The centrifugal visual system (CVS), elements of which (i.e., retinopetal neurons) are found in many vertebrates,
18 is defined by an efferent projection from the brain to the retina, one that is particularly enlarged and well defined in birds
19 (for a recent review, see Wilson and Lindstrom
20 ). As such, the avian class has been the focus of the majority of the functional, anatomic, and physiologic studies of the CVS, such as in the chicken,
21–23 pigeon,
24–26 and Japanese quail.
27,28 In the chicken and pigeon, 10,000 to 12,000 neurons, respectively, project in a highly topographic manner from layers 9 and 10 of the optic tectum,
29–31 a structure analogous to the mammalian superior colliculus. This pathway (the tecto-isthmic tract) transmits predominantly, but not exclusively, visual information to the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) (and potentially neurons of the surrounding ectopic area [EA]). In turn, both of these midbrain centrifugal neuronal populations have major projections to the contralateral retina via the isthmo-optic tract (IOTr),
32 whereas a small subpopulation of ectopic neurons project to the ipsilateral retina
33 via an as yet undefined pathway. Within the retina, so-called restricted efferent centrifugal fibers, which arise from isthmo-optic neurons, terminate on single IOTCs in a distribution confined to the ventral retina.
34 These so-called divergent efferent axons,
35 from centrifugal
ectopic neurons, terminate on numerous target cells within the retina (including displaced retinal ganglion cells, the primary afferent input to the accessory optic system
36 ), again in a distribution confined to the ventral retina. Secondary axons arising from IOTCs innervate RGCs in a seemingly random distribution that covers the entire retina.
37 Neurochemical studies of these IOTCs reveal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity,
38 a finding of potential significance as treatment of the retina with the NOS-inhibitor, L-NAME, prevents FD-induced myopia.
39 In addition, L-NAME prevents choroidal thinning in response to occluder wear, and thickening after occluder removal.
40 The aim of the present study was to elucidate the effect of unilateral disruption of the projections from ION and surrounding EA to the contralateral retina on the capability for, or accuracy of, emmetropization under otherwise normal developmental conditions.