This study was performed using a total of 20 rabbits for each of
the cidofovir-resistant variants, and 40 rabbits for the Ad5 Parent.
After appropriate systemic and topical anesthesia, NZW rabbits were
inoculated with 50 μl (1.5 × 106 pfu/eye)
of the appropriate virus in both eyes after 12 cross-hatched strokes of
a No. 25 sterile needle. Inoculation of both eyes of the rabbits
allowed us to reduce the number of animals needed without jeopardizing
statistical validity in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act Policy
No. 12 (Consideration of Alternatives to Painful/Distressful
Procedures, June 21, 2000). Twenty-four hours later a total of 10
rabbits each for the variants and 20 for the Ad5 parent were randomly
assigned to one of two topical treatment groups: I, 0.5% cidofovir;
and II, PBS control. Rabbits were treated in both eyes twice daily for
7 days. On days 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14 after inoculation,
after topical anesthesia with proparacaine, a single cotton-tipped swab
was placed into the lower fornix, rolled over the cornea into the upper
fornix to recover adenovirus from the tear film and corneal and
conjunctival surfaces. The swabs from each eye were placed individually
into tubes containing 1 ml of outgrowth media and were frozen at−
70°C pending viral assay.