In this study, we applied the AO-SLO system to monitor erythrocyte aggregates in healthy human retinas and demonstrated the phenomenon of erythrocyte aggregate elongation in the parafoveal capillaries for the first time. Careful observation of AO-SLO images revealed the pairing of a bright particle and a dark region flowing in the parafoveal capillaries (
Fig. 4 and
Supplementary Movie S1), which correspond to leukocytes and erythrocyte aggregates, respectively, as previously reported.
24 Their velocities and changes in length were clearly depicted in the spatiotemporal images; the dark bands, which were represented geometrically in the spatiotemporal images and corresponded to the dark tail trajectories, had a triangular or trapezoidal shape. Dark tail elongation was demonstrated by analyzing these shapes in all dark bands.
All of the dark tails showed elongation, but not shortening. Because all samples were recorded in healthy young subjects, elongation may be a physiological phenomenon that is observed normally in the human retina. Unfortunately, the mechanism of this phenomenon remains unknown because we could not finely visualize the elongating dark tail at a cellular level in the current study. However, we believe that dark tail elongation was caused by the packed erythrocytes that could not overtake the slow-moving leukocytes in the capillary lumen, thereby strongly blocking the imaging light of AO-SLO.
29 To eliminate the influence of vessel diameter difference on dark tail elongation, that is, influence on the moving object in the tapering lumen, which would be stretched and elongated, we evaluated the diameter uniformity of target vessels by dividing the vessels into thirds and measuring the diameter of each zone. The average diameter of the target vessels was 11.0 ± 2.3 μm, and significant differences were not found among the diameters of each zone (
P = 0.43). Moreover, a significant association was not observed between the average diameter of the target vessel and the elongation rate (
P = 0.80). These findings support the notion that dark tail elongation was not caused by the tapering lumen of vessels during the flow and that dark tail elongation would be induced by blood cell kinetics. Leukocytes might interfere with the flow of erythrocytes and induce packing of sequential erythrocytes, resulting in the detection of elongating dark tails closely behind the bright moving objects known as leukocytes in AO-SLO videos.
It is widely accepted that erythrocytes play an extremely important role in determining the flow properties of blood.
44 Changes in the condition of erythrocytes cause impairment in microcirculation. To clarify microcirculation in diseases, erythrocyte aggregation has been used as a surrogate marker through analysis of the collected blood samples of patients. For example, increased erythrocyte aggregations were reported to be cardiovascular risk factors in patients with diabetes mellitus.
45 Erythrocyte aggregation was also increased in patients with SLE, causing a decreased flow that might contribute to the thromboembolic process.
5 In patients with Behçet's disease, increased erythrocyte aggregates are related to increased fibrinogen, but not to thrombosis and uveitis.
32 These findings motivated us to measure the dark tail velocity and the elongation of dark tail length to analyze the dynamics of erythrocyte aggregates in parafovea capillaries. Although a few studies have reported direct and noninvasive observation of erythrocyte aggregation using conjunctival blood vessels,
33 to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report noninvasive and direct monitoring of erythrocyte aggregates in human retinal capillaries and the phenomenon of erythrocyte aggregate elongation. In the future, the measurement of dark tail length or elongation rate will be tested in various diseases using methods that are similar to those described in this study, and their clinical importance will be investigated.
The peculiarity of AO-SLO is the correction of ocular lower- and higher-order aberrations, enabling noninvasive observation of each retinal layer, including the photoreceptor layer,
24 nerve fiber layer,
46 and capillary layer,
34 under high resolution. Although the aim of this study was to analyze blood cells, the scanning layer of AO-SLO was focused on the photoreceptor layer rather than the capillary layer, and blood cells were observed as shadings on the shadows of the bright cone mosaic patterns of photoreceptors. As previously reported, the reflected light characteristics of the AO-SLO laser from photoreceptors is affected by blood cells because of their differences in scattering coefficients.
24,47 When the scanning layer is focused on the photoreceptor layer, leukocytes are candidates for the bright particles moving in the dark vessel shadows due to the low absorptivity of the AO-SLO laser, resulting in detection of leukocytes as background illumination of photoreceptors. Blood plasma is another bright particle candidate, but its signal is slightly weaker than that of leukocytes.
24,41 Conversely, erythrocytes are strong candidates for the region that is darker than the vessel shadow because they block the AO-SLO lasers, and their aggregation is thought to be a dark tail. Because these differences in the shades on the photoreceptor layer help to distinguish blood components in the retinal microvasculature, we believe that the best focus for monitoring erythrocyte aggregation is the photoreceptor layer (
Supplementary Movie S2). Meanwhile, only the numerous high-intensity particles that may correspond to a mixture of reflected light from erythrocytes and from the retinal layers near the capillary layer can be observed when the scanning layer is focused on the capillary layer, and a distinction between blood components is impossible with the accuracy of the current confocal optic system (
Supplementary Movie S3).
