Photoreceptors in the central macula are prone to damage in many progressive sight threatening diseases, including AMD. Direct assessment of these photoreceptors is difficult in the aging eye, making indirect techniques particularly valuable. Indirect techniques must utilize unique optical signatures to isolate structures of interest and permit quantitative metrics for comparison. As a complementary technique for assessing the central macula, SLP imaging can utilize the phase retardation signal generated by the photoreceptor axons of the HFL, the only known birefringent structure in the central macula, to selectively study the central macular photoreceptor density and regularity. Similar to the nerve fiber layer (NFL), the magnitude of the phase retardation signal in the central macula would be proportional to the number of axons that make up the Henle fiber layer at any given eccentricity. These central photoreceptor axons splay out in a well-organized, radially symmetric pattern,
18 suggesting that the phase retardation profiles would also demonstrate some form of radial symmetry. This is indeed the case, and normal individuals show consistent radial symmetry. The analysis using this technique is not straightforward, complicated by the fact that the birefringence of the cornea is incompletely compensated, creating a macular cross pattern instead of an annulus centered on the fovea. For that reason, our analysis uses specific FFT and curve fitting that accounts for this radial modulation, allowing us to assess the decrease in intensity and deviations from a smooth 2f or 4f curve fitting that would occur if the photoreceptor axon density was reduced or if there were focal alterations resulting from regularity changes to the photoreceptor axons. The intrinsic birefringent property of specific cells in the retina is extremely sensitive to neurodegenerative changes and primate models of glaucoma demonstrate phase retardation changes to the NFL in SLP imaging in advance of thickness changes using OCT.
38,39 The reduced phase retardation signal in the NFL correlates with degradation of critical components in axonal walls, the fundamental source of its birefringent signal. We anticipate similar changes to the axonal walls are occurring in the Henle fiber layer, making polarization sensitive signals good candidates for early detection of neurodegenerative changes in the macula in advance of thickness alterations where cells are present, but in a degenerating or compromised state. We considered the possibility of Müller cell contributions to the phase retardation signal in the central macula, but believe that Müller cells do not contribute, or contribute negligibly, to the phase retardation signal associated with the Henle fiber layer. This is consistent with recent studies showing an increase in thickness of the outer plexiform and Henle fiber layers associated with increasing age, attributed to an increase in Müller cell volume,
40 while macular phase retardation continues to decrease as a function of normal aging.
24 If Müller cells were contributing significantly to the phase retardation signal in the central macula, we do not believe phase retardation would decrease in a manner consistent with in vivo photoreceptor density changes that are also associated with normal aging.
The persistent nature of the macular cross pattern in AMD patients suggests some sparing of cone photoreceptor axons in the presence of nonexudative changes (see
Supplementary Fig. S1), consistent with the origination of pathology at the deeper retinal layers, specifically the RPE/Bruch's membrane interface. An intact macular cross provides evidence that the more superficial retinal structures, including the HFL, remain less affected in the earliest stages of AMD. Despite an intact macular cross and good visual acuity, the AMD group in this study demonstrated reduced normalized 2f FFT values with higher curve fitting RMS error at all eccentricities. These changes can be explained primarily through 2 mechanisms: morphological alterations to the foveal architecture caused by disruptions to normal photoreceptor packing regularity from deeper AMD pathology; a decrease in the photoreceptor density in the AMD group; or some combination of the two. Foveal phase retardation changes associated with AMD likely occur through a combination of these mechanisms, and it is difficult to assign a relative contribution to either, as the metrics used in this study, amplitude of the normalized 2f FFT and curve fitting RMS error, are linked. For example, focal alterations to the deep retina, occurring with the development of drusen and a resultant alteration to the geometry of the phase retardation signal, may cause the overlying photoreceptor axons to take on a more parallel alignment with respect to the imaging light or a more irregular orientation that differs from neighboring axons, resulting in a local reduction in normalized 2f FFT amplitude at that location combined with higher curve fitting RMS error. The expected result of misalignment of the photoreceptor outer segments due to the irregular thickening beneath them from drusen and RPE changes may contribute little to these changes, since the main polarization content measured is thought to be related to the axons, not the outer or inner segments. Changes in any portion of the photoreceptors may be related to the increased RMS error in the measurements, however. Alternatively, reduced phase retardation could occur through a decrease in photoreceptor density, either through photoreceptor loss or migration to a more eccentric location. An increase in curve fitting RMS error would also result if photoreceptor density changes occurred nonuniformly. Photoreceptor loss instead of migration becomes more likely, as the eccentricity that yielded the maximum normalized 2f FFT eccentricity did not differ between the two groups. We believe that loss of photoreceptors is the dominant mechanism for the amplitude changes observed in this study, given the degree to which the photoreceptor orientation would have to be altered over the central 3° to meaningfully impact phase retardation globally. The macular cross pattern persists in patients with nonexudative AMD, even in the presence of large coalesced drusen throughout the central macula.
