purpose. Cystatin C is a mammalian cysteine protease inhibitor, synthesized in
various amounts by many kinds of cells and appearing in most body
fluids. There are reports that it may be synthesized in the mammalian
retina and that a cysteine protease inhibitor may influence the
degradation of photoreceptor outer segment proteins. In the current
study cystatin C was identified, quantitated, and localized in mouse,
rat, and human retinas.
methods. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse
transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), DNA sequencing,
Western blot analysis, and immunohistochemistry have been used on
mouse, rat, and human retinas (pigment epithelium included).
results. Cystatin C is present in high concentrations in the normal adult rat
retina, as it is throughout its postnatal development. Its
concentration increases to a peak at the time when rat pups open their
eyes and then remains at a high level. It is mainly localized to the
pigment epithelium, but also to some few neurons of varying types in
the inner retina. Cystatin C is similarly expressed in normal mouse and
human retinas.
conclusions. Cystatin C was identified and the localization described in the retinas
of rat, mouse, and human using several techniques. Cystatin C is known
to efficiently inactivate certain cysteine proteases. One of them,
cathepsin S, is present in the retinal pigment epithelium and affects
the proteolytic processing by cathepsin D of diurnally shed
photoreceptor outer segments. Hypothetically, it appears possible that
retinal cystatin C, given its localization to the pigment epithelium
and its ability to inhibit cathepsin S, could be involved in the
regulation of photoreceptor degradation.
Cystatins are a group of proteins, functioning throughout
the animal and plant kingdoms as inhibitors of papain-like cysteine
proteases belonging to enzyme family C1. Mammalian C1 cysteine
proteases, such as cathepsins B, H, L, and S, have important functions
in the catabolism of peptides and proteins.
1 2 Because
proteases can cause substantial tissue damage unless carefully
controlled by specific inhibitors, great attention has been paid to
natural protease inhibitors over the past decade, even though they were
first discovered as long ago as the late 1950s.
Cystatins regulate the activity of family C1 cysteine proteases by
reversible binding to their active-site clefts in competition with
enzyme substrate. Known mammalian cystatins are all composed of at
least one 100- to 120-amino-acid-residue domain with conserved sequence
4 Of the 11 human cystatins known, cystatin C is
the most extensively studied, showing a wide-spectrum inhibition
profile and high-affinity binding to virtually all family C1 cysteine
1 It is the dominating inhibitor in most body
fluids, present in amounts allowing it to control the extracellular
activities of cathepsin B and other family C1 cysteine
The concentration of human cystatin C is markedly higher in
cerebrospinal fluid than in blood.
5 The highest amounts of
cystatin C in tissue homogenates from human, mouse, and rat are found
in brain samples, at levels of 30 to 300 ng/mg protein.
6 It has been shown that cystatin C is expressed in rat, monkey, and
human cerebral neurons.
7 8 9
The retina is ontogenetically a part of the central nervous system
(CNS) and cystatin C might therefore be expected in retinal neurons as
well. It has been shown by in situ hybridization that cystatin C mRNA
is present in the rat retina,
10 but the precise retinal
distribution of the protein, to our knowledge, has not been studied so
far. Further, it has been shown that the production of cystatin C is
upregulated in the CNS after ischemia or axotomy,
11 12 suggesting that it may play a role in neurodegeneration,
neuroprotection, or repair. When it was further shown that the retinal
pigment epithelium produces factor(s) with cysteine protease inhibitory
characteristics, which may be of importance in retinal development or
normal maintenance,
13 we decided to analyze the content
and distribution of cystatin C in the retina.
The monospecific polyclonal rabbit antisera used for ELISA,
immunoblot analysis, and immunohistochemistry were raised against
cystatin C isolated from human urine,
5 recombinant mouse,
and rat cystatin C.
6 The antibodies against human cystatin
C cross-react with mouse and rat cystatin C.
6 Of the three
cystatin C antisera, the one raised against human cystatin C elicited
the best immunohistochemical labeling and was therefore predominantly
used. The two others did not result in any deviating observations.
Secondary antibodies conjugated to FITC or Texas red and raised against
rabbit IgG were obtained from Southern Biotechnology Associates, Inc.
(Birmingham, AL), and Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc. (West
Grove, PA), respectively.
The specimens were examined using a epifluorescence microscope
(Eclipse E800; Nikon) equipped with a digital acquisition system
(DEI-750; Optronics Engineering, Goletta, GA) and with a confocal laser
scanning microscope (MRC1024UV; Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA). Images were
viewed and processed using image analysis software (Confocal Assistant;
free software, copyright Todd Clark Brelje, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis; and Photoshop; Adobe Systems, Mountain View, CA).
Autofluorescence can be disturbing in the human pigment epithelium.
Confocal scanning images were therefore obtained in selected regions
with low lipofuscin autofluorescence and at two different wavelengths,
one at 488/529 nm and one at 568/598 nm (excitation/emission
wavelengths). The FITC-labeled antibody is known to elicit only weak
signal in the 568/598-nm channel, which was also checked in independent
model preparations. Care was taken to keep all image information well
within the dynamic range of the confocal microscope, allowing
subtraction images to be made without aberration caused by out-of-range
fluorescence intensities. Fluorescence in the 488/529-nm channel that
did not appear in the 568/598-nm channel was taken to be specific FITC
fluorescence. For control purposes, the autofluorescence was studied in
nonlabeled specimens, and subtracted images were made from such images,
to affirm that the autofluorescence was similar in both channels,
allowing such subtraction images to be made on the labeled sections.
