The purpose of this study was to determine how increasing ocular surface stimulation affected blinking and sensation, while controlling task concentration.
Ten healthy subjects concentrated on a task while a custom pneumatic device generated air flow toward the central cornea. Six flow rates (FRs) were randomly presented three times each and subjects used visual analog scales to record their sensory responses. The interblink interval (IBI) and the FR were recorded simultaneously and the IBI, sensory response, and corresponding FR were determined for each trial. The FR associated with a statistically significant decrease in IBI, the blink increase threshold (BIT), was calculated for each subject.
Both the mean and SD of IBI were decreased with increasing stimulation, from 5.69 ± 3.96 seconds at baseline to 1.02 ± 0.37 seconds at maximum stimulation. The average BIT was 129 ± 20 mL/min flow rate with an IBI of 2.33 ± 1.10 seconds (permutation test, P < 0.001). After log transformation, there was a significant linear function between increasing FR and decreasing IBI within each subject (Pearson's r ≤ −0.859, P < 0.05). The IBI was highly correlated with wateriness, discomfort, and cooling ratings (Pearson's r ≤ −0.606, P < 0.001).
There was a dose-response–like relationship between increased surface stimulation and blinking in healthy subjects, presumably for protection of the ocular surface. The blink response was highly correlated with ocular surface sensation, which is not surprising given their common origins. The BIT, a novel metric, may provide an additional end point for studies on dry eye or other conditions.
The study was conducted at the Borish Center for Ophthalmic Research at the Indiana University School of Optometry, Bloomington, IN. It adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review board at Indiana University. Informed consent was obtained from each subject before beginning the study.
Ten young, healthy subjects were recruited for the study. Subjects reporting ophthalmic disorders, including dry eye, ocular or systemic allergies, any systemic disease, or contact lens wear were excluded.
All subject visits were scheduled for approximately the same time of the day (between 1:00 and 1:30 PM).
41 At the beginning of the study, subjects were told that the reason for the study was to examine the tear film while they were engaged a computer task. They were
not informed that the purpose included monitoring of blinking until the study was completed to avoid any potential cognitive or affective contaminating effects on blinking.
There was one visit in this study. After filling out the Dry Eye Questionnaire (DEQ)
33 to assess habitual symptoms of ocular irritation and dry eye, subjects were seated behind a slit lamp biomicroscope (Zeiss 20SL, ×8 magnification; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) with a custom-attached camera (Basler piA640-210gm, 30 Hz; Basler AG, Ahrensburg, Germany), recording the movement of the upper lid. To quantify eyelid movement, a self-adhesive 2-mm diameter reflective white dot (3M Company, St. Paul, MN) was gently positioned as close as possible to the margin of the right upper lid. Subjects looked straight ahead and played a computer game (Tetris) viewed through a beam splitter. Only the right eye was tested. The other eye was manually held shut by the subject.
An instrument similar to a pneumatic esthesiometer was used to stimulate the cornea with air flow.
42,43 It consisted essentially of an air pump (using atmospheric air), a voltage-regulated valve to control the flow rate (FR), an approximately 1-L reservoir to minimize the slight irregularities in flow from the pump, and a sensor measuring the actual flow.
44 Air was delivered through a hypodermic syringe with a 0.5-mm diameter mounted on a slit lamp biomicroscope. The air stimulus was aimed toward the center of cornea, but at a slight angle (12 degrees from horizontal and 5 degrees from vertical), so that it did not block the slit lamp view of the cornea or the subject's vision while playing the computer game. The distance between the tip of the syringe and the cornea was 15 mm and its position was constantly monitored by a calibrated side-mounted camera. The FR from the stimulus tip was recorded by a customized LabVIEW 5.1 program (National Instruments, Austin, TX) and time stamps were used to relate stimulus timing with blink data.
To estimate the level of pneumatic stimulus that triggered a higher BR, the stimulus FR was systematically increased from zero every 30 seconds in a step size of 50 mL/min. The experimenter initially (by simple observation) estimated the level that appeared to produce consistently increased BR. After 5 minutes, this procedure was repeated and a final estimate obtained from the average of the two trials. This estimate was then used to set the six levels of pneumatic stimuli to be tested for each individual subject in the study by multiplying this initial estimate with 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25; thereby estimating a range of sub- to suprathreshold stimuli producing an increased BR for each subject.
A randomly ordered presentation of these six FRs was used to determine the effect of each level of stimulation on the IBI for each subject. Each trial began with no stimulus for 1 minute, continued with a stimulus for 2 minutes, and was followed another minute without the stimulus (
Figs. 1,
3). Three sets of randomly presented stimuli (six levels, three repeats, total 18 trials) were applied with at least a 1-minute break between trials. During all testing, overhead lights in the testing room were turned off and infrared light was used to image the lid, in an attempt to avoid reflex blinking and tearing from visible light. The subject was asked to blink twice before each trial began. Immediately after each trial, using visual analog scales (VAS), subjects rated specific ocular sensations (cooling, wateriness, discomfort, burning, and dryness) that they experienced during the stimulus period. Each VAS consisted of a continuous line with zero labeled as no sensation and 10 labeled as the severe sensation. Subjects viewed the VAS on a computer screen and used a mouse to position the cursor on the line to quantify their experience. At the end of the study, a Schirmer's I tear test (without anesthetic) and a fluorescein tear break-up time (TBUT) test were performed.
Supported in part by Grant R01EY021794 (CGB) from the National Eye Institute. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Eye Institute or the National Institutes of Health. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
Disclosure: Z. Wu, None; C.G. Begley, None; P. Situ, None; T. Simpson, None