The corneal endothelium is a thin monolayer of cells covering the posterior surface of the cornea.
1 2 Its primary function is to maintain corneal transparency through active transport of ions and fluid. The glycosaminoglycans of the corneal stroma exert a net swelling pressure that offers a constant potential fluid imbibition by the stroma. This fluid influx is counterbalanced by the endothelium with an ion-coupled fluid transport mechanism directed from stroma to aqueous humor. Numerous studies have shown that endothelial fluid transport is dependent on the presence of HCO
3 −.
3 Studies in the past two decades have revealed at least four mechanisms that support HCO
3 − transport: (1) a potent Na
+-dependent, 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS)-sensitive, electrogenic Na
3 − cotransporter (NBC) on the basolateral membrane
3 4 5 ; (2) a Cl
3 − exchanger
6 ; (3) anion/Cl
− channels on the apical membrane
7 ; and (4) cytosolic and membrane-bound carbonic anhydrases (CAs).
4 All these mechanisms have been demonstrated to exist in both fresh and cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells (BCECs), although the Cl
3 − exchange activity is weak in cultured corneal endothelium.
6 It is well established that HCO
3 − enters the cell through the basolateral NBC. We have previously shown that basolateral HCO
3 − permeability is significantly higher than apical.
4 Thus, the rate-limiting step in transendothelial HCO
3 − transport is at the apical membrane. We speculate that, most probably, apical HCO
3 − permeability is controlled by Cl
− channels and/or CAs.