Ischemic events led to a stress response and results in a loss of RGC.
10,12 In our study, I/R induced a significant RGC loss (
P = 0.0332;
Fig. 4) and an increase of cl-caspase 3
+ RGCs in ischemic eyes (
P = 0.0164,
Figs. 6A,
6B), indicating that apoptosis plays a major role in the RGC degeneration. This finding was supported by the increase of phagocytes in the GCL (
P < 0.001;
Figs. 5A,
5B), which are known to become activated by neuronal damage or apoptosis.
28 Various reports show a peak of apoptosis 6 to 18 hours after I/R that returns to control level after 48 hours.
10,11,46–48 In our study, we detected an increase of cl-caspase 3 and FasL (
Figs. 6E,
P < 0.001), as well as a decrease in the colocalization of TNF-R1 and TRADD (
Fig. 6D) indicating the presence of apoptotic processes in ischemic retinas at 21 days. Although not much is known about secondary degeneration processes after ischemia, the occurrence of a second wave of neurodegeneration has been shown in cerebral ischemia starting 2 weeks after the initial ischemic insult.
49,50 It is possible that after a primary wave of degeneration 6 to 48 hours after I/R in the INL affecting amacrine cells and RGC, a secondary wave of degeneration starts to take place after I/R at a later point in time affecting other neuronal cells in the INL.
10,11,46,47 A secondary degeneration in the retina has been noted in an optic nerve transection animal model.
51 Partially cutting the optic nerve resulted in a first wave of apoptosis in the projecting area of the cut axons, but also lead to secondary neuronal degeneration in the areas not affected by the initial axon cut starting at 14 days.
51 However, the exact mechanisms of possible secondary degeneration in the retina are not yet understood and are just beginning to be revealed.
52 Further experiments at earlier points in time need to be performed to investigate the appearance of a possible secondary wave of degeneration after I/R similar to cerebral ischemia.