The present study observed that expressions of IL-8 and MMP-9 were increased in Aβ-induced senescent cells (
Fig. 4). Altered secretory pattern in senescent cells is a possible source of age-related inflammation. In the absence of stimuli, RPE cells secreted lower levels of IL-8 into the basal and apical bath. In Aβ-induced senescent cells, secretion of significant quantities of IL-8 preferentially into the apical bath may provide signaling in vivo to attract immune cells across the RPE to induce chronic inflammation (
Fig. 4A). The preferential secretion of IL-8 into the apical side creates a chemotactic gradient and is responsible for the migration of neutrophils across the RPE monolayer to the compartment with the highest IL-8 levels.
53 Polarized secretion of IL-8 has been observed in other epithelia. Preferential apical secretion was shown in mesothelial and female reproductive tract epithelia.
53,54 In contrast, renal and colonic epithelia show a preferential basolateral secretion,
55,56 whereas controversial results were obtained in RPE cells.
57,58 The present study demonstrated that senescent RPE cells showed a preferential apical secretion of IL-8, which is consistent with the recent study, showing that stimulation of RPE cells with inflammatory cytokine mixture induced a marked secretion of IL-8 mainly across the RPE apical membrane.
58 Higher concentrations of MMP-9 have been detected in aqueous humour and plasma of AMD patients.
59,60 MMP-9 has been demonstrated as a biomarker of subretinal fluid in AMD.
61 There is evidence suggesting MMP-9 is associated with components of the BrM-RPE complex and is secreted by RPE cells, and secretion of MMP-9 may result in defects in BrM.
62 The present study suggested that Aβ-induced senescent RPE cells may be a source of MMP-9 production (
Figs. 4C–E). In other studies, it has been demonstrated that Aβ (5 μM, 24 hours)-induced MMP-9 secretion was mediated by RAGE (the receptor for advanced glycation end products) through intracellular Ca
2+-calcineurin signaling.
63 However, we confirmed that a low concentration of 0.3 μM Aβ
1–42 (7 days) also induced MMP-9 secretion (
Fig. 4) and accompanying structural alteration in TJs (
Fig. 6). Actually, pro-MMPs are kept in a catalytically inactive state by the interaction between the thiol group of a pro-domain cysteine residue and the zinc ion of the catalytic site. They are converted to active proteinases by oxidants through oxidation of the pro-domain thiol group.
64 In senescent cells, defective mitochondria are known to produce increased amounts of ROS.
65 In addition, Aβ
1–42 could induce oxidative stress in RPE cells.
27 We supposed that Aβ-induced MMP-9 activation might be partially mediated by chronic oxidative stress. Our study found that Aβ
1–42 could not induce MMP-2 activation, which is consistent with the study, suggesting that Aβ
1–42 only induced MMP-9 activation, but not MMP-2.
66 Another study suggested that oligomeric Aβ
1–42 downregulates MMP-2 expression.
67 However, in murine endothelial cell line, Aβ
1–42 monomers have been reported to increase MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression.
63 However, the mechanism by which Aβ
1–42 regulates MMP-2 or MMP-9 activation is largely unknown.