Infantile nystagmus (IN) describes a regular, repetitive movement of the eyes. It usually develops within the first 6 months of life, causing ocular oscillations that are constant and persist throughout life. While many individuals with IN have a comorbid pathology of the visual pathway, approximately 30% appear not to and have been labeled as “idiopathic.”
1 Despite the absence of any other detectable pathology, idiopathic cases of IN are typically associated with a moderate reduction in visual acuity (VA), which has been assumed to be caused by the eye movements themselves. For example, the Nystagmus Acuity Function (NAF) and eXpanded NAF (NAFX) are outcome measures that quantify eye movement characteristics in order to predict VA.
2,3 Yet, it is not actually known to what extent image motion affects VA in individuals with IN.
Infantile nystagmus waveforms typically exhibit so-called foveations—periods during which the eyes move more slowly. It has been presumed that these periods exist to facilitate better VA by reducing motion blur induced by the eye movements. Nonetheless, the eyes are never truly stable for more than a few milliseconds. In normal subjects, an increase in image velocity (above 2.5 deg/s) causes a concordant reduction in VA and perceived contrast intensity, regardless of the direction of movement.
4–7 One previous study has examined the effects of comparable (nystagmoid) image motion on the vision of normal subjects, and found a decline in VA at velocities above 3 deg/s.
8 While many nystagmus waveforms contain foveation periods with velocities below this threshold, some do not, even in subjects with idiopathic IN. Previous studies
2,3,9,10 have demonstrated a strong
intersubject correlation between waveform dynamics and VA. In addition, in experiments in which normally sighted subjects are presented with image motion similar to that produced by nystagmus waveforms, VA improves as simulated foveation period duration increases.
8,11–13 This wealth of evidence has led to the assumption that poor waveform dynamics (i.e., brief or high-velocity foveations) reduce VA. Many clinical therapies have been predicated on this assumption.
2,14,15 Nonetheless, in principle, it remains possible that the reverse is true: that poor VA may result in the development of a waveform with less accurate, briefer foveations.
Jin and colleagues
17 have demonstrated that a small flash of light is equally likely to be perceived at all times regardless of when it is presented during the nystagmus waveform. Furthermore, images stabilized on the retina, afterimages of bright flashes, and migraine auras are occasionally perceived as continuously moving in individuals with IN.
18,19 This evidence suggests that visual perception is continuous throughout the slow phases of nystagmus as well as during foveations. Chung et al.
20 have found that normal subjects presented with an image moving in a nystagmoid fashion have improved VA when the image is shown during the simulated foveations but hidden for the remainder of the slow phases. One might therefore expect VA to be similarly degraded by motion blur during the entire slow phase in individuals with IN.
Here, we sought to measure VA in adults with IN in the
absence of image motion, by using briefly flashed gratings in an otherwise dark environment. Abadi and King-Smith
21 have adopted a similar approach. They have determined the luminance required to detect the presence of a single line under continuous and tachistoscopic (0.2 ms) conditions; data were derived from four individuals with IN and three control subjects. Visual stimuli were presented to both groups with a brief flash of light to eliminate image motion, so that the impact of image motion on visual sensitivity could be estimated. They have found that sensitivity to a 16° long line oriented in the same axis as the nystagmus is higher than to a line oriented in the orthogonal axis, which is attributed to meridional amblyopia. However, the relationship between the tachistoscopic and continuous presentations is not discussed, and the sensitivity measure used (i.e., relative sensitivity) cannot be interpreted clinically. Therefore, we used gratings to directly measure the impact of image motion on VA.