In this study, we compared the effect of different levels of binocular refractive blur on driving performance for day and nighttime driving for a group of young visually normal drivers. Our findings indicate that increasing blur had an increasingly detrimental effect on all of the components of driving performance measured (road sign recognition, road sign visibility distance, hazard recognition and avoidance, driving speeds) except for gap judgment and lane keeping. This differential effect of blur on specific aspects of driving performance is in accord with our previous findings for daytime driving performance.
7 Most aspects of driving performance were worse at night than in the day and importantly, there were also significant interactions between refractive blur and time of day, where the effects of blur were exacerbated under nighttime driving conditions.
Our findings demonstrate that even low levels of binocular refractive blur have a detrimental effect on detection and avoidance of low contrast hazards, the number of road signs recognized as well as the distance at which the selected road sign was first recognized, particularly at night. This is of particular interest, since the drivers in this study also drove significantly more slowly when driving with blur. But this strategy was not sufficient to compensate for the decrement in visual performance. In open road traffic conditions, the opportunity to slow down to this extent is unlikely to be available in normal traffic flow. Thus, the effects of refractive blur are likely to be greater under open road conditions. Importantly, while the binocular +2.00 DS level of blur did reduce visual acuity below the licensing requirement of 20/40 binocularly, with blur levels of +0.50 DS and +1.00 DS all participants would have passed the acuity requirements for licensing, but based on our results would still experience significant decrements in sign and hazard recognition. For example, under nighttime conditions for the highest blur condition, over 30% of the large low contrast hazards would not have been seen, and around 11% would not have be seen for the +1.00 DS blur level. The low contrast targets we employed are similar to real-world objects that require some form of evasive action by the driver that might include potholes, debris on the highway, or speed bumps; failure to recognize even one of these hazards could have important safety implications. Similarly, for the highest level of blur at night, the participants recognized just over a third of the road sign information, with just over half being recognized for the lower levels of blur at night. While some signs include street names that are of less consequence for driving safety, others like stop and give way signs may be critical.
All of the driving outcome measures, with the exception of lane keeping, were worse at night compared with daytime conditions, both with and without additional blur. This is likely to be primarily due to the lower ambient light levels causing reduced visibility of both spatial and contrast details. This finding of diminished performance for nighttime compared with daytime driving in the presence of blur is similar to the reports of increased problems with night driving expressed by patients with cataracts, glaucoma, and AMD,
24–26 as well as in patients following refractive surgery and those wearing presbyopic corrections.
27,28 However, the mechanisms leading to the increased difficulty with night compared to daytime driving may differ between these various conditions. The robust lane-keeping behavior is consistent with earlier findings that show that lane-keeping behavior is largely unaffected by reduced acuity resulting from optical manipulations (i.e., spherical refractive blur)
17 or environmental conditions such as low illumination.
An important finding of this study is the increased impact of binocular refractive blur at night compared with daytime conditions. A contributing factor to this difference is likely to be the increased pupil size in low illumination levels leading to a larger blur circle at the retinal plane. Atchison et al.
29 reported that the effect of uncorrected refractive errors on visual acuity was significantly greater with larger pupil diameters under photopic conditions. However, pupil size appears to have relatively little impact on the overall contrast sensitivity function in the presence of refractive blur in photopic conditions.
30 Other factors associated with reduced ambient illumination, such as the shift from predominantly cone (photopic) to a combination of rod- and cone- (mesopic) based vision, may play a role in the relationship between blur and driving performance at night. It is well known that visual acuity is reduced when the level of illumination is decreased.
31,32 But the interrelationships between refractive blur, visual acuity, and luminance are less clear. Some authors have found visual acuity to be affected similarly by refractive blur across a range of luminance levels,
31 whereas other authors have reported that the effect of blur is less under low luminance compared with high luminance levels.
32 The interactive effect of refractive blur and luminance for other visual functions that might be related to driving performance, such as contrast sensitivity and motion sensitivity, are unknown.
An advantage of the approach taken in this study is that the only factor that varied between tests was the refractive status of the participants, and that this factor was manipulated by the use of blurring lenses. By manipulating visual function rather than simply observing individual differences in function, we reduced the potential for confounding with other individual differences, such as variations in experience or personality type. It was also possible to minimize the effects of practice on the tests by randomizing the order in which the blurring lenses were worn. There are, however, inherent limitations in simulating the effects of blur, in that while the use of simulated blur allowed us to isolate the effects of vision, it is recognized that the effects observed may not exactly reflect those of drivers who have longer-term experience of living with refractive blur. There is evidence that individuals can partly adapt to the presence of blur,
33,34 and that the time course of this adaptation is approximately 6 minutes with any improvement levelling off after this period.
35 Since the participants in our study were exposed to each of the blur conditions for at least 6 minutes before testing began, their responses are likely to represent those of a person who is adapted to their refractive blur. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that adaptation over much longer periods of time may further reduce the impact of blur on performance. Another factor to consider in this discussion of adaptation to blur is the relatively young age of the participants (mean age: 26 years). Older persons are reported to show slightly better visual performance than younger persons when exposed to defocus blur
36,37 and this could translate to better relative performance of older drivers under blurred conditions. The prior visual experiences of individuals, both short and longer term, are therefore likely to be of importance when driving in the presence of blur.
Our finding that even low levels of refractive blur have a negative impact on driving performance under day and particularly nighttime conditions has implications for the correction of refractive errors for driving. These differences in performance are likely to have a tangible impact on driving safety in situations where timely recognition of hazardous situations is critical. In particular, our findings emphasize the importance of accurate and up-to-date refractive correction and for the correction of even low levels of refractive error when driving at night.