometers, the more change is required to detect progression; thus, selecting this lower SD cutoff provides for a more sensitive change criterion. Although we used change criteria based on a previous publication's guidelines,
22 we opted to use a more stringent criterion of 20 μm SD for imaging acquisition because reducing imaging noise will intuitively aid in more reliable progression detection.
When debating whether DPP should be examined closely or not, we should keep in mind that in the Barbados Eye Study,
5 the mean risk ratio was highest with “low perfusion pressure,” with an almost three times higher relative risk (2.6 times) being reported. Compared to all other factors examined (age, approximately 1.1 times; family history, approximately 2.4 times; higher IOP, approximately 1.1 times; systolic blood pressure, approximately 0.8 times; and CCTs, approximately 1.4 times), this result agrees with the finding of our study that DPP may well be an important factor for classifying a patient as progressing. Therefore, from a clinical standpoint, a positive family history of a parent or sibling and a DPP of less than 56 mm Hg likely compose a reliable combination to predict progressive optic neuropathy. Of note, if a DPP of 56 mm Hg or lower is used as the risk factor, the relative risk of being in the progressive group with this risk factor present was 13.25 times (CI: 5.79–30.29 times,
P < 0.001). It is thus likely that DPP of 56 mm Hg or less represents a relatively strong risk factor.
The DPP cutoff of 56 mm Hg suggested in our regression analysis is in agreement with a previous study
26 in which 24 healthy patients and 29 primary POAG patients had their 24-hour DPP profiles examined. None of the patients were on blood pressure medication, and the POAG group had ceased all topical glaucoma medications 1 month prior to the study. The average DPP of the control group was approximately 58 mm Hg, and the average DPP of the POAG group was 52 mm Hg. The similarity of these results is reassuring. This research concluded that the DPP was for the most part significantly different between the controls and the POAG group between the hours of midnight and 6 AM, a result that is very similar to the case from our study (
Figs. 12,
13). To be clear, we did not get an ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure profile for any other patients, and this case may not be illustrative of the entire progressive group. Nonetheless, it is of interest that this profile from one of the progressive subjects in our study is very much in line with the trend observed in diagnosed POAG patients.
The observation that DPP is a better indicator of progression than IOP supports the notion that NTG and OAG are in essence the same disease process, the only difference likely being the level of DBP (i.e., lower DBP in NTG cases) and the presence of autoregulation impairment. This point is reinforced by the observation that autoregulation has been shown to begin to become impaired at between 27 and 30 mm Hg in humans, consistent with the IOP levels at which we tend to see OAG present.
27 We are not suggesting that the low DPP is causative per se (although it appears to be a factor) because there is research to show that many patients have nocturnal dips in blood pressure and yet do not develop glaucoma.
26 Indeed in the previously mentioned study looking at 24 blood pressure profiles and 24-hour IOP trends, no significant difference was found between the controls and the POAG group in terms of “number of extreme dippers”; that is, >20% Dip, with “Dip” defined as [mean daytime DBP − (mean nocturnal DBP/mean daytime DBP)] × 100.
26 The notion that reduced DPP potentially impairs ocular blood blow in the absence of autoregulation has previously been suggested.
28,29 Whether autoregulation dysfunction is a cause or an effect of low DPP is a question outside the scope of this research, but given that a direct measure of autoregulation has proven very difficult,
16 DPP is likely a useful clinical parameter that clinicians can use to better identify patients at higher risk for progression.
Since perfusion is a function of two components and decreasing DBP can also decrease ocular perfusion, there are likely clinical ophthalmic complications associated with medical intervention for hypertension. Although the intervention may well be justified in terms of reducing cardiovascular risk, if our reported relationship is confirmed in larger scale studies, extra consideration should perhaps be extended to patients on glaucoma therapy or with ocular hypertension to ensure that perfusion pressures are not reduced to the point of creating excessive ischemia to the optic nerve, especially in those individuals with impaired autoregulation. Indeed, consistent with this notion is the observation that aggressive treatment of hypertension has been shown in some cases to cause serious damage to both the heart
30,31 and brain.
32 This point emphasizes the necessity for close collaboration between eye care providers and primary care physicians regarding the patient's DBP in the overall management of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. The data presented in this paper suggest that a DPP of approximately 56 mm Hg is likely a demonstrably useful clinical threshold. Larger studies will likely aid in refining this range, but if confirmed, it will allow eye care providers to set target therapeutic IOPs with a much greater degree of confidence (with DBP in mind) for patients ultimately diagnosed with glaucoma as evidenced by progressive optic neuropathy. Since these individuals also likely have a high risk of autoregulation impairment,
28,29 this approach appears justified.
