Three separate analyses were carried out to determine the influence of donor factors on, respectively, the risk of microbial contamination during organ culture, the suitability of corneas for PK (i.e., whether corneas met the minimum endothelial criterion of 2200 cells/mm2), and the quality of corneas (i.e., whether ECD was ≥2500 cells/mm2). These observational, retrospective, cross-sectional studies included corneas stored by organ culture in the CTS Eye Banks between April 1, 1999 and March 31, 2005. During this period, 20,950 corneas were processed. For the analysis of contamination risk, 2179 corneas withdrawn prematurely from organ culture storage because of medical contraindications were excluded. A further 2337 corneas were excluded owing to missing/incorrect data, resulting in a cohort of 16,434 corneas. To avoid the potential lack of independence between corneas from the same donor, one cornea from each donor was selected at random. With the inclusion of those corneas from donors from whom only one eye was received for processing, an analysis data set of 8317 corneas was compiled. For the analyses of PK suitability and corneal quality, 5907 corneas discarded because of medical contraindications, contamination, or other nonendothelial reasons were excluded. A further 1601 corneas with missing/incorrect data were excluded to give a cohort of 13,442 corneas. As with the contamination analysis, the analysis data set of 7107 corneas was derived from this cohort by randomly selecting only one cornea from each donor plus the corneas from donors from whom only one eye had been received for processing.