The capability of the vergence system to undergo an adaptive
modification of its initial response to a given change in disparity has
been demonstrated previously by changing the disparity just after the
eye has begun moving in response to the initial disparity
8 or by using a step-ramp stimulus, in which case the disparity continues
to increase after the initial step change in
11 We have replicated this capability for
vergence adaptation in this study, also using the double-step stimulus.
In our study, as previously reported in other studies of vergence
8 10 11 14 adaptation was exceedingly rapid,
with the major change requiring only approximately 100 trials, which
took just 10 minutes of training. As also reported previously, the
adaptive changes in the vergence response were relatively large
compared with saccade and pursuit adaptation in similar types of
training paradigms.
4 16 Our study, however, added new
qualitative and quantitative information about the adaptive response,
which also allowed us to compare the mechanisms of vergence, saccade,
and pursuit adaptation. In particular, we scrutinized the adapted
responses by using a phase–plane analysis,
17 a main
sequence analysis,
18 and an interval-by-interval
correlation analysis.
The main sequence analysis allowed us to look for changes in the
dynamic properties of the vergence response after adaptation by
comparing pre- and postadaptation values for the peak vergence velocity
within the open-loop period with a given-sized vergence amplitude at
the end of the open-loop period. By confining the analysis to the first
150 msec of vergence tracking we could largely exclude effects of
visual feedback on the initial response. In the increasing paradigm we
found significant changes in the main sequence for vergence eye
movements in three of four cases, supporting the idea that adaptation
to an increasing stimulus is accompanied by a change in the dynamic
properties of the vergence response and not just a change in the
mapping of the amplitude of the preprogrammed movement to the amplitude
of a given disparity. On the contrary, with the decreasing paradigm, we
found significant changes in the main sequence in only one of four
The phase–plane and correlation analyses confirmed several features of
the adaptive response that could also be appreciated in the time plots.
First, for the responses with the increasing paradigm, the point when
peak velocity was reached occurred later in the trial. This finding is
compatible with the idea that adaptation to a stimulus calling for an
increased response is accomplished by an increase in the duration, not
by the maximum value of eye acceleration. For the responses in the
decreasing paradigm, there was little change in the point in the trial
when peak velocity was reached. This finding is compatible with the
idea that adaptation to a stimulus calling for a decreased response is
accomplished, at least in part, by a decrease in the maximum value of
eye acceleration. This interpretation was also supported by the results
of the correlation analysis between the value of the vergence velocity
in each epoch and the progress of adaptation training
(Fig. 8) . They
showed that vergence eye velocity within an individual trial changed
earlier in the decreasing than in the increasing paradigms.
Our present findings are in many ways analogous to those reported for
adaptation of saccades and the open-loop portion of pursuit. For
pursuit, adaptation in paradigms calling for an increased response is
accomplished by an increase in the duration of the acceleration period,
whereas adaptation in paradigms calling for a decreased response is
largely accomplished by a decrease in the maximum value of eye
acceleration in the open-loop period.
7 Saccade peak
velocity approaches a saturation for large-amplitude saccades, and,
when adaptation to muscle weakness is required, increases in the size
of larger saccades are probably accomplished by an increase in the
duration, rather than by an increase in the maximum value of the
saccade velocity command.
19 20 In vergence (and presumably
saccades and pursuit), the maximum value of eye acceleration during the
open-loop period may be relatively limited, necessitating an increase
in the duration of the period during which peak eye acceleration is
maintained when vergence innervation must be increased further.
The site of vergence adaptation in the central nervous system is not
known. One mechanism may be a higher level cognitive adjustment in
vergence innervation, because the visual stimulus was repetitive and
called for the same change in amplitude. However, even when single- or
double-step stimuli were presented so that the net vergence response
should have been the same, motor modifications still appeared after
double-step training, excluding a pure cognitive effect.
8 Similarly, in our paradigm the time of occurrence of the initial target
step was randomized, eliminating prediction in the initial vergence
response. Changes in attention level or fatigue
21 also
could be factors. However, the same pattern of trial and rest periods
in the different training paradigms caused significantly different
modifications in the dynamic pattern of responses. Alternatively,
adaptation may reflect changes in the lower-level motor machinery that
generates premotor vergence commands and may be related to the function
of the cerebellum.
Many data suggest that in the cases of saccades and the open-loop
portion of pursuit, the posterior vermis of the cerebellum and the
underlying fastigial oculomotor region are involved in mediating
adaptive changes in similar double-step
6 7 20 22 23 In the posterior vermis there are
cells sensitive to disparity,
24 and vergence-related
activity is also found in the portions of the pons that relay
information to the dorsal cerebellar vermis.
25 These
findings suggest that the posterior vermis could also be involved in
the adaptive control of the open-loop portion of vergence eye
movements. Neurophysiological investigation is needed to help settle
this question.