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A previous communication reported an increased in vivo incorporation of P-32 into the albuminoid RNA fraction of the rat lens 6 hours after the animal had been exposed to x-radiation (1,500 r).
In the present study, the in vitro uptake of P-32 and C-14-adenine by albuminoid, ribosomal, and soluble RNA fractions of normal and x-irradiated rat lenses tuas measured. The RNA fractions were extracted by sodium dodecyl sulfate in 0.9 per cent NaCl. The specific RNA fractions were also hydrolyzed, chromatographed (on paper), and the activity of the individual nucleotides (as well as the specific RNA fractions) was determined. An experiment was also performed in which the capsules were removed (after the 3 hour incubation period) and the activities determined in the nucleic acids extracted from the capsules and in the three RNA fractions of the remaining lens matter.
The results of these experiments indicate that the incorporation of P-32 and C-14-adenine into albuminoid RNA xoas markedly stimulated 1 hour after 1,500 r lohole body radiation. There was no significant effect on ribosomal or soluble fractions.
The effect of formaldehyde and heating on x-irradiated albuminoid RNA icas much less than on the albuminoid RNA derived from control animals.