Amblyopia, defined as degradation of spatial vision in the absence of any detectable structural or pathologic ocular abnormalities, is a developmental disorder that is caused by early abnormal visual experiences, specifically a lack of coordinated and balanced registration between the images in the two eyes, most commonly due to uncorrected strabismus, anisometropia, or cataract-induced form deprivation.
1,2 Amblyopia impacts not only monocular vision, such as visual acuity,
3–5 vernier acuity,
5–7 contrast sensitivity,
3,8–10 spatial distortion,
4,11,12 and spatial interactions,
7,13,14 but also binocular functions, including binocular combination,
15–18 interocular interaction,
19–21 and stereopsis.
Although early administrations of conventional refractive corrections, patching, Bangerter filters, or atropine penalization over the fellow eye are effective in restoring monocular visual acuity in young children with amblyopia, their effects on restoring binocular functions are mixed in young and older children with amblyopia.
25–29 Several studies have reported that occlusion or refractive correction itself can induce improved stereoacuity only in a subset of amblyopic subjects.
25,26,29 For example, Stewart et al.
26 recently investigated changes of stereoacuity in patients receiving amblyopia treatments comprised by refractive adaptation and occlusion phases. They found that 38% of their patients who received refractive adaptation and 29% who received occlusion improved their stereoacuity by at least one octave. However, other studies reported failed attempts to normalize binocular functions in amblyopia.
27,28 For example, Wallace et al.
28 found that 248 children (3- to 13-years old) with anisometropic amblyopia showed subnormal stereoacuity after conventional treatment (patching or Bangerter filters), although their visual acuities improved to normal or near-normal levels. Scheiman et al.
27 found that deficient binocular function cannot be improved by patching or application of atropine sulfate in the fellow eye among 7- to 12-year-old children.
In the present study, we attempted to improve degraded stereo vision in observers with anisometropic or ametropic amblyopia through perceptual learning. Although it is known that stereopsis is critical for human visual perception, such as perceiving the three-dimensional (3D) layout of our surroundings, reading, hand–eye coordination, and camouflaged object detection,
30–32 attempts to directly improve stereopsis in amblyopia have been astonishingly scarce.
In the past decades, many studies found that training or practice of a specific visual task can improve performance of amblyopes in a variety of low-level visual tasks, including contrast detection with
33 and without flankers,
34,35 identification of contrast-defined and luminance-defined letters,
36,37 and positional acuity.
38,39 These effects of perceptual learning demonstrate substantial plasticity in the child and even adult brain.
40 While significant perceptual learning of stereopsis has been well documented in adults with normal vision,
41–44 improvement of stereopsis in amblyopes has been mostly evaluated following perceptual learning of other tasks.
39,45–50 For example, Hess et al.
51 found that, stereopsis was established after intensive training of dichoptic motion coherence discrimination in eight out of nine adult strabismic amblyopes. Li et al.
39 also found that two amblyopic children, one with strabismus and the other with anisometropia, who had no gross stereopsis at the beginning of their study, demonstrated measurable stereopsis after intensive monocular training on a position-discrimination task.
Two recent studies employed paradigms that directly targeted stereoacuity to evaluate the potential of perceptual learning in restoring stereo vision in amblyopia. Ding and Levi
52 trained one adult with anisometropic amblyopia and three adults with strabismic amblyopia, who were all stereoblind or stereoanomalous before training, to perform a stereo-depth judgment task with sine-wave gratings. After training, all subjects showed significant improvement in stereopsis in psychophysical tests although their monocular vernier acuities remained unchanged. Astle et al.
53 performed a case study on two adult anisometropic amblyopes with initial monocular training (to improve visual acuity in the amblyopic eye) and then stereo training. They reported that 9 days of detecting depth in random dot stereograms (RDS) improved stereoacuity to the normal level in both subjects. Interestingly, the improvement in stereoacuity was established independently of visual acuity amelioration. These results, together with the reported failure to normalize binocular functions in amblyopia after treatment focusing on monocular vision,
27,28 suggest that different treatments might be necessary to recover both stereoacuity and visual acuity in adult amblyopia.
In the present study, we trained stereo depth perception in 11 observers with anisometropic amblyopia or amblyopia associated with high ametropia. High ametropia was defined as hypermetropia greater than 5 diopters (D) or astigmatism greater than 2 D in the absence of anisometropia or strabismus.
54 Seven of the observers were novice and the other four received prior monocular contrast detection training. We used red–green glasses to present texture anaglyphs with different disparities but fixed exposure duration to the two eyes and trained subjects to detect stereo depth with feedback. Stereoacuity and visual acuity of both eyes were measured and compared before and after training. We focused on anisometropic or ametropic amblyopes because they are the predominant group, and other types of amblyopia (e.g., strabismic amblyopia), may be rather different in terms of the underlying mechanisms.
6,51,55 Our aim was to evaluate the effects of our training method (e.g., anaglyphs made of textures and displayed with a fixed-duration) on stereo vision and visual acuity in adults with anisometropic or ametropic amblyopia.