purpose. To study the role of tears in the death of keratocytes after epithelium
removal in the mouse cornea.
methods. In anesthetized mice, an approximately 1-mm circle of epithelium was
removed from the center of the cornea, exposing the underlying stroma.
In one group of animals, access of tears to the bare stroma was
allowed—in vivo, by closing the eyelids, or ex vivo, by dropping tears
from another animal onto the denuded stroma of an enucleated eyeball.
In another group, tear access was denied—in vivo, by bathing the
cornea continuously in saline or by keeping the lids open, or ex vivo,
by rinsing the denuded cornea before incubating the enucleated eyeball.
In a separate group, corneal epithelial debris from another mouse was
placed on the bare stroma of an enucleated eyeball. The corneas were
isolated, stained with a fluorescent nuclear dye, and observed en face
in a wholemount preparation under a fluorescence microscope, to
evaluate the distribution of intact nuclei across the entire depth of
the stroma.
results. Between 1.5 and 2 hours after exposure to tears, the nuclei of the
anterior keratocytes under the area of epithelial debridement
invariably degenerated. When they had been protected from the tears,
however, no degeneration was observed. Epithelial debris applied on the
bare stroma had no effect on the underlying keratocytes.
conclusions. Factors in tear fluid trigger keratocyte loss after removal of the
epithelium in the mouse cornea.
Mechanical debridement of the corneal epithelium is common
in the clinical management of various corneal conditions, such as
recurrent epithelial erosions, epithelial herpes, intraoperative
epithelial clouding, and photorefractive keratectomy. Underlying
keratocyte loss within hours of this procedure has long been recognized
by many investigators,
1 2 3 4 5 and attempts have been made to
explain this phenomenon and reverse its outcome.
6 7 It has
been suggested that factors released from epithelial cells after injury
may be responsible for the initiation of cell death,
8 and
IL-1 and the Fas-Fas ligand system have been implicated in the
9 which has been attributed to apoptosis.
However, keratocyte death or survival may be determined by chemical
factors from the tears or leukocytes as well as from the injured
epithelium, and it could be influenced by physical factors, such as
corneal temperature and hydration or the mechanical consequences of
blinking. How much these factors control the fate of the keratocytes
could very well depend on how the cornea is treated after the
epithelium is debrided, but this has been poorly documented in most
investigations. Accordingly, in the context of a wider investigation
into the reaction of corneal cells to injury, we performed a better
controlled study into the mechanism of the death of underlying
keratocytes after epithelium removal.
Cell Counting.
Mice were killed by an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital at
various times between 0 and 4 hours after the injury. The eyeballs were
enucleated by evulsion and fixed either by formaldehyde (4% in
phosphate-buffered saline) or by ethanol (70% in water or in 10%
acetic acid). The whole cornea was dissected from the experimental eye
and stained with 1 μM 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) in
H2O for 10 minutes. Radial cuts were made in the cornea so
that it could be flattened by a coverslip, and it was mounted in
glycerol (50% in phosphate-buffered saline with 0.1% n-propylgallate) and examined en face under a
fluorescence microscope (Axioskop2; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany).
Routinely, images were recorded from the injured area with a digital
camera (Orca; Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu City, Japan) at 5-μm intervals
through the entire thickness of the cornea. Control images of the
nearby uninjured area were taken after the overlying epithelium was
removed. The digital images were processed with an image-processing
program (MetaMorph; Universal Imaging Co., West Chester, PA) for
analysis and documentation. The depth of keratocyte loss was expressed
as a percentage of the entire thickness of the stroma occupied by the
acellular zone. In some specimens, sharply focused cells within a
250 × 200-μm field of a single focal plane at one third the
depth of the stroma were counted manually from the microscope image
displayed on a computer monitor. To assess the counting error, normal
areas from 10 corneas were chosen where fields at the same level had
been counted on two different occasions. The root mean square of the
difference between each pair of readings was 4.4 cells. In comparison,
the average number of cells in the field was 37.5. In a few corneas,
the remaining epithelium near the wound margin was removed, and a
cross-sectional view of the keratocytes in this area was constructed
from serial optical sections recorded at intervals of 1 μm.
The opportunity was taken in the in vivo experiments to observe whether
leukocytes, primarily polymorphonuclear neutrophils, were attracted
into the debrided area, because they could be a source of cytotoxic
factors. Their presence was monitored in DAPI-stained specimens by
identifying their horseshoe-shaped nuclei, which can be easily
distinguished from the roughly oval keratocyte nuclei.
To eliminate uncontrolled systemic and local factors during the
in vivo experiments, enucleated eyeballs were tested for the effect of
short-term exposure to various conditions that might cause keratocyte
death after epithelium debridement.
Immediately after an untouched mouse was euthanatized, both corneas
underwent epithelial removal by lifting with gelatin-coated slides.
