Female Wistar rats weighing more than 180 g were used. All
experiments adhered to the ARVO Statement for the Use of Animals in
Ophthalmic and Vision Research. In the initial phases of this study,
RGCs were retrogradely labeled by multiple stereotactic injections of a
fluorescent tracer (Fluorogold; Fluorochrome, Inc., Denver CO) into the
superior colliculus (SC) at various locations.
6 7 However,
we found that labeling was not always consistent, with some areas of
the retina occasionally having labeling too weak for imaging by the
digital camera setup used (data not shown). We thus used a method to
label the SC over its entire surface.
13 This allowed us to
consistently label RGCs over the entire retinal area with the
fluorescent dye. Inspection under UV illumination of serial brain
sections in the animals 1 week after the procedure revealed penetration
of the dye throughout the whole extent of the SC (data not shown).
Under ketamine-acepromazine-xylazine anesthesia an opening was created
in the skull approximately 6 mm posterior to Bregma, 1 mm on either
side of the median raphe. The exposed occipital cortex was aspirated to
expose the underlying superior colliculi. A pledget of absorbable
gelatin (Gelfoam; Pharmacia & Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI) soaked in 5%
fluorescent tracer in sterile water was applied on the surface of the
SC. Silicone grease was used to cover the gelatin and fill the skull
opening and the skin was sutured after the incision was treated with
topical antibiotic ointment and topical anesthetic. The animals were
allowed to recover and were killed 7 days later.
Under the anesthesia described earlier, the animals were cardiac
perfused with ice cold 4% paraformaldehyde in phosphate buffered
saline (PBS). The eyes were enucleated, the anterior segments were
removed, and the resultant eyecups were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde
for 2 hours at room temperature. One radial cut was created from the
nasal margin of the retina for orientation using the caruncle as an
orientation landmark. The retinas were then dissected from their
attachment at the optic nerve using a trephine, and oriented on a
microscope slide. Additional radial cuts were made to facilitate
flattening of the retinas on the slide. Flat-mounted retinas were then
air-dried to ensure flatness of the retina, coverslipped, and stored at
4°C in the dark until they were imaged.
Slides with flat-mounted retinas were observed on an epifluorescence
microscope (Axiomat; Carl Zeiss, Inc., Thornwood, NY) equipped with a
filter set (XF05; Omega Optical, Inc., Brattleboro, VT). The microscope
had been modified to include a computer-driven motorized stage
(Biopoint; Ludl Electronic Products, Ltd., Hawthorne NY), and a digital
camera operating at ambient temperature (Pixera Corp., Los Gatos CA).
Each retina was scanned in a raster pattern of adjacent nonoverlapping
images with a ×10 objective (Fluar, NA 0.5; Zeiss). This low-power
objective has sufficient depth of field to maintain focus of imaged
RGCs in a frame despite the imperfect planarity in retinal flatmounts
prepared as described. The resolution of each image was 0.92
pixels/μm2. Each retina was completely imaged
in 200 to 250 frames of 0.3335 mm2 each, which
took approximately 3 hours to accomplish. Frames had a space
approximately 4 μm wide between them, so that approximately 1.5% of
the total retinal area was not imaged. At this interframe spacing,
cells not counted because of the watershedding algorithm that tends to
remove the partially imaged cells at the frame edge, would be in the
small size range of cells from 7 to 11.5 μm in diameter (described
later). This size range represents approximately 30% of RGCs, and thus
the error (number of cells not counted) caused by nonoverlapping frames
is approximately 0.5%. Therefore, no attempt was made to correct for
partial cells not counted at the edges of each frame. Overcounting
caused by partially imaged cells at the edges of each frame represents
a minimal error, because watershed segmentation tends to eliminate
those cells that are mostly outside the frame but counts those cells
that are mostly inside the frame. Although the error introduced by
double counting of large cells or aggregates of small cells is expected
to be minimal (<1%) because of the reasons just outlined, its
magnitude has not been determined in this study. However, any errors
introduced by either under- or overcounting of cells at edges are
corrected by the use of the correction factor (described later). The
total area of each retina was determined from the sum of retinal areas
in the full and partial frames, as will be described.
Color (red-green-blue [RGB]) images obtained from the digital camera
were saved for further analysis. Analysis was performed on computer,
using commercially available software. The image processing was
performed with image management software (Photoshop ver. 5.5; Adobe
Systems, Inc., San Jose CA). After the RGB images were converted to
gray scale, a high-pass filter was used to eliminate camera noise and
background fluorescence from the nerve fiber layer (NFL). The image was
subsequently intensity thresholded (threshold 128) and inverted so that
fluorescent cells would appear as black objects on a white background.
Euclidian distance map (EDM) erosion
14 followed by
watershed segmentation
14 was applied to maximize
resolution of touching cells.
Figure 1 illustrates the transformation applied to the RGB image of a
representative frame to use automated quantification.
Rapid counting of retinal ganglion cells in the processed binary images
was achieved with image analysis software (Image-Tool, ver. 2.0;
University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio [UTHSCSA], San
Antonio, TX), using a size threshold of 31 pixels for the image
magnification set-up described earlier. This size threshold was
estimated from published data on RGC size, directly by visual
inspection of the smallest RGC in the unprocessed images, and
specifically determined by size analysis of the objects in the binary
images of all 10 retinas (see the Results section). Once automated, the
whole process of object counting was performed on the RGB images as a
stack without any operator input and could be accomplished in less than
2 hours for each retina.
Cell density was calculated for each frame by dividing the number of
objects in each frame by the area occupied by retinal tissue in the
frame (in nonfull frames this area was easily measured by thresholding
the image in the RGB channels). The object density was then converted
to cell density by applying a correction, as described later. After
cell density was calculated for each frame, the image management and
image analysis software programs (Photoshop; Adobe, and Image-Tool,
respectively) were used to generate color-coded maps of cell density
for each retina.
The algorithm used for converting the RGB into binary images suitable
for automated counting was validated by performing manual counts on 12
to 15 unprocessed full RGB frames from each retina. Frames to be
counted manually were selected at random and covered high-, medium-,
and low-density areas without respect to location. Manual counting of
frames was performed using the “count-and-tag” routine of
Image-Tool. Unbiased counting rules were used for counting
edge-touching cells.
15 16 Manually counted frames covering
the full range of RGC densities were then compared with the
corresponding automated object counts obtained for the same frame after
image processing, as has been described.
Morphologic size data based on the area of the counted objects was
obtained for all frames using the image management program (Photoshop;
Adobe), and were analyzed using a data management program (Excel 2000;
Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA). Statistical analysis was performed on
computer (NCSS statistical analysis software, Kaysville, UT).