Keratoplasty is an effective way to treat corneal diseases, such as corneal ulcer, trauma, and scar formation, which may result in blindness. However, the shortage of corneal donors worldwide, and some uncertainties and insecurities associated with keratoplasty have limited its application.
1 Therefore, trying to recruit new sources of corneal donors and new corneal replacements has been a continuously strived after effort.
2 Tissue engineering of cornea is one of the primary efforts. Corneal tissue engineering refers to the fabrication of biologic living cornea equivalents by means of three-dimensional (3D) coculture of three corneal cell types (epithelium, keratocyte, and endothelium) and biomaterials, and it can be considered as a substitute for donors in keratoplasty.
2–4 Among the three components of the cornea, limbal stem cell sheets or oral epithelial cell sheets of tissue engineering have been constructed by culture on thermal responsive materials, human amniotic membrane (AM), or fibrin, and used clinically to create the corneal epithelium in patients with total limbal stem cell deficiencies.
5–9 Tissue-engineered corneal endothelial cell sheets or cell injection therapy has restored corneal transparency successfully in animal models.
10–13 However, constructing corneal stroma or a whole cornea close to the natural cornea in vitro and transplanting in vivo still is difficult.
The corneal stroma should be the current focus of researchers attempting to produce a corneal tissue analog.
16 More than 90% of the cornea is stroma, a highly organized, transparent connective tissue maintained by specific corneal stromal cells (CSCs), keratocyte, which provides the principal functions of the corneal tissue.
17 Keratocytes are specialized neural crest–derived mesenchymal cells. They exit the cell cycle and become quiescent G0 cells after eyelid opening (at 24 weeks in the human embryo).
18 Keratocytes can be stimulated to undergo proliferation, migration, and myofibroblast transformation in response to corneal wounding in the corneas of many species examined, including mouse, rat, rabbit, pig, and human.
19,20 Keratocytes bodies had a flattened pyramidal or stellate shape, and the fine cell processes formed extensive distal ramifications in the central stroma.
21 Keratocytes usually rapidly lose their dendritic morphology and acquire fibroblastic morphology when they are cultured on plastic substrate in serum-containing medium, especially when seeded at a low density.
22,23 Therefore, for corneal tissue engineers, it is preferable that stromal constructs provide an environment that promotes and maintains the keratocytic phenotypes.
18 The techniques for the cell expansion and in vitro culture environment may influence keratocyte biological characteristics greatly. For instance, human keratocytes maintained dendritic morphology and keratocan expression when subcultured on AM stromal matrix, even in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS).
In our previous study, we successfully cultured rabbit CSCs on the surface of culture plates, AM, collagen–chitosan–sodium hyaluronate complexes, acellular corneal matrix, and so forth.
25,26 In the presence of 10% FBS, almost all CSCs on plastic in static culture showed spindle shape, and rare were interconnected or unconnected with each other. However, also with 10% FBS in existence, CSCs cultured on the acellular bovine corneas interconnected to form reticular structures and cells grew into a dendritic shape.
27 At the same time, we found that the proliferation of rabbit CSCs could be promoted by using dehydrated bovine acellular corneal matrix as a scaffold to culture rabbit CSCs under simulate microgravity (SMG) of a rotary cell culture system (RCCS; Synthecon, Houston, TX). Rabbit CSCs on acellular corneas were dendritic- or spindle-shaped and grew into the porous acellular corneal matrix in SMG culture.
25 We also reported that keratocyte-like CSCs formed a rich interconnection and 3D aggregates on acellular corneas on day 4 of SMG culture. They expressed keratocan and lumican in immunofluorescence stains, and RT-PCR analysis even in the presence of 10% FBS.
27 In this study, we further researched microgravity bioreactor culture of CSCs in the porous collagen compound scaffolds. We examined cell proliferation and the morphologic changes of CSCs on collagen compounds. In our previous study, we have shown that the complexes of 20% collagen, 10% chitosan, and 0.5% sodium hyaluronate had good cytocompatibility with three corneal cell types and good biocompatibility with corneal tissue.