The normalized amount of photopigment as a function of age. The points
(•) represent the result from the higher eye
(Table 1) of each of the
102 donors. If the higher eye had native rhodopsin assayed, the value
was normalized to the median adult value of 6.45 nmoles
(Table 1) . If
the higher eye had been supplemented with 9-
cis retinal,
the value was normalized to the median adult value of 7.19 nmoles
(Table 1) . For those donors having only one eye studied, the amount of
photopigment was normalized to the appropriate adult median for native
rhodopsin, or 9-
cis retinal–supplemented samples
(Table 1) . Adults are shown in 3 columns: young (21–40 years;
n = 17), middle-aged (40–65 years;
n = 13), and older (≥65 years;
n = 25). As indicated, donors were not evenly
distributed throughout infancy. Therefore, clusters of infantile data
are represented by median age and median percentage of photopigment
(□) as follows: preterms (ages 27–35 weeks’ gestation,
n = 5); around term, 40 to 42 weeks’ gestation
n = 8); and median age, 4 months postterm (3–11
n = 11). The median percentages of
photopigment in children, adolescents, and adults are also shown (□);
the median ages are in
Table 1 . The smooth line is a logistic growth
curve fit to the medians (□). The equation for this curve is
year max =
age n/(
age n +
C n), where
y max = 100%,
n =
7.2, and
C = 5 weeks, the age at which rhodopsin is
50% of the adult value.