The boundaries of the area to be cropped for further analysis are defined by edge points. Assume that the two edge points of the vessel are selected, the method obtains the vessel region by cropping from the image. To achieve this, the region boundary points are computed as follows. Assume that the two edge points selected by the user are (
ye1) and (
ye2). From these two points, the boundary points (
y1), (
y2), (
y3) and (
y4) are mapped as shown in
Figure 2. This is achieved by calculating the midpoint (
ym1) of the edge points where
xm1 = (
xe1 +
xe2)/2 and
ym1 = (
ye1 +
ye2)/2. This is then used to map the other points as center points of the cropped image and can be approximated as two centerline points of the vessel within the zone B area. The second center point (
ym2) is obtained using the slope of the two edge points (
ye1) and (
ye2), and projected
r2 orthogonal to the first center point (
ym1). The direction of the second center point is computed based on the OD center (
cy) (i.e., the same direction from the OD to the first center point). The image quadrant must also be defined to determine the directional information for the vessel in the image, relative to the OD. The OD center (
cy) is computed automatically and used to compute the actual position or real slope of the line between the edge points (details in the Appendix).
Once the two mid or center points are identified, they are used to determine the line end points and define the four boundary points of the region of interest. The boundary points (
y1), (
y2), (
y3), and (
y4) are obtained at r
1 normal distance from the center points (
ym1) and (
ym2). The distance r
1 is set as 25 pixels, based on observations made to obtain most of the target vessel. Once the coordinates of the cropped image are determined, the image is processed with an affine translation so that the vessel is aligned horizontally in the center of the image. This provides greater ability to obtain the vessel edges with confidence. To achieve this, the coordinates are translated with respect to an imaginary axis (
yo) through the center of the cropped image. The coordinates of the origin are defined using
Equation 3 in the Appendix. The image is then rotated to align the vessel horizontally. Finally, the region for vessel detection is defined from the new position in the translated and rotated image.