At the time of testing, corneas were removed from refrigeration and handled at room temperature. Anatomical orientation was determined by an experienced corneal surgeon, and noted on the surrounding sclera with a tissue-marking pen. Cylindrical sections were removed from the central and superior cornea regions with a 3-mm biopsy punch (
Fig. 1) and marked with a tissue-marking pen to note axial orientation. The epithelium was not removed and remained attached throughout each experiment. Superior specimens were taken from just inside (but as close as possible to) the visible limbus. The resulting radial distance from the center of the cornea to the center of the superior specimens was roughly 4.5 mm.
To make the corneal keratocyte nuclei visible under fluorescence microscopy and enable strain analysis, buttons were stained for 30 seconds in a mixture containing 100 μL Optisol and 5 μL of 30 mM Acridine Orange (Sigma Aldrich, Inc., Allentown, PA, USA). Specimens were then shear tested according to the following protocol in an Optisol bath. Cylindrical sections were loaded into a tissue deformation imaging stage (TDIS; Harrick Scientific Products, Inc., Pleasantville, NY, USA) on custom fixture grips comprised of cantilevered plates. This device has been used extensively to characterize the location-dependent mechanical properties of several other collagenous connective tissues including articular cartilage and intervertebral disk.
24–30 The orientation of the cylindrical sections in the grips was critical to determining direction-dependent shear properties, so careful attention was paid to ensure shear would occur in either the NT or SI axial direction. Two cylindrical sections (one central and one superior) from six donor corneas (total of 12 cylindrical sections) were shear tested in the NT direction, while two cylindrical sections (one central and one superior) from four donor corneas (total of eight cylindrical sections) were tested in the SI direction. The TDIS allowed for reflected light and fluorescence imaging with an inverted microscope (Olympus, Center Valley, PA, USA) simultaneous to mechanical testing (
Fig. 2), which was necessary for tracking the depth-dependent corneal shear displacements. Prior to shear loading, corneas were compressed in the TDIS to a stress of 300 mm Hg (40 kPa) in order to avoid slipping between the grips and the specimens. Compressive stress was standardized instead of compressive strain due to varying corneal thickness from donor to donor. Compressed central and superior corneal specimens had thicknesses of 500 ± 79 μm and 538 ± 65 μm, respectively. For comparison, in the general population, the central cornea region has a mean thickness of 523 ± 23 μm, while the superior region has a mean thickness of 597 ± 34 μm under intraocular pressure.
31 Before shear was applied, the specimen thickness was adjusted over a period of 10 minutes to maintain 300 mm Hg while adjusting for short-term stress relaxation. Although 10 minutes was insufficient to reach the equilibrium specimen thickness at 300 mm Hg (~375 μm), this protocol allowed for sufficiently rapid specimen testing to ensure that all buttons were tested within 14 days of harvesting.
After the compression period, corneas were subjected to shear strain between the fixture grips in increments of 5 μm at a frequency of 0.2 Hz. Images were taken with both green-fluorescence (
Fig. 3A) and reflective microscopy (
Fig. 3B) after each shear increment, where fluorescence images were used to measure depth-dependent shear displacements of the cornea and reflective images were used to measure grip displacements. Shear strain was applied until a total displacement of 25 μm (approximately 5% shear) was reached.