Then, the eyes were rinsed with saline and enucleated, and each was
mounted in a 35-mm petri dish with the cornea up. The sclera was in
contact with a filter paper soaked in phosphate-buffered saline that
covered the bottom of the dish, and the inner surface of the lid of the
petri dish was wetted in the same way. The dishes were then kept in a
humidified incubator at 37°C for 0.5 to 4 hours before the eyeball
was fixed.
Tears were collected from one or both untouched eyes of a mouse under
general, but no topical, anesthesia at approximately 2-minute intervals
over 10 to 15 minutes. The end of a 1-μl micropipette (outer diameter
0.66 mm, inner diameter 0.20 mm; Drummond Scientific, Broomall, PA),
which was flamed to make the surface smooth, was gently brought into
contact with the surface of the inferior–temporal conjunctival sac,
and the tears were taken up by capillarity until 0.2 to 0.5 μl was
accumulated. Care was taken to minimize rubbing the surface cells
during the tear collection. The tears were immediately delivered onto
the freshly denuded cornea of an isolated eyeball from a different
mouse, which was then incubated for 0.5 to 4 hours. The tears were
viscous and ran slowly off the denuded area.
Two different experiments were performed to assess the cytotoxic
potential of the epithelial cells of the cornea and conjunctiva that
have an opportunity to release factors to the bare stroma. The first
was intended to simulate the release of factors across the entire
thickness of the epithelium from the ring of injured cells that
surrounded the debrided zone. The central 2 mm of corneal epithelium
was scraped from both eyes of a separate donor with a number 12 blade
and applied to the cornea of an enucleated eye, to cover the debrided
zone. The eye was then incubated for 2 to 4 hours.
The second experiment tested the effect of the superficial cells that
are normally desquamated into the tear film from the entire surface of
the cornea and conjunctiva. After the conjunctival sac of a
euthanatized mouse was extensively rinsed with saline, the cornea and
the conjunctiva were separately dissected, blotted, and spread out with
the epithelial side up. They were then wetted with 10 μl
phosphate-buffered saline and gently rubbed with a blunt spatula to
harvest the superficial cells from each tissue. The cell density in an
aliquot of the suspension was determined by Giemsa staining, and the
remainder was assayed on an enucleated eye. For comparison, the cell
density was determined in tears collected from the untouched mouse
eyes, as already described.
Closed Eye.
Fluid Immersion.
Open Eye.
In eyes when the lids were closed, there was no detectable leukocyte
infiltration into the stroma at 2 to 4 hours after the epithelial
debridement in 15 of 19 corneas, although there was always obvious
keratocyte loss. In the other four, all at 4 hours, a few
horseshoe-shaped nuclei corresponding to leukocytes could be
identified, primarily at the outer edge of the injury margin in the
anterior part of the stroma (not shown).
A possible role of wounded epithelium in regulating the stromal
cells was suggested by Weimar,
16 but cell death was not
discussed. More recently, it has been shown that the
epithelial–stromal interactions can be mediated by apoptotic
cytokines, such as IL-1 and soluble Fas ligand, which may be released
by corneal epithelial cells in response to injury.
8 Accordingly, it has been proposed that apoptotic stimulators released
from the injured epithelial cells may be responsible for the death of
underlying stromal cells after epithelial
5 17 18
However, our results suggest that injured epithelial cells at the
margin of the debridement area are not the source of the cytotoxic
effect in the mouse cornea. First, in the absence of tears, there was
no loss of keratocytes directly underneath the circle of damaged
epithelium. This was demonstrated in the in vivo cornea where the
eyelids were kept open, and also in the ex vivo cornea that was
incubated at 37°C in the absence of tears. Even when the tears had
access to the bare stroma, the margin of the cell death zone was
usually several cell lengths within the margin of the epithelial
debridement. Second, placing corneal epithelial debris on the bare
stroma of an enucleated eye had no evident effect on the underlying
keratocytes. Similarly, the superficial epithelial cells that
desquamate into the tear film do not seem to be a cause of keratocyte
toxicity, because higher concentrations of cells rubbed off the cornea
or conjunctival surfaces showed no such effect.
The reason for the discrepancy between our findings and those of Helena
et al.
15 is not clear, but it is possible that the mouse
and the rabbit do not share the same mechanism of cell death. However,
differences in the method of epithelial removal do not seem important,
because gentle mechanical scraping with a blunt scalpel, similar to
their procedure used in rabbits,
15 gave results identical
with gelatin lifting in virtually every case (data not shown).
The presence of leftover epithelial cells in the denuded area was
almost always associated with the survival of underlying keratocytes
(Fig. 5) . This suggests that, apart from its barrier function, the
epithelium may be a source of active molecules that protect the
keratocytes, or it may serve as a neutralization site for the factors
that would trigger keratocyte death.