Contrary to the prediction of the non–optimal-spacing hypothesis, by measuring reading speed as a function of letter spacing at three retinal eccentricities, we showed that the critical letter spacing did not increase with eccentricity. Instead, it appeared to be invariant with eccentricity (at least up to 10°), as long as the critical letter spacing was specified with respect to the standard spacing or the letter size. In other words, reading in peripheral vision did not benefit from increased letter spacing beyond the standard value.
Do our data provide sufficient evidence to refute the crowding explanation for slow reading in peripheral vision? Perhaps not. By increasing the letter spacing, it is likely that there is less crowding among letters.
13 14 However, the increased letter spacing also leads to at least two other effects that could slow down reading. First, word-shape or word-form information
18 is disrupted. Therefore, observers cannot use the word-form information to assist them in identifying words, and thus reading slows down. Second, the increased letter spacing may lead to a decrease in the number of letters that can be recognized at a glance—the visual span. Because the visual span has been shown to be an important factor limiting reading speed,
19 if fewer letters are contained in the visual span due to increased letter spacing, then reading slows down. The presence of one or both of these effects may counteract the beneficial effect of decreased crowding among letters, resulting in no overall benefit of increased letter spacing.
Previously, Chung and Mansfield
24 attempted to minimize the effect of crowding in text without increasing the physical word lengths. Based on the data of Kooi et al.,
25 who showed that crowding is reduced when the target letter and its neighboring letters are of different contrast polarities, Chung and Mansfield
24 hypothesized that reading mixed-polarity text would alleviate the crowding among adjacent characters and thus lead to a faster reading speed in peripheral vision. Contrary to their prediction, reading speeds obtained with uniform-polarity and mixed-polarity text were remarkably similar. Conceivably, words made up of mixed-polarity characters also lose their word-form information. Therefore, the beneficial effect of minimizing crowding using mixed-polarity text could have been counteracted by the detrimental effect of a disruption of word shape.
Our finding that reading speed does not benefit from increased letter spacing beyond the standard value seems to be at odds with the two earlier studies that show an increase in word recognition speed with increased letter spacing beyond the standard spacing.
5 16 In both of these studies, the words used as stimuli were uppercase, unrelated words. These words were all either three or four letters long.
5 16 The use of uppercase letters does not provide much word-form information,
18 therefore, the increased letter spacing does not make word recognition more difficult. Also, because of the short word lengths, all the words should fit well within the visual span, even with the additional letter spacing. Latham and Whitaker
5 found an improvement in word recognition speed when the edge-to-edge letter spacing equaled one letter width, compared with a letter spacing equaling only one fifth of a letter width. For their three-letter words, the total extent of each word at the large letter spacing is approximately five letter widths. Legge et al.
19 showed that the visual span at 10° eccentricity, for an 80% accuracy (the accuracy we adopted in the present study) and a presentation duration of 300 ms (comparable to the RSVP reading speed at 10° eccentricity), is approximately 5.5 letters wide. Because the three-letter words used by Latham and Whitaker
5 are smaller than the visual span, the size of the visual span was probably not a limiting factor in their study. Whittaker et al.
16 also measured speeds for recognizing words of four uppercase letters. They found that at 10° eccentricity, word recognition becomes slower when the edge-to-edge letter spacing increases beyond a spacing equivalent to 0.6 to 0.8 letter heights. This finding is consistent with the prediction based on the limit imposed by the visual span.
Arditi et al.
17 found an improvement in reading speed at the fovea and at 2° eccentricity, when the Times Roman font was rendered as a fixed-width font by increasing the letter spacing between adjacent letters, compared with the original Times Roman font rendered as a proportional-width font. However, this improvement was found only with the small letter size (approximately 0.165° at the fovea and 0.33° at 2° eccentricity). When compared with the averaged CPSs reported by Chung et al.,
6 who also used Times Roman font, the small letter sizes used by Arditi et al.
17 correspond to approximately 0.94x CPS at the fovea and approximately 0.7x to 0.8x CPS at 2° eccentricity (only an estimate at 2° eccentricity, because Chung et al.
6 provided data at 2.5° eccentricity only). These letter sizes were not very different from the small letter size (0.8x CPS) used in the present study. Although Arditi et al.
17 did not provide the dimensions of the letter spacing, judging from the illustrations in their
Figure 1 ,
17 the letter spacing in the proportional-width condition is likely to be close to the 0.707x letter spacing used in the present study, and their fixed-width condition should be equivalent to our 1x letter spacing. Our data showed that reading speed is higher for 1x than for 0.707x letter spacing, and more so for the smaller (0.8x CPS) than the larger (1.5x CPS) print size, which may explain why Arditi et al. found an improvement in reading speed with increased spacing only with the small letter size.
The smallest letter spacing that we used was much smaller than any letter spacing that has been examined in the literature for word reading.
5 16 17 At this small spacing, some of the features of individual characters overlapped one another, and thus may cause masking of overlapped features or inappropriate grouping or segmentation of letter features. Both pattern masking and inappropriate grouping would impede letter and word recognition, causing reading to slow down. However, the use of such a small letter spacing allows us to study the real limit of letter spacing on reading speed. Considering the overlapping features at this small letter spacing, the reading speeds attained by our observers were quite remarkable.
A few caveats should be kept in mind while evaluating our interpretation. First, our findings, obtained in young adults with healthy retinas, may not directly apply to people with central field loss whose retinas may be compromised by disease processes and who may in fact have more practice using the peripheral retina. Second, to test the peripheral retinas of our normal-sighted observers, inevitably we have to provide them a fixation target. The impact of this “divided-attention” task (fixating a red line while reading text presented below it) on peripheral reading speed is unknown, but casual comments from many observers suggested that fixating the red line became quite a natural task after some practice and did not seem to require much active attention. Third, earlier studies
5 6 have demonstrated that the fovea benefits more from contextual cues than the periphery. Our scoring scheme, which did not take word order into account, may have imposed a different limitation on the measured performance in the fovea versus the periphery. Fourth, that peripheral vision does not benefit much from contextual cues may be an indication that peripheral reading is limited by a “plateau” effect. If we could remove this effect, then reading speed in peripheral vision might increase with letter spacing and reach a maximum reading speed comparable with that of the fovea. In that case, the critical letter spacing would have occurred at a larger spacing. However, this would work only if we assume that the factors causing the plateau effect operate only at the maximum reading speed. We do not yet know of the exact factors that cause the plateau effect, but one possibility is the visual span, which has already been shown to be a bottleneck on reading speed.
Our attempt to use a simple text manipulation to minimize crowding in the hope of increasing reading speed in peripheral vision failed. Nevertheless, our results suggest that future attempts to minimize crowding in text may have to meet the challenges of developing techniques or methods that do not disrupt the characteristics of words, such as word form or word length, while retaining the properties of real-life reading.
The author thanks Harold Bedell, Arthur Bradley, Gordon Legge, and Dennis Levi for their helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.