Similar to the results of our previous study, the current cluster analysis generated two clusters of angle closure eyes with completely different pre-LPI anatomical characteristics. One cluster was characterized by shallower ACD and higher LV and the other by relatively deeper ACD and less LV. We added AOD
750 as another variable in our current analysis. Cluster 1 showed relatively less AOD
750 than cluster 2. Nongpiur et al.
17 reported that their PACS subjects could be grouped into three clusters. The difference in the number of clusters between their study and ours may reflect our inclusion of PAC/PACG eyes; their patients were PACS only. However, two of the clusters in their analysis showed similar features, such as the difference in ACD, to our two clusters, while their third cluster had mixed features of the other two clusters; therefore, we believe our results are in agreement with theirs. Thus, it appears that angle closure eyes in Asian patients can be grouped into two distinct anatomical types, one with shallower ACD and higher LV, and the other with relatively deeper ACD and lower LV. Additionally, cluster 1 showed smaller ACW compared with cluster 2. Anterior chamber width has been reported as a risk factor in narrow angles.
25 Our result also revealed that eyes in cluster 1 that had narrower angles had smaller ACW. Anterior chamber width is known to have a relationship with ACA or anterior chamber volume.
31 The mean age of the subjects of cluster 1 was slightly older than that of cluster 2. Mean pre-LPI IOP was higher in cluster 1. However, other parameters such as IC or IT were not significantly different between the two clusters. Since the most striking differences between the clusters were ACD and LV, and given that ACD is dependent on LV, we can speculate that the higher LV in cluster 1 may play an important role in the mechanism of angle closure in those patients. Furthermore, aging is reported to significantly increase LV.
22 This effect may result from induction of the forward movement of the lens due to zonular laxity or increases in lens thickness, which can cause an elevated LV. The observation that mean age was slightly greater in cluster 1 may suggest that the increase in LV could contribute to angle closure in cluster 1. Increased LV can directly induce narrowing of the peripheral angle or increase pupillary block by expanding iridolenticular contact. The observation that the change in AOD
750 after LPI was greater in cluster 1 than in cluster 2 indicates that higher LV and the subsequent increase in pupillary block in cluster 1 significantly improved after LPI. Cluster 2 showed relatively deeper central ACD, and since a clinical feature of PIC is a relatively deeper central ACD, we can speculate that PIC contributes to a pathogenic mechanism of angle closure in the cluster 2 patients. Plateau iris configuration is also characterized as persistent iridotrabecular contact in the presence of patent LPI. Considering that ACD was relatively deeper and the LPI effect relatively smaller in cluster 2, PIC may play some role in angle closure in cluster 2. However, PIC is known to have features like anteriorly directed ciliary process, flat iris plane, and angular insertion of iris; and some of those characteristics are difficult to evaluate by AS OCT.
13,14 Especially ciliary body configuration is not sufficiently assessed in AS OCT. Therefore, our speculation warrants further investigation.