purpose. To establish the basis for an ON-pathway abnormality of the cone system in melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR) through analysis of the electroretinogram (ERG) and visual evoked potential (VEP).
methods. Two patients with MAR syndrome whose sera produced immunolabeling of retinal bipolar cells participated in the study. Full-field ERGs were recorded in response to brief flashes, to rapid-on and rapid-off sawtooth stimuli at a temporal frequency of 8 Hz, and to sine-wave stimuli at temporal frequencies ranging from 8 to 96 Hz. Fundamental responses to the sine-wave stimuli were evaluated within the context of a vector-summation model of the depolarizing bipolar cell (DBC) and hyperpolarizing bipolar cell (HBC) contributions to the response fundamental. VEPs were recorded to the onset of luminance increments and decrements that had contrasts of 10%, 20%, and 50%. The patients’ results were compared with those of age-similar control subjects.
results. The patients with MAR showed abnormal ERG responses to luminance increments, consisting of a marked attenuation of the initial portion of the b-wave, but their ERG responses to luminance decrements were normal in amplitude and timing. The ERG temporal response functions of the patients with MAR had normal amplitudes at frequencies of 32 Hz and higher, with a constant phase lag across these frequencies, but larger-than-normal amplitudes at frequencies below 32 Hz, and a phase lead at 8 Hz. Their VEP responses showed a marked delay to increments but only a minimal delay to decrements.
conclusions. Within the context of the vector-summation model, the ERG findings in the patients with MAR are more consistent with an attenuation of the DBC contribution to the ERG response than with a DBC response delay. The delayed VEP responses of the patients with MAR to luminance increments may represent a late response of the OFF system to increment onset.
In some individuals with metastatic malignant cutaneous melanoma, a characteristic pattern of visual symptoms develops that includes night blindness and the perception of shimmering lights or photopsias. Termed melanoma-associated retinopathy (MAR),
1 this syndrome is also accompanied by characteristic changes in the electroretinogram (ERG). These changes include a reduction in the b-wave amplitude of the brief-flash ERG of both the rod and cone systems, resulting in a “negative” waveform shape,
1 2 3 4 and a selective ON-response defect in the ERG of the cone system in response to long flashes.
4 5 The serum from patients with MAR syndrome produces heavy immunostaining of retinal bipolar cells,
1 and the intravitreal injection of MAR IgG into the monkey eye produces the characteristic ERG responses of MAR.
6 These findings support the hypothesis, originally proposed by Berson and Lessell,
3 that MAR is one of a group of paraneoplastic disorders (including cancer-associated retinopathy [CAR]
7 8 ), in which autoantibodies impair neural function. Specifically, it has been suggested that MAR is caused by autoantibodies generated against a melanoma antigen that cross-react with retinal bipolar cells,
1 producing the characteristic visual disturbances and ERG abnormalities, although the identity of the autoantibody is not yet known.
The basis for the ERG abnormalities in patients with MAR is not well understood at present. The selective attenuation of the b-wave of the rod and cone ERGs in patients with MAR and their abnormal cone ERG ON responses are similar to the ERG changes observed when
l-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (
l-AP4, formerly referred to as APB) is injected intravitreally into the monkey eye.
6 9 l-AP4, a glutamate analogue, blocks signal transmission from photoreceptors to depolarizing (ON) bipolar cells (DBCs).
10 Therefore, it has been proposed that the selective b-wave reduction of the brief flash ERG and the abnormal cone ON response in patients with MAR syndrome similarly represent an attenuation of signal transmission specifically within the DBC pathway.
4 Such a response attenuation would account for the patients’ night blindness, reduced rod b-wave amplitudes, and abnormal cone ERG ON responses.
Alternatively, the abnormal ON response of the cone ERG in patients with MAR syndrome could result from an increased latency of the DBC response, with a normal DBC response amplitude. As discussed previously,
11 12 a delay of a few milliseconds in the DBC response relative to that of the hyperpolarizing (OFF) bipolar cell (HBC) system can produce an apparent ON-response deficit in the cone ERG. There is some evidence in favor of a DBC response delay as an explanation for the abnormal cone ON response of patients with MAR. For example, patients with other forms of night blindness in which there is a cone ERG deficit similar to that seen in patients with MAR have shown a delay in the visual evoked potential (VEP) response to luminance increments compared with the response to decrements, with no differential change in response amplitude.
13 14 This appears more consistent with a delay in the DBC response than with a DBC response attenuation. Further, Wolf and Arden
15 specifically tested for psychophysical evidence of an ON-pathway defect in patients with MAR and reported no relative elevation in the threshold for increments versus decrements, concluding that there was no evidence for an attenuated signal within the cone ON pathway. Therefore, it is possible that the ERG ON-response deficit in patients with MAR syndrome represents a delay in the DBC response relative to that of the HBC response, rather than an attenuation of signal transmission within the DBC pathway, as proposed previously.
4 A response delay within the DBC pathway would not explain the night blindness of patients with MAR, but as Sieving
11 has noted, it is not necessarily true that a given retinal abnormality would affect both the rod pathway and the cone ON pathway in the same way.