For analysis of cystatin C in the eye, we mainly relied on
immunochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. The specificity of
the antibodies used was therefore critical. We used polyclonal antisera
raised against human, mouse, and rat cystatin C, which in Western blot
analysis of rat retinal proteins showed a single stained band
corresponding in size to that expected for cystatin C. In
immunohistochemical work with the antiserum against human cystatin C,
preabsorbing it with a stoichiometric excess of recombinantly produced
human cystatin C abolished the staining. Based on these results, we
conclude that this antiserum specifically labels cystatin C in the rat
and mouse in addition to human cystatin C, which it was raised against.
Furthermore, omission of the primary antibody resulted in complete
elimination of all specific labeling and switching between different
secondary antibodies did not affect the labeling. There was thus no
confounding staining by the secondary antibodies.
The detection at the protein level of cystatin C in homogenates of
adult rat and mouse retinas (with the pigment epithelium included),
using these antibodies, is corroborated by the identification of
cystatin C mRNA in such homogenates. According to our immunoassays, the
inhibitor concentrations were, in the two species, more than 90 and
more than 20 ng/mg protein, which is significantly higher than in
homogenates from most tissues (liver, kidney, spleen, and muscle) of
both animals, and of the same order as in homogenates of whole rat or
mouse brain.
6 We therefore conclude that relatively high
amounts of cystatin C are synthesized in the retina and retinal pigment
At the cellular level, cystatin C was seen in all cells of the retinal
pigment epithelium. Certain ganglion, amacrine, bipolar, and horizontal
cells and cones occasionally also showed cystatin C immunoreactivity.
The distribution of cystatin C immunoreactivity was consistent and
comparable in retinas of rats, mice, and humans. Based on the results
presented here, we propose that cystatin C is localized to the retinal
pigment epithelium as well as to some few neurons of different types in
the inner retina. To our knowledge, this is the first direct
examination of the distribution of a cysteine protease inhibitor in the
The presence of retinal cystatin C was previously investigated with an
indirect method assaying cystatin C mRNA by in situ
10 thus showing putative production sites.
Our immunolocalization of the actual protein confirms the presence of
cystatin C in the retina, but it appeared in structures other than the
ones noted with in situ hybridization. However, expressed-sequence tag
(EST) analyses of mRNA from cultured human retinal epithelial cells
show the presence of cystatin C transcripts in these
21 22 indicating that the protein we detect at least
partially is located at its site of synthesis. Furthermore, in this
study, specific ELISA showed that in the rat retina, cystatin C was
present in fetal tissue from stage E18 and was expressed throughout the
development of the retina, as well as in the adult retina, reaching a
maximum at approximately PN14. Immunohistochemistry has shown that the
distribution of cystatin C remains essentially the same throughout
development and that the pattern is the same as that in the adult
The increase in retinal cystatin C content during the early development
of the retina suggests that it may have a specific function controlling
the development of the tissue. Because there was no addition of new
cystatin C immunoreactive cell types during development, it appears
likely that the increase reflects an increased production of cystatin C
in predominantly the pigment epithelial cells.
Cystatin C is expressed by neurons and glial cells in the rat
7 In the brain, the expression of cystatin C is
upregulated after ischemia
11 or facial nerve
12 Considering the similarities between the brain
and the retina, cystatin C may have similar protective or regulatory
functions in the event of pathologic or traumatic lesions affecting the
Based on the results presented herein, we propose that cystatin C
is continuously present at a fairly high level in the retinal pigment
epithelium as well as occasionally in retinal neurons of most classes.
The increase in the amount of cystatin C present in the retina
coinciding with the time when the photoreceptor cells mature at
approximately PN14 raises the hypothesis that it may participate in
regulating the degradation of photoreceptor outer segment proteins,
potentially by affecting the activity of cathepsin S. This hypothesis
is based on the fact that cathepsin S is present in the retinal pigment
23 where it can regulate the activity
of cathepsin D,
24 which is the predominant protease
involved in photoreceptor outer segment degradation.
25 26 27 Further, cystatin C is a strikingly good cathepsin S inhibitor in
1 and is a likely physiological regulator of cathepsin
S activity. For example, the cystatin C–cathepsin S balance appears to
control antigen presentation by dendritic cells,
28 and it
is important for the maintenance of normal vessel walls.
29 The cystatin C we have demonstrated in the retinal pigment epithelium
may influence the (cathepsin S–cathepsin D) system.
Supported by The Foundation Fighting Blindness, the Knut and Alice
Wallenberg Foundation, the A. Österlund Foundation, the Segerfalk
Foundation, the Crafoord Foundation, Project Grants K99-04X, 09915, and
14X-2321 from the Swedish Medical Research Council, and the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Lund.
Submitted for publication July 24, 2000; revised October 30 and
December 15, 2000, and February 5, 2001; accepted February 16, 2001.
Commercial relationships policy: N.
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page
charge payment. This article must therefore be marked“
advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734
solely to indicate this fact.
Corresponding author: Johan Wassélius, Department of
Ophthalmology, WRC, BMC, B13, Lund University Hospital, S-221 84 Lund,
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