At study entry, all patients also underwent microperimetry (Spectral OCT/SLO; OPKO-OTI, Miami, FL) and preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) (Reichert Technologies, Depew, NY). All examinations were performed under the supervision of a trained physician (GQ). Spectral OCT/SLO and MP techniques have been previously described elsewhere.
21 In brief, the Spectral OCT/SLO (OPKO-OTI) combines simultaneous high-resolution cross-sectional OCT imaging of retinal layers with en face fundus imaging of the retina using the scanning laser ophthalmoscope. During the microperimetry, the patient was instructed to maintain fixation on the central target and to push the handheld button every time a stimulus was seen. Once the patient's fundus was aligned and focused properly, the operator designated which vessel to track and adjusted the location of the stimulus pattern to the area of interest. A square test pattern, the “square 7 × 7” (49 dots), was used to test the patients (14 degrees from edge to edge [∼4.15 mm on the retina], with 2.33 degrees spacing between dots [∼0.7 mm on the retina]). It incorporates the following features: Goldman III stimulus size (0.43°; 2.26 mm), 200-ms stimulus duration, and a 1500-ms interval between stimuli presentation and a 4-2 strategy. The system automatically tracks fundus localization according to the retinal vessel alignment to ensure accurate stimuli placement, and testing pauses automatically if the patient was unable to maintain good fixation. At the end of the test, each of the 49 tested retinal points receives a numerical value, representing the threshold sensitivity at that point on the retina. The MP values are expressed in numerical units, ranging from 0 to 20 (low to high sensitivity, respectively). The PHP technology has been described in detail elsewhere.
22 In brief, the PHP is a macular perimetry device using a method based on the human visual function of hyperacuity, which gives it the capability of detecting functional changes. Hyperacuity (also termed “Vernier acuity”) is defined as the ability to perceive a difference in the relative spatial localization of two or more visual stimuli. During the test, the patient's visual attention is drawn to a fixation cue displayed at the center of a touch screen. When the device automatically recognizes that the patient is ready to respond, a stimulus is briefly presented on the display. Each stimulus consists of a dotted line (white dots on a black background), in which few dots are misaligned relatively to the main axis of the stimulus (artificial distortion). The patient's task is to identify where the distortion appears, and to mark this location on the display. A succession of such stimuli is flashed on various locations of the display, such as to cover the entire macular field (12.5 degrees of the central visual field). When a stimulus is flashed on a location that corresponds to a healthy portion of the retina, the artificial distortion is readily detected. If the stimulus is flashed on a location that corresponds to a CNV lesion, RPE elevation may create the perception of a pathological distortion. In the patient's perception, competition for visual attention takes place between the artificial and pathological distortions. If the pathological distortion is more prominent than the artificial distortion, the patient is more likely to perceive the former and ignore the latter. During the test, varying sizes of artificial distortions are displayed, allowing quantification of the degree of the pathological distortion, as well as assessment of reliability of performance. The patient's responses are recorded and automatically analyzed by a predesigned algorithm. Therefore, a compilation of the errors performed during the test enables location of the visual dysfunction as well as estimation of their severity. For severity measurements, we have used the “PHP test score” (a continuous, global score, between −30 and +600, which represents the log [Probability(Responses pattern\CNV)/Probability(Responses pattern\Intermediate)]). This score is basically the same score that has been used in the PHP and has been validated as a classifier to discriminate between intermediate non-neovascular AMD patients and neovascular AMD (CNV) patients. Usually this score is normalized to
P values between 0 and 1 (which indicates the probability of non-neovascular AMD eyes to have such a visual field defect). Because in the current study all patients have CNV (and the question had changed from “what is the likelihood of this eye to have CNV” to “what is the activity level of the CNV”) we had used this score in its non-normalized manner to prevent “ceiling effect.”