Detection of a pair of bright particles and a dark tail flowing in the retinal circulation using AO-SLO bears a remarkable resemblance to the perception of a bright moving object and its dark tail under blue field entoptic phenomenon; this type of physiological phenomenon is perceived as numerous bright particles that move in a flowing manner with a synchronous rhythmic acceleration that corresponds to the cardiac cycle against bright, diffuse illumination.
15 Sinclair et al. suggested that leukocytes are the source of the bright particles perceived under the blue field entoptic phenomenon and that erythrocytes are detected as dark particles using animal preparations; that is, the entoptic images are the perception of the gaps between erythrocytes created by leukocytes, which have large cell bodies.
15 Erythrocyte aggregates have also been observed in retinal circulation in studies that used scanning laser ophthalmoscopy with fluorescein angiography. These studies suggested that the dark (hypofluorescent) spots detected in the stained capillaries were rouleaux formations of erythrocytes and represented erythrocyte aggregates. The fluorescein characteristics showed that the hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin absorption bands were clearly visible in the fluorescence spectra and accounted for hypofluorescent erythrocytes.
14,48,49 Unlike the above-mentioned techniques for observing erythrocyte aggregates, an approach by AO-SLO enables the analysis of erythrocyte aggregates quantitatively and without dying agents. Herein, the dark tail appearance was regarded as erythrocyte aggregates without a direct comparison of the blood components between animal preparations and AO-SLO imaging, which is a potential limitation of the current study. However, the articles described above let us speculate that the dark tail is correlated strongly with erythrocyte aggregates and that monitoring real-time changes in dark tails by AO-SLO would help us to understand the circulation physiology of the retina.
Dark tails could not be seen in vessels larger than capillaries in the current study. These large vessels were observed as dark shadows, and moving objects could not be detected in them when the scanning layer was focused on the photoreceptor layer. This can be explained by the occupation of numerous blood cells, particularly erythrocytes, in the larger vascular lumen where blood cells can easily pass through each other, preventing the imaging light of the AO-SLO from reaching the photoreceptor layer. Meanwhile, blood cells flow in single file in the capillary lumen, resulting in the detection of transparent leukocytes as bright particles and hyperreflective erythrocyte aggregates as dark shadows.
24 Moreover, dark tails could not be detected in all capillaries, and they appeared to flow in a fixed path. A possible reason for this preference is that the leukocytes, which block the current of erythrocytes through the capillary, preferred this flow path, as previously reported.
42 However, our recording time of AO-SLO was 4 seconds per one video, which is presumably too short to evaluate the flow path preference. Long-duration recording in addition to analysis of day-to-day or circadian variation of dark tail flow is required in a future study.
Given that erythrocytes cannot overtake leukocytes in the capillary lumen, it is convenient to think that the velocity of the head of the dark tail is an approximation of leukocyte velocity. In fact, the average velocity of dark tails in this study was 1.49 ± 0.36 mm/s, which is similar to the previously reported leukocyte velocities of 1.37
22 and 1.30 mm/s
35 obtained using AO-SLO. Tam et al., who first introduced spatiotemporal image analysis as a leukocyte velocity measurement, reported a faster velocity of 1.80 mm/s.
42 Although we also used spatiotemporal images to calculate the velocity of moving objects in capillaries, the velocity reported by Tam et al. was adjusted by the correction of error due to raster scan, and pulsatility was evaluated in order to calculate an accurate mean velocity, which is different from the method used herein. To improve the accuracy of velocity measurements in this study, the relationship between the direction of moving objects and the direction of the raster scan should be considered. The spatiotemporal images in this study lack slope modification to reduce the error associated with the raster scan. Although the blood dynamics in the retinal circulation require evaluations of pulsatility and raster scan error, we believe that excluding this parameter had a minimal effect on our results because our monitoring time was very short. Furthermore, our AO-SLO system can perform raster scans at 64 frames/s, which contributed to a smaller influence of raster scan error in this study. The mean error rate was calculated at 6.02% (range, 3.27%–9.11%) with reference to the formula of percent error reported by Tam et al.
In conclusion, the use of AO-SLO provided a direct, noninvasive, and objective method of monitoring erythrocyte aggregates in the parafoveal capillaries of normal subjects. Erythrocyte aggregates were observed as moving dark shadows on the photoreceptor layer and became elongated in a time-dependent manner.