Based on a recent study,
16 it should be possible to distinguish between a response delay and a response attenuation within the cone DBC pathway in patients with MAR by analyzing their ERG responses to sinusoidal flicker within the framework of a vector-summation model of the primate ERG. According to this model,
16 the fundamental of the ERG response evoked by sinusoidal stimulation is the vector sum of the massed fundamental responses of the cone photoreceptors, DBCs, and HBCs. The amplitudes and phases of the response components of the model were derived from the monkey retina by means of pharmacologic isolation. At temporal frequencies near 32 Hz (the frequency typically used clinically), the model predicts that a reduction in the DBC response amplitude alone would have little effect on the amplitude of the fundamental of the ERG response but would produce a substantial phase lag. Conversely, a delay in the DBC response relative to the responses of the photoreceptors and HBCs would increase the fundamental response amplitude at 32 Hz compared with normal, but would introduce only a minimal phase lag.
The vector-summation model also predicts that a DBC response attenuation and a DBC response delay would have quite different effects on the shape of the temporal response function at temporal frequencies below 32 Hz. The normal ERG temporal response function has a peak near 32 Hz and a minimum near 10 Hz. The response minimum has been attributed to a relative cancellation between the out-of-phase responses of the DBCs and HBCs at this frequency.
16 If there were an attenuation of the DBC contribution to the ERG, then the model predicts that the fundamental response would be enhanced compared with the normal response at frequencies near 10 Hz. This would result in a flattened temporal response function across the lower frequency range. Conversely, the vector-summation model predicts that a delayed DBC response would have little effect on response amplitudes at frequencies near 10 Hz but would increase response amplitudes at higher frequencies. This would result in a more strongly bandpass temporal response function over the frequency range from 10 to 32 Hz. (Illustrations of quantitative predictions of the model for a DBC response attenuation and a DBC response delay across a range of temporal frequencies are presented in
Fig. 6 .)
The goal of the present study was to determine whether a response attenuation within the DBC pathway or a DBC response delay is responsible for the abnormal cone ERG response defect in MAR. We first measured cone ERG ON and OFF responses in two patients with MAR syndrome to confirm the presence of an abnormal ON response and to investigate the characteristics of the OFF response. The stimulus used to elicit ON and OFF responses was sawtooth flicker rather than the long-flash stimuli used in previous studies of MAR,
4 5 to minimize the potential eye movement artifacts that can obscure the waveform morphology of the ERG OFF response when long-duration flashes are used.
17 18 We then analyzed the patients’ ERG responses to sinusoidal flicker within the context of the vector-summation model.
16 Finally, we measured the VEP responses of the patients with MAR to luminance increments and decrements to determine whether there was evidence of a relative delay in the VEP response to increments similar to that observed previously in two patients with night blindness and cone ERG ON-response deficits.
13 14
Two patients with MAR syndrome participated in the study. Their characteristics are presented in
Table 1 . A malignant melanoma had been removed from the back of each patient. Each reported night blindness, which was confirmed psychophysically in MAR patient 1 by means of dark-adapted static perimetry described previously
4 (patient 2 was apprehensive about being in the dark and declined testing). Both patients reported seeing characteristic shimmering lights or photopsias. Of note, 21 months after the onset of visual symptoms, patient 1 reported spontaneously that the photopsias had disappeared, although there was no evidence of any change in visual function. Both patients had normal visual acuity but had a marked reduction in large-letter contrast sensitivity
(Table 1) . The two patients showed a selective reduction of the b-wave amplitude of the brief-flash ERG under both dark-adapted and light-adapted conditions (see
Fig. 1 for the light-adapted ERG waveforms). The sera of both patients produced strong, specific immunolabeling of retinal bipolar cells that is typical of MAR, using a procedure described previously.
The findings from the patients with MAR were compared with those from three groups of control subjects. For the brief-flash ERG, the patients’ results were compared with those of a group of 101 visually normal control subjects, ages 7 to 73 years. For the sinusoidal and sawtooth stimuli, the ERG responses of the patients with MAR were compared with those from a group of 10 visually normal control subjects who had a mean age of 46.5 years (age range, 34–56 years). The VEP findings from the patients with MAR were compared with those from a group of 10 control subjects who had a mean age of 47.2 years (age range, 28–56 years). Four control subjects participated in both the sinewave/sawtooth ERG study and the VEP study. All control subjects had best corrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better in the tested eye, clear ocular media, and normal-appearing fundi in ophthalmic examination. The study protocol adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review board of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects after the nature and possible consequences of the study had been explained to them.
Brief-flash ERGs were measured in response to achromatic (xenon) strobe flashes that were presented in a ganzfeld (Nicolet, Madison, WI). ERG responses to sinusoidal and sawtooth stimuli were measured with instrumentation that has been described previously.
18 In brief, the stimulus consisted of achromatic full-field flicker that was superimposed on an achromatic rod-desensitizing adapting field, both presented within an integrating sphere (Oriel, Stratford, CT). The flickering stimulus and adapting field were provided by two separate optical channels, each with a light source consisting of a 300-W tungsten-halogen bulb (each housed within a projector; Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY), and each with infrared blocking filters. The light from the two optical channels was combined with a “y” fiber-optic light guide (Oriel) that was introduced into a side port of the integrating sphere.
