The human crystalline lens determines, along with the cornea, the quality of the image projected on the retina. The optical properties of the crystalline lens depend on its geometrical properties and its gradient refractive index distribution.
With age, the human lens undergoes various physical, biometrical, and optical changes.
1 Physical and biometrical changes are well documented as ongoing processes throughout life.
2–9 The lens gets thicker and its surface steeper, and mass and volume increase linearly. Also, the lens gets stiffer with age, which eventually leads to presbyopia, the loss of the capability of the eye to dynamically focus near and far targets.
The geometrical and refractive index changes in the lens result in changes of the optical properties of the eye with age; in particular, the overall spherical aberration (SA) of the eye shifts toward more positive values.
7,10,11 This change in lens SA leads to age-related loss of the corneal/lens SA compensation and a decrease of the optical performance.
For unaccommodated eyes in vivo, it was shown that the radius of curvature of the crystalline lens decreases with age.
2,4,8 However, despite this steepening of the relaxed lens, there is no evidence of the eye becoming more powerful with age (a fact known as lens paradox
16 ). It has been often postulated that the steepening of the lens is compensated with changes in the equivalent refractive index,
8,17,18 which is supported by experiments that combine phakometric, biometric, and refractive error measurements in vivo.
2,5,6 On the other hand, measurements of isolated lenses in vitro revealed either constant equivalent refractive index with age,
7 or a biphasic behavior with a linear regression up to the breakpoint at age 60.4 years, after which the refractive index remained relatively constant.
19 As isolated lenses in vitro are maximally accommodated,
20 the surfaces of young lenses appeared more curved, and flattened with age, at least until a presbyopic age.
Although a potential change of the equivalent refractive index must arise from changes in the distribution of the gradient index, the age-related changes in the refractive index have been most often assessed from comparisons of the estimated power of the eye (from geometrical and biometrical measurements of cornea and lens) and the measured ocular refraction in vivo,
2 or of phakometric and lens power measurements in vitro.
Undoubtedly, a full understanding of the changes in the crystalline lens index with age, and its role in the optical properties of the lens must be obtained from experimental measurements of the gradient refractive index (GRIN). Previous studies report GRIN measurements for various species (fish,
21–23 rat,
24 cat,
25 rabbit,
26 porcine,
27–29 and human
30 –34 ) using destructive methods
18,34,35 and nondestructive methods, such as ray tracing,
21,24,27,29 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
21,31,32 and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Measurements of GRIN versus age on human lenses are scarce, and often offer conflicting results. Pierscionek,
34 using a fiber-optic sensor, found that the equatorial edge index, but not the pole index, varied linearly with age. Hemenger et al.,
8 using Purkinje imaging, estimated a flatter profile in the refractive index near the lens center in older lenses than in younger lenses. Jones et al.,
31 using MRI, found a flattening of the refractive index profile in the central region with increasing age, accompanied by a steepening of the profile in the periphery. These results agree with more recent estimations by de Castro et al.,
30 using a 2-dimensional (2D) OCT-based method, which found surface and nucleus refractive indices to be constant with age, but a GRIN profile more distributed in the young lens, and an increase of the central plateau with increasing age.
It has been suggested that GRIN plays a major role in the magnitude of SA of the lens. Jagger
22 proposed that the GRIN distribution balanced the lens' surface SA. Kröger et al.
37 demonstrated the relative contribution of the lens surface and GRIN on SA in fish lenses. In porcine lenses, the estimated SA was predominantly for lenses with a reconstructed GRIN, but positive when considering a homogeneous equivalent refractive index instead; thus, demonstrating a compensation effect by the GRIN distribution.
Similarly, in cynomolgus monkey eyes, the lens SA was negative when calculated using an experimentally estimated GRIN distribution and differed in magnitude from that calculated using a homogeneous equivalent refractive index (for both relaxed and accommodated states).
Although 2D estimates of the GRIN distribution contribute to the comprehension of the role of the GRIN in the optical properties of the lens, 3-dimensional (3D) measurements will allow a full understanding of the interactions between lens shape and internal structures and their relative contribution to the aberrations of the lens, in the young and aging eye.
In the current study, 3D spectral optical coherence tomography (sOCT) measurements on 35 isolated human lenses (between the ages of 19 and 71 years) were used to fully characterize the lens surface geometry and GRIN distribution, using a custom-developed global search algorithm that allowed the reconstruction of the GRIN distribution.
28 The SA was estimated by using computational ray tracing on the lenses with the measured shape and GRIN, and was compared with lenses of equal geometry, but an equivalent homogeneous refractive index. Understanding of the structural changes of the crystalline lens with aging is important to gain insights into the mechanisms of aging of the eye, and in particular presbyopia development and its potential treatment.