Average contrast sensitivity functions measured without Bangerter filters are shown in
Figure 3. A within subjects ANOVA with factors of viewing condition (binocular, dominant eye, nondominant eye) and spatial frequency (0.5, 1, 3, 9, and 16 cpd) conducted on the log contrast sensitivity data for controls revealed the expected significant main effects of viewing condition (
F2,42 = 83.6,
P <0.0001) and spatial frequency (
F2,40 = 344.8,
P < 0.0001), and a significant interaction (
F3,54 = 5.8,
P < 0.003). Subsequent analyses revealed that dominant eyes exhibited a significantly higher contrast sensitivity than nondominant eyes (
F1,21 = 6.3,
P = 0.02), that did not vary with spatial frequency (
F2,32 = 1.1,
P = 0.3). In addition, binocular viewing resulted in significantly higher contrast sensitivity than dominant (
F1,21 = 101.6,
P < 0.0001) and nondominant (
F1,21 = 205.7,
P < 0.0001) eye viewing. This effect was more pronounced for low than high spatial frequencies (significant interaction between viewing condition and spatial frequency; dominant eyes versus binocular viewing,
F2,49 = 8.8,
P < 0.0001; nondominant eyes versus binocular viewing,
P < 0.0001,
F2,34 = 9.6,
P = 0.001).
The same analysis conducted for observers with amblyopia revealed significant main effects of spatial frequency (F2,50 = 561.7, P < 0.0001) and viewing condition (F1,27 = 148.6, P < 0.0001), and an interaction between the these two factors (F3, 78 = 64.1, P < 0.0001). Nonamblyopic eye viewing and binocular viewing exhibited significantly higher contrast sensitivity than amblyopic eye viewing (nonamblyopic versus amblyopic, F1,24 = 123.9, P < 0.0001; binocular versus amblyopic, F1,24 = 188.4, P < 0.0001). This effect was more pronounced for high spatial frequencies than low spatial frequencies (nonamblyopic versus amblyopic, F2,56 = 74.8, P < 0.0001; binocular versus amblyopic, F1,24 = 202.1, P < 0.0001). A comparison between contrast sensitivities for the nonamblyopic eye and binocular viewing conditions demonstrated that contrast sensitivity was significantly higher under binocular viewing conditions (F1,24 = 9.8, P = 0.004) and that this effect was more pronounced for low spatial frequencies (F2,42 = 5.5, P = 0.01).
It has been reported previously that the nonamblyopic eyes of nonbinocular amblyopes can exhibit monocular contrast sensitivity in the nonamblyopic eye that is superior to the monocular contrast sensitivity of controls.
3 A mixed ANOVA conducted on the log sensitivity data for the nonamblyopic eye of amblyopes and the dominant eye of controls with a covariate of age revealed no significant interaction between Group (amblyopes versus controls) and Spatial Frequency (
F2,70 = 2.6,
P = 0.09). However, there was a tendency for the nonamblyopic eye contrast sensitivities to be higher than control eyes for the low spatial frequencies with the opposite effect occurring at higher spatial frequencies (
Fig. 3c). An ANOVA comparing binocular contrast sensitivity for amblyopes and controls with a covariate of age demonstrated that controls had significantly greater binocular contrast sensitivity (
F1,44 = 14.1,
P < 0.001). As shown in
Figure 3d, the difference in binocular contrast sensitivity between controls and amblyopes became larger with increasing spatial frequency, (significant interaction between group and spatial frequency,
F2,78 = 16.1,
P = 0.001).
The BSRs were calculated for each participant for each spatial frequency. Controls exhibited significantly higher levels of binocular summation than amblyopes, (
F1,44 = 10.6,
P < 0.002), and this effect did not interact with spatial frequency (
F2,97 = 2.3,
P = 0.1,
Fig. 4). Both groups exhibited BSRs that were significantly different from 1 for all spatial frequencies (1 sample
P < 0.05) with the exception of the 16 cpd spatial frequency for the amblyopic group (
P = 0.4). Controls exhibited higher levels of binocular summation than amblyopes for every spatial frequency (independent samples
P < 0.05).
The effect of 0.2- and 0.4-strength Bangerter filters on BSRs was measured for the 3 and 9 cpd stimuli. Measurements were not available for one control participant and two participants with amblyopia completed measurements for the 0.4-strength Bangerter filter only.
Before analyzing the BSRs, the effect of Bangerter filters on monocular contrast sensitivity was examined. A mixed ANOVA with factors of filter strength (baseline versus 0.4 strength filter versus 0.2 strength filter), spatial frequency (3 vs. 9 cpd) and group (nonamblyopic eyes versus dominant eyes) was conducted on the log contrast sensitivity values. As shown in
Figure 5, there was a monotonic reduction in contrast sensitivity with increasing filter strength for the nonamblyopic eyes of patients and dominant eyes of controls (
F2,67 = 43.8,
P < 0.0001). This effect was more pronounced for the 9-cpd stimulus than the 3-cpd stimulus (
F2,78 = 9.6,
P < 0.001) and was not significantly different between the two groups (
F1,39 = 1.9,
P = 0.2). For the group of amblyopic observers, the 0.4-strength Bangerter filter tended to reduce the difference in contrast sensitivity between the amblyopic and nonamblyopic eyes for the 3- and 9-cpd stimuli.
A mixed ANOVA with factors of filter strength (baseline versus 0.4-strength filter versus 0.2-strength filter), spatial frequency (3 vs. 9 cpd) and group (nonamblyopic eyes versus dominant eyes) and a covariate of age was conducted on the BSRs to assess the effect of Bangerter filters on binocular summation. As shown in
Figure 6, Bangerter filters reduced binocular summation for controls and increased binocular summation for amblyopic observers (significant interaction between Bangerter filter strength and group,
F2,78 = 4.1,
P = 0.02). The 0.4-strength Bangerter filter significantly increased the BSRs for the amblyopic observers for the 3-cpd stimulus (
t24 = 3.0,
P = 0.006). The 0.2-strength Bangerter filter had no significant effect for either spatial frequency. For controls, the 0.2-strength filter significantly reduced BSRs relative to baseline for the 3-cpd (
t20 = 2.4,
P = 0.03), but not the 9-cpd stimulus (
t20 = 2.2,
P = 0.06). The 0.4-strength filter had no significant effect (3 cpd,
t20 = 2.0,
P = 0.06; 9 cpd,
t20 = 1.5,
P = 0.13). Importantly, the BSRs measured for observers with amblyopia with the 0.4 filter in place did not differ significantly from those of controls with no filter in place (amblyopia 3 cpd mean binocular summation ratio = 1.3, SD = 0.4; 9 cpd = 1.2, SD = 0.7; controls 3 cpd = 1.1, SD = 0.1; 9 cpd = 1.3, SD = 0.3). This demonstrates that with the Bangerter filter in place, observers with amblyopia exhibited more normal BSRs.