We have shown that both recombinant and purified tissue RLIP76 contains ouabain- and EGTA-insensitive ATPase activity, which provides energy for transport.
26 27 This activity is stimulated by the substrates, or allocrites, of RLIP76 including DNP-SG, doxorubicin, GS-HNE, and leukotrienes.
22 23 Therefore, ouabain- and EGTA-insensitive ATPase activity in crude preparations of RLIP76 in HLE B-3 cell membranes as well as in purified of RLIP76 was measured, and the effect of the transport substrates of RLIP76 (DNP-SG, DOX, GS-HNE, and LTC4) on this activity was studied. RLIP76 was purified from these cells by DNP-SG affinity chromatography, as described previously, for the purification of bacterial lysates
26 and human erythrocytes.
42 The homogeneity of the preparation was established by SDS-PAGE, Western blot analyses, N-terminal peptide sequencing, and amino acid composition, as described previously
26 (data not shown). The results presented in
Table 2 indicate that both crude membranes and purified preparation of RLIP76 had ouabain- and EGTA-insensitive ATPase activity, which was stimulated by its transport substrates. The basal ATPase activity of crude membrane was found to be 13 ± 3.30 nmol/min milligram protein whereas the specific activity of purified RLIP76 was found to be 149 ± 11.25 nmol/min per milligram protein. The stimulation of ATPase activity of the purified RLIP76 was found to be about twofold in the presence of the xenobiotic substrates DNP-SG and DOX.
26 27 The physiological substrates GS-HNE and LTC4 stimulated this activity by approximately threefold in crude membranes
(Table 2) . LTC4 stimulated the ATPase activity of the crude membranes to a greater extent than did the purified preparation of RLIP76. The reasons for this were not explored during the present studies. These results confirm the presence of RLIP76 in these cells and that the kinetic properties related to transport function are similar to those reported previously
22 26 27 42 for RLIP76 purified from human erythrocytes. These results suggest that in human lens epithelial cells, RLIP76 is involved in the transport of GSH conjugates of xenobiotics as well as of physiologically important GSH conjugates, such as GS-HNE and leukotrienes.