35 This is consistent with both histological
31 and high resolution imaging studies evaluating drusen at multiple stages,
41 where photoreceptor density is reduced over drusen and other pathological features associated with AMD.
For pathology assessment of AMD, SLP imaging has several practical advantages and provides a robust dataset beyond phase retardation. The near infrared source and confocal nature of SLP imaging reduces unwanted light scatter and produces clear images with high contrast through aging media. This can be done at safe, comfortable light levels, noninvasively and without mydriasis. The datasets collected from the instrument used in this study cover a 15 × 15° retinal area, which has significant advantages when compared to the small field of view over which high-resolution imaging can be achieved currently, and SLP can be done at a much lower cost. The raw datasets from SLP imaging also contain information regarding multiple light/tissue interactions that can be examined independently, providing information about pathological changes occurring to separate cellular structures. In this study, the primary focus was phase retardation as an intrinsic marker of the HFL, but additional markers such as depolarization can be used to highlight compromises to the structural integrity of the RPE in SLP imaging.
27,32 Because these light/tissue interactions are derived from the same raw dataset, locations on the different images are corresponding and comparative analysis of different light/tissue interactions becomes straightforward.
Despite its many advantages, phase retardation measurements derived from SLP have limitations. Corneal compensation, even the partial compensation in this study, is not ideal for FFT amplitude phase retardation analysis because the retardation signal is reduced or altered by a constant value for each subject. Nevertheless, all subjects in our study demonstrated an intact macular cross pattern with a strong 2f or 4f component, indicating that corneal compensation was only partial in all subjects, but the influence of residual corneal birefringence varies widely across individuals in both magnitude and orientation.
42 This corneal influence contributes to the variability of phase retardation amplitude across subjects, and as stated above, the better compensation from the device results in flatter phase retardation profiles and lower amplitudes of the 2f and 4f FFT components. Phase retardation profiles are also of lower amplitude in the odd harmonics, the denominator in our ratio measure, so effects of individual differences in corneal birefringence are lessened rather than reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of measurements. Residual corneal birefringence is unlikely to bias results in favor of either study group. An additional limitation is the lack of depth information in en face imaging that is available in cross-sectional techniques like optical coherence tomography (OCT). Polarization sensitive OCT provides information regarding the axial location of different polarization signals from the retina in AMD and has primarily studied the polarization effects at the RPE.
29,43–47 Phase retardation changes in exudative AMD patients are readily measurable, but of smaller magnitude than the signal originating from the sclera.
29 Exudative lesions in late-stage AMD have been shown to demonstrate birefringent properties consistent between SLP imaging and polarization sensitive OCT imaging.
29 Because the subjects for this study were limited to patients with nonexudative changes and without regions of atrophy that reveal strongly birefringent sclera, the phase retardation signal, highly specific to the HFL, is not likely confounded by other cellular or structural components.
Insight into both the prognosis for individual patients and mechanisms of AMD can be provided by novel imaging techniques. Specific light/tissue interactions are likely to improve our abilities to monitor the efficacy of new and existing treatments and advance the development of earlier interventions for a number of retinal diseases in the future. However, advantages of SLP imaging are not limited to AMD. Similar analyses could easily be applied to other retinal diseases where visual complaints precede obvious clinical changes in the central macula or when photoreceptors are presumed to be damaged or dysfunctional prior to severe visual acuity loss.