To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate that macrophage depletion by Cl2MDP-LIP inhibits the development of laser-induced CNV, validating our hypothesis that macrophages play a pivotal role in this process. Cl2MDP-LIP decreased the peak macrophage response in parallel with VEGF protein levels and total CNV volume. Cl2MDP-LIP administered before and/or immediately after laser injury inhibited CNV, whereas it did not exhibit any effect when administered 2 days after laser injury. This is presumably because macrophage depletion occurs roughly 24 hours after Cl2MDP-LIP exposure, by which time the peak macrophage response at the site of laser injury has occurred. These data show that macrophages, which previous histopathological studies of experimental and clinical CNV have shown to be closely associated with new vessels, play a causal not a coincidental role in the development of laser-induced CNV.
2MDP-LIP–induced inhibition of CNV was not augmented by SC Cl
2MDP-LIP, whereas the latter was observed to inhibit CNV partially when coadministered with IV PBS-LIP. The total volume of SC Cl
2MDP-LIP administered to any single animal did not exceed 20 μL, which is insufficient to deplete splenic or hepatic macrophages.
13 In a model of experimental autoimmune pigment-epithelial uveitis (EAPU), IV Cl
2MDP-LIP, but not SC Cl
2MDP-LIP, inhibited EAPU,
27 suggesting that SC delivery of liposomes does not exert a systemic effect. Therefore, the observed beneficial effect of SC Cl
2MDP-LIP on CNV may be attributed to depletion of regional lymph node macrophages. In aggregate, these observations suggest that the predominant pool of macrophages that infiltrate areas of laser-induced CNV is derived from the systemic circulation, although submandibular nodes make a minor contribution.
The origin of macrophages observed after laser injury has been the subject of much inquiry.
4 28 29 30 We found that administering IV Cl
2MDP-LIP immediately after laser injury, which provides access to resident macrophages, did not augment the inhibition of CNV induced by IV Cl
2MDP-LIP 2 days before injury. We also found no infiltration of macrophages and microglia in the retina adjacent to the laser scar. Our data provide direct anatomic and functional evidence that circulating rather than resident macrophages are the primary culprit in laser-induced CNV. This is consistent with the in vitro finding of polarized secretion of macrophage chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 from the RPE into the choroid rather than the retina
31 and the in vivo finding of MCP-1 in RPE and choroid, but not in the retina, of eyes with AMD.
A consensus has yet to emerge in quantifying experimental CNV: Both anatomic and functional metrics have been used. The former include measuring thickness and area on serial sections or volumes by confocal microscopy on RPE-choroidal flatmounts, aided by an endothelial cell marker. En masse volumetric measurements are less susceptible to nonorthogonality and loss or poor quality of sections than serial sectioning. Fluorescein angiography, which correlates with visual acuity in patients with AMD
33 34 35 and also permits longitudinal evaluation of the evolution of the laser lesions unlike histopathological examination, reflects on the leakage of these lesions, which presumably correlates with their activity. We used both anatomic and functional metrics of measuring CNV to corroborate our findings: Cl
2MDP-LIP inhibited both the anatomic volume and the angiographic leakage of laser-induced CNV.
We have shown that the leukocyte adhesion molecules CD18 and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 play a key role in laser-induced CNV.
36 Because liposomes do not interfere with leukocyte adhesion
37 or rolling
38 and PBS-LIP did not inhibit CNV, the antiangiogenic effects of Cl
2MDP-LIP can be attributed to depletion of macrophages alone. We infer therefore that the paracrine signals produced by macrophages promote the development of CNV. A likely signaling candidate is VEGF, as its levels were suppressed by Cl
2MDP-LIP in tandem with the number of macrophages, particularly because VEGF has been shown to be operative in CNV.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
We postulate that Cl
2MDP-LIP aborted the early-phase response to laser injury, mediated by macrophage migration, perhaps in response to overexpression of MCP-1, a stereotyped wounding response
39 that also occurs in RPE cells of AMD eyes (Spandau U, et al.
IOVS 2000;41:ARVO Abstract 4440).
32 In support of this hypothesis, we have demonstrated that genetic ablation of MCP-1 or its cognate receptor CCR2 markedly inhibits laser-induced CNV (data not shown). However, the inhibition of CNV volume in MCP-1– or CCR2-deficient mice (∼75%) did not match the near abolition induced by maximal Cl
2MDP-LIP treatment, probably due to depletion by Cl
2MDP-LIP of macrophages responsive not only to MCP-1 but to other chemokines, such as macrophage inflammatory proteins-1α and -β, that may play minor roles in recruiting macrophages.
Administering Cl
2MDP-LIP before or immediately after injury sharply reduced the number of macrophages in the site of laser injury, preventing the paracrine effects of these cells on endothelial cell migration and proliferation. VEGF, a major product of activated macrophages was reduced in parallel with the decrease in the number of macrophages. Laser photocoagulation leads to VEGF production by RPE cells,
40 predominantly on the choroidal side,
41 which itself can act as a macrophage chemoattractant.
42 43 However, because VEGF was reduced by Cl
2MDP-LIP, it seems that macrophages contribute perhaps more toward upregulation of VEGF than RPE or that RPE secretion of VEGF may be induced, in part, by macrophage–RPE interaction. Through their own VEGF release
44 macrophages can amplify the local VEGF response. Also macrophage-derived cytokines can stimulate VEGF production in RPE cells
45 and choroidal fibroblasts.
46 Macrophages can perpetuate their ingress by stimulating RPE cells to secrete MCP-1 into the choroid in a polarized gradient.
31 In addition to VEGF, macrophages also may produce matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) directly
47 or through VEGF, which induces MMP expression in endothelial cells,
48 These MMPs, which have been found in CNV in AMD,
49 can facilitate endothelial cell migration during angiogenesis.
These findings may have some relevance to CNV in AMD, for although the laser injury model may involve processes not relevant to AMD, it captures many of the important features of the human condition. Laser photocoagulation that disrupts Bruch’s membrane can induce CNV in humans.
50 Both in experimental models and in AMD, newly formed vessels that are functionally incompetent
51 52 project into the subretinal space through defects in Bruch’s membrane. Aggregation of leukocytes near arborizing neovascular tufts
3 4 45 is another shared feature of experimental and clinical CNV. Immunostaining has demonstrated the presence of VEGF and its receptors,
40 53 basic fibroblast growth factor,
54 55 transforming growth factor-β,
54 56 tumor necrosis factor-α,
45 Fas, and Fas-ligand
57 58 in cells of the CNV membranes in both conditions.
Because angiogenesis is a complex process with multiple redundant and intertwined cascades, it is remarkable that macrophage depletion alone nearly abolished CNV. This suggests, at least in this model of CNV, that macrophages and cytokines derived from them are requisite in this process and buttresses the growing body of evidence implicating leukocytes in the initiation of angiogenesis. Although macrophage inactivation could lead to immunosuppression, no overt infection was observed in our study involving transient macrophage depletion or by other investigators.
9 11 Although the clinical implications of transient, partial depletion of macrophages with Cl
2MDP-LIP will be apparent only in human trials, MCP-1 or CCR2 may be attractive molecular targets, particularly with local drug delivery.
The authors thank Robinette King and Guojin Chen for technical assistance; Richard J. Kryscio, University of Kentucky Biostatistics Consulting Unit, for statistical analyses; and Ambati M. Rao, Delwood C. Collins, and P. Andrew Pearson for ongoing support.