Temporal modulation of the test field was controlled by a ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC) shutter (Displaytech, Longmont, CO) and driver (DR-95; Displaytech). The driver was controlled by a signal-processing board (DAS-801; Keithley, Cleveland, OH) housed within a microcomputer. The FLC shutter was driven at a constant temporal frequency of 1 kHz and was pulse-width modulated under computer control, with the duty cycle governed by a linearized look-up table. A shutter and driver (Vincent Associates, Rochester, NY) within the second optical channel controlled the adapting field presentation. Luminances were calibrated with a photometer (LS-110; Minolta, Osaka, Japan).
The stimulus for the VEP was based on that of Zemon et al.,
19 and has been described previously.
13 In brief, the stimulus consisted of a 12° × 12° grid of squares, presented on a computer monitor against a background of 1.5 log cd/m
2 and controlled by a stimulus presentation and data acquisition system (Venus; NeuroScientific Corp., Farmingdale, NY). The squares were each 0.3° in width and were 0.4° apart. Each stimulus cycle consisted of 200 ms of the incremental squares (luminance higher than the background) followed by 800 ms of the background alone, which was followed in turn by 200 ms of the decremental squares (luminance lower than the background) and another 800 ms of the background alone. This stimulus cycle was repeated continuously until the requisite number of sweeps had been obtained (described later). Stimuli of 10%, 20%, and 50% Weber contrast were used, with luminances controlled by a linearized look-up table.
For all recordings, the pupil of the tested eye was dilated with 2.5% phenylephrine hydrochloride and 1% tropicamide drops, and the cornea was anesthetized with proparacaine drops. The subject’s head was held in position with a chin rest and forehead bar. ERG responses were recorded using a signal averaging system (Viking IV; Nicolet). For the brief-flash ERG, responses to flashes of 0.9 log cd /m2·sec were recorded from the test eye with a monopolar Burian-Allen contact lens electrode, with a forehead electrode as the reference and an earlobe as the ground, after 10 minutes of light adaptation to a rod-desensitizing adapting field of 1.3 log cd/m2. The flashes were presented at 1-second intervals, and responses to four flashes were averaged.
Responses to sinusoidal and sawtooth stimuli were recorded in a separate session. Subjects were light adapted to room illumination before testing and were then adapted for 2 minutes to a rod-desensitizing adapting field of 1.2 log cd/m
2. The left eye was tested in all subjects. Recordings were made with a bipolar Burian-Allen contact lens electrode grounded at the earlobe. The signal-averaging system was triggered by a transistor-transistor logic (TTL) signal generated by the signal-processing board (DAS-801; Keithley) and synchronized with the onset of each stimulus cycle. ERG recordings were made at sine-wave temporal frequencies of 8, 16, 32, 64, and 96 Hz, with the sine waves presented at maximum amplitude and in sine phase. Recordings were also made at a sawtooth stimulus frequency of 8 Hz, at maximum amplitude and in both rapid-on and rapid-off phase. Each cycle of rapid-on sawtooth flicker consisted of an abrupt increment in luminance, to emphasize an ON response, followed by a linear decrease in luminance. Each cycle of rapid-off flicker consisted of an abrupt decrement in luminance, to emphasize an OFF response, followed by a linear increase in luminance. These sawtooth stimulus waveforms are illustrated in
Figure 2 . The maximum luminance of the sinusoidal and sawtooth stimuli was 2.6 log cd/m
2 and the minimum luminance was 0.1 log cd/m
2. In the absence of the adapting field, these luminances produced a modulation of 99%. Against the adapting field, the modulation was 91.2%.
Recordings of responses to sinusoidal and sawtooth stimuli were begun after the subjects had adapted to each waveform for approximately 30 seconds. For each condition, two or three 500-ms recordings were obtained to determine reproducibility. Each recording was the average of four sweeps, and the recordings were averaged off-line. Response amplitudes at the stimulus fundamental frequencies were derived from power spectral densities of the averaged waveforms, and response phases were obtained from fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) by computer (using the MatLab Signal Processing Toolbox; The MathWorks, Natick, MA). The fundamental response amplitudes that are plotted in the figures represent the full peak-to-trough amplitudes. The phases are given in cosine phase.
Monocular VEPs were recorded in a dimly lit room. The tested eye was chosen at random, except that the nonamblyopic left eye of patient 2 was stimulated. Subjects viewed the display through the best optical correction in a trial frame, with the untested eye occluded. Responses were recorded from an electrode positioned 3 cm above the inion (Oz), with a vertex electrode as reference and Fz as ground. For the control subjects, two blocks of 50 sweeps each were averaged at 10% stimulus contrast, and two blocks of 25 sweeps each were averaged at 20% and 50% contrast. For the patients with MAR, three blocks were acquired for each condition to determine reproducibility, and peak latencies were measured separately for each block.