The goal of any neuroprotection strategy is to provide long-term stability to the injured system. In the case of damage to the optic nerve, be it via physical trauma or disease, the primary focus has been on the preservation of the retinal ganglion cells whose axons comprise the optic nerve. As noted in the Introduction, initial studies in this area focused on the direct injection of different trophic materials to the eye. These studies were beneficial in defining the potential of the different compounds, and their effective duration. Of the different compounds, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and BDNF have received the most attention. Unfortunately, despite their strong ability to prevent ganglion cell degeneration short-term, their effectiveness long-term is limited when provided as a single injection, or even as multiple injections. This is due partly to the limited supply and presence of the protein, but also to downregulation of the receptors they use, and desensitization of the signal transduction pathways they drive.
12,13,52 –58 In the case of BDNF, to our knowledge DiPolo et al. were the first to show that, relative to direct injection of the protein into the eye, one could enhance ganglion cell survival in the rat following axotomy by intraocular injection of a viral vector containing the BDNF gene, thus providing a slower and more prolonged delivery of the drug.
11 Nevertheless, the effect still was short-lived, with ganglion cell survival falling from a maximum of 65% at 10 days after axotomy/injection to approximately 10% at 4 weeks. To address the possibility that this reduction might be the result of drug-induced downregulation of the BDNF TrkB receptor, Cheng et al. then combined direct application of BDNF to the eye with transfection of the retina using an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector containing the TrkB gene.
13 While this resulted in a 76% survival rate at 2 weeks after axotomy, survival again declined to 17% of normal at 4 weeks. In 2003, Martin et al.
19 applied a modified AAV.BDNF vector to the eyes of rats with chronic elevation of intraocular pressure and experimental glaucoma, and reported a ganglion cell survival rate, based on axon counting, of 68% at 4 weeks after induction of the disease. A slightly lower result (61% survival) was achieved by Pease et al.
27 using a comparable CNTF-based AAV vector (see also CNTF-based studies by others
23–25,28,34). More recently, Ren et al.
21 examined ganglion cell survival, and visual function in rats undergoing acute elevation of intraocular pressure, and ischemic insult to the eye and optic nerve followed by combined treatment of the eye with a direct injection of BDNF and an AAV.BDNF vector. They reported ganglion cell density levels at 9 weeks after injury/treatment that were 84% of normal, as well as significantly enhanced visual evoked and spatial contrast responses as far out as 70 weeks. While these studies support the potential use of viral vectors as a means of providing prolonged drug delivery to the retina, and, thus, extended neuroprotection via a single injection, it is important to keep several factors in mind. First, the studies involve very different mechanisms of injury to the optic nerve, and thus the success of each must be evaluated on that basis. Second, the studies involve the treatment of eyes that are much smaller than human eyes, and, thus, the ability to provide widespread neuroprotection to the retina via intravitreal injection is much greater—our own experience with the use of AAV and Ad vectors in cat eyes, which are comparable in size to that of humans, is that there is little diffusion of the viral vector from the site of injection via intravitreal application. Similar results have been described by colleagues in the dog, even following injection at the retinal surface. This problem can be remedied, to some extent, by preinjection vitrectomy, but this adds an additional layer of potential complicating factors. Furthermore, the location of the injection can result in initiation of an immune response that reduces the effectiveness of additional treatments using the same vector.
59,60 To overcome these issues, considerable emphasis has been placed on enhancing the transfection range, efficiency, and safety of AAV vectors via the development of different serotypes and/or modification of the viral capsid.
61 –64