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Dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivatives of various molecular weights were tested for their ability to elicit ocular anaphylaxis after topical application to the eye of immunized animals. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were immunized by intraperitoneal injection of DNP-Ascaris suum extracts and alum and were then skin-tested with DNP-bovine serum albumin on day 13 post-immunization to assess their sensitivity to the DNP hapten. On day 14, animals were challenged topically with DNP derivatives in one eye; PBS was applied to the contralateral, control eye. Animals were evaluated clinically, and ocular tissues were processed for histologic evaluation. The compounds used for topical ocular challenge included the DNP derivative of egg albumin (MW 43,500 D), soybean trypsin inhibitor (MW 20,080 D), insulin (MW 5733 D), B-chain insulin (MW 3496 D), and lysine (MW 478 D). Only di-DNP-lysine elicited clinical signs of redness, edema, and tearing and histologic evidence of mast cell degranulation. None of the other compounds, tested in solutions of either equal numbers of milligram per milliliter or equimolar concentrations, elicited ocular anaphylaxis after topical application. A compound of low molecular weight, less than 3496, is needed to elicit ocular anaphylaxis when applied topically.