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The immune reactivities of heterologous antibovine whole lens, lens substance, and lens capsule antibodies to the host uveal and other ocular tissues were compared by vieans of the fiuorescein conjugated antibody technique. Fluorescein conjugated antibovine lens capsule antibody reacted specificially with the lens capsule and the walls of the vascular tree in iris, ciliary body, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. Fluorescein conjugated antiwhole lens antibody shoived specific staining in both the lens capsule and lens substance. The walls of the vascular tree were also stained specifically, but less than the staining obtained by the antilens capsule antibody. Fluorescein conjugated antibovine lens substance antibody reacted ivith the lens substance but not with the capsule or other eye structures. Eye sections treated with fluorescein conjugated normal rabbit gamma globidin did not exhibit any specific stainings. The significance of the antigenicity of the lens capsule, its relationship to basement membrane structures, and its possible source as a stimulus to lens-induced uveitis are discussed.