For stress/strain measurement, the TM was loaded into the MSA by clamping the top and the bottom of the bracket into the upper and the lower fiber/film holders, respectively. Once loaded, the spine of the bracket was cut leaving the two ends of TM secured to the holders. A small stretch was initiated slowly until there was a force spike slightly above zero, showing that the TM was engaged and slightly tightened. The stretch was then stopped and the force quickly returned to zero. The tissue length measured at the force spike was defined as the initial sample length, and used to determine the rate of tissue stretch, which was set at 0.1% strain per second. Afterward, the test was initiated to obtain force versus percent strain (
ε) curves with the TA Orchestrator software (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE). The data were finally exported to Microsoft Excel software for offline analysis. To minimize tissue dehydration during the mechanical test, the entire experimental procedure from loading of the TM to completion of the mechanical test was finished in less than 5 minutes. Our previous study
1 revealed that only 2% stretch of the TM was necessary and physiologically relevant for calculation of
E of normal TM. Therefore, rather than stretching the glaucomatous TM to mechanical failure, as was done with the normal eyes,
1 the glaucomatous TM was only stretched by up to 5% of its original length. The force measured by MSA was divided by the average cross-sectional area of TM, determined by OCT, to obtain the stress (
σ). Similar to the normal TM study,
1 the stress-strain curves with the strain (
ε) varying between 0 and 2% were fitted with an exponential function (see
Equation 3),
18 where
A and
B are constants. Quality of the fit was measured by the coefficient of determination
R2, and we only accepted the results if
R2 was greater than 0.9. For most fits, we observed
R2 greater than 0.95. The Young's modulus (
E) is the derivative of the stress with respect to strain,
which depends on
ε, as shown in
Equation 4. At zero strain (
ε = 0),
E is equal to
A. The constant
B in
Equation 4 determined how fast
E increased with increasing the strain.