Of interest, a study
33 published in 1942 examining the relationship between a “diastolic co-efficient” (DBP/IOP) and severity of visual field loss found a significant association between lower diastolic ratios and patients with more severe visual field loss.
Figure 14 (replotted using the published raw data) shows that there is indeed a significant trend of worsening visual field status with a lower diastolic coefficient, a finding that agrees well with our HRT TCA results. It is to the credit of the authors of this 1942 paper that their finding of increased visual field damage with lower DPP is supported via HRT TCA 70 years later.
The results presented in this study raise an intriguing question with respect to other neurodegenerative conditions. It has been suggested in the literature that patients with neurodegenerative diseases with apoptotic cell death (such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease) may have optic nerve fibers that appear to be less resistant to increases in IOP.
37 The frequency of NTG in particular also appears to be somewhat greater with these neurodegenerative conditions.
37 Although beyond the scope of this research, the results of our study raise an intriguing possibility as to whether a similar low perfusion pressure issue exists in patients with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Although treatment of hypertension is important in terms of preventing fatal cardiovascular conditions, all homeostatic mechanisms in the body have an ideal range for optimal function, with blood pressure likely being no different. If this research is confirmed on a larger scale using identical image quality control criteria, hypoperfusion of neuronal tissue has likely been underemphasized in the medical literature and it would seem logical to look at other progressive neurological diseases associated with glaucoma in a similar light. Although controversial, it is certainly of interest to note that hypertension actually appears to be a protective factor in glaucoma in some epidemiological studies.
34–36 Potential drawbacks of this study are the relatively small sample size overall and the relatively low number of progressive cases identified in the patient files (mainly due to the relatively strict inclusion criteria). There is also a risk of type II error in the comparisons between the groups, which showed nonsignificant differences (i.e., CCT and IOP). The strict inclusion criteria were chosen in order to extract clinically meaningful data with as little noise as possible in the imaging data acquired. In the UWSO HRT clinic service, it is not unusual to see 60% to 70% of referred patients ultimately be discharged, with one of the most common referral reasons being, for example, asymmetric disc size (misinterpreted as asymmetrical cupping) or alternately a simple anomalous optic nerve. Looking at other large-scale studies such as the Barbados Eye Study,
5 the relative percentage of progressors in comparison with all patients examined was similar at 10% to 15%. Thus, the proportion of progressors relative to the total sample size in this study is reasonably reflective of the UWSO HRT service.
Imaging, like any clinical measure, is only as good as its signal-to-noise ratio and this point needs to be emphasized clinically. Objective imaging such as that used in the HRT is becoming more widespread in the clinical management of OAG and thus accordingly, we must be vigilant regarding the quality of the data used to make clinical interpretations regarding our patients and not simply rely on manufacturer's guidelines. HRT imaging is to our knowledge the only imaging device to report quantitatively the actual SD of the image acquired in micrometers. Ultimately, quantitative criteria for topographic change can only be agreed upon clinically when this change criterion also takes the noise level of the image attained into account.
In summary, the findings of this study show that lower levels of DPP are associated with a greater degree of progression as measured using HRT TCA criteria. These results likely warrant consideration of a larger scale study. Our study suggests that a DPP of 56 mm Hg or lower appears sensible in terms of potentially identifying patients at relatively higher risk of progressive optic neuropathy. Although the practicality of raising blood pressure in “maximally IOP treated” patients (i.e., NTG) has been questioned,
38 the notion of at least being aware of the blood pressure level and using this measure to determine target IOPs is in line with suggestions in other publications.
17,39,40 However, given the confounding factor of impaired autoregulation, raising blood pressure likely remains an option that should only be considered in patients with low nocturnal DPP and DBP and rapidly progressing glaucoma despite maximally treated IOP who have no other treatment options. At the very least, calcium channel blockers should likely be avoided in OAG patients,
16 with either diuretics or beta-blockers being considered in lieu of them if blood pressure medication is required. This is justified on two fronts. First, an increased risk of glaucoma with calcium channel blocker use has been shown,
16 and second, suppression of the autoregulatory response has been shown with the use of calcium channel blockers.
41 The importance of monitoring blood pressure and not “overtreating” hypertension has also been mentioned elsewhere in terms of avoiding low perfusion pressures in diagnosed OAG cases.
This research represents a significant step forward in confirming the relationship between lower perfusion pressure and increased progression rates in OAG using relatively stringent imaging criteria. In light of these findings, OAG patients placed on blood pressure–lowering medications may require their target DBP to set with their treated IOP levels kept in mind to maintain adequate optic nerve perfusion levels, while still minimizing any cardiovascular concerns of the primary care physician.