In this study, we determined rates of change in binocular and monocular visual fields of NTG patients who had a minimum nine pairs of visual fields with at least 5 years of follow-up. The rate of change in the integrated binocular visual fields was significantly faster than that of the slower-changing eyes and significantly slower than the rate of change of the faster-changing eyes.
Understanding the relationship between rates of change in BVFs and monocular visual fields is an important aspect of management of glaucoma. We normally use both eyes at the same time and the fellow eye can compensate for the loss of visual function of the other. The BVF combines the sensitivities of both visual fields and, therefore, is likely to be a better representation of the patient's experience of the external world. In fact, there is some evidence that BVF damage is more strongly correlated with impairment in daily activities than monocular visual field damage
11,12,15 and 5-year forecasted visual field index (VFI) values using BVFs were more confident than those of monocular visual fields.
8 Accordingly, the rate of binocular change is potentially a better tool than monocular change for predicting deterioration in quality of life.
We used the estimated BVF from monocular visual fields instead of ‘true' binocular visual fields. Although ‘true' BVFs, such as the Easterman test in Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer and Octopus 900 perimeter (HAAG-STREIT AG, Koeniz, Switzerland), can be obtained using specific perimetric strategies, they are not routinely performed in clinical practice due to several limitations, including the absence of direct monitoring of fixation of both eyes and the binary test algorithm (pass or fail) in the Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer.
13,15 Among several different methods previously proposed for construction of the BVF from monocular fields, we used the summation method, as it has a superior correlation with the ‘true' binocular visual field exam compared with other approaches.
14 The binocular summation or probability summation is calculated by the square root of the summed squares of the two monocular sensitivity values
14,17,24,25; therefore, it is essentially a composite of both eyes' threshold sensitivities. Many previous studies support binocular viewing as superior to monocular.
25–28 Values of binocular sensitivities by the binocular summation model are better than those of monocular sensitivities. Therefore, assessment of rates of change from the BVF constructed using the summation model is considered a valid method. Although the methodology used in our study to determine the BVF requires some calculations, it can be easily added into standard software used in visual-field instruments in order to provide clinicians with information about the BVF and rate of change in the BVF, which may help determine the risk of functional impairment. There are two other procedures that have been used for probability summation: a multiplicative probability summation
29 and the fourth-root summation of the two sensitivities.
30,31 The general effect of these models is the amplification of the activities of all relevant neural inputs. It would be useful to determine whether these procedures yield more favorable results than the current findings.
The average MD of the BVF was better than that of the better MD eye even though there was no statistical significance. This result was very similar to that of a large-scale, cross-sectional study of 7543 subjects by Arora et al.
17 who used a binocular summation method for the BVF. Additionally, our BVF MD result is similar to that of a cross-sectional study by Asaoka et al.
16 even though they used different binocular integration method (maximal sensitivity) and different MD calculation method for binocular and monocular visual fields. However, to our knowledge, there are no previously published reports that compare rates of change between BVFs and monocular visual fields.
The rate of change in the BVFs (−0.10 dB/y) was intermediate between those of the faster-changing eyes (−0.34 dB/y) and the slower-changing eyes (−0.06 dB/y). The MD of the BVFs was significantly better than those of individual eyes, and it was also better than those of the better MD eyes and the worse MD eyes in a cross-sectional analysis. However, this did not imply that the rate of change in the BVFs would be better than those of individual eyes when evaluated longitudinally. The rate of change in the BVFs was intermediate between rates of change for the individual eyes. Therefore, we should cautiously avoid the expectation that the rate of change in the BVF will be better than that of the better eye (or the slower-changing eye). The rate of change in the BVF provides useful information for determining the risk of functional deterioration in glaucoma.
7 Therefore, it is important to consider not only the MDs of the BVFs, but also their progression rates for successful treatment of glaucoma, especially when potentially harmful treatment is considered for the faster-changing eye.
The rate of change in the natural history of NTG without treatment was reported to be between −0.2 and −2.0 dB in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial Group
3 and −0.36 dB/y in the Collaborative Normal-Tension Glaucoma Study Group.
2 In the current study, the rate of change in the fast progressing NTG eyes with treatment was −0.34 dB/y. This slope is consistent with earlier proposed reports,
2,3 and is better than other recent reports regarding the progression of Asian NTG patients.
32–34 This means that our study evaluated only patients with early glaucomatous visual field loss.
Approximately 65% of the eyes classified as having worse MD at baseline were identified as the faster-changing eye at last follow-up. The worse MD eye at baseline (that is, the more progressed eye on detection) was a risk factor for faster progression. Our results are consistent with previous trials,
35,36 which indicated a higher risk of progression in eyes with worse MD values. However, recent studies
6,37 have reported conflicting results that there is no difference in progression rates depending on MD values, and that even eyes with worse baseline MD are associated with slower progression. These conflicting results imply that it is important to monitor both better and worse eyes with an equal amount of vigilance for treatment of glaucoma and maintenance of quality of life, despite controversy regarding whether the worse MD eye is at increased risk of progression.
Our study had several limitations. We included patients with NTG in at least one eye at baseline. Consequently, the opposite, better eye had wide variance from being normal to having NTG at baseline. However, this approach was necessary in order to have an initial evaluation of the rate of change in BVFs in a population that resembles the rate of change found in the general population. Also, this study evaluated only patients with early glaucomatous visual field loss, and not patients with moderate or advanced visual field loss. The rate of change is probably more important for patients with moderate and advanced visual field loss from glaucoma. Therefore, attention is needed in the analysis of these study results. Another limitation is that we did not consider the influence of cataracts, which could be relevant because this study included patients with a mean age of 61.8 years at baseline and patients were followed for 5 or more years. The MD is more susceptible to the influence of media opacities than other global visual indices used to evaluate progression, such as the VFI.
38 However, the use of the VFI is not straightforward, as it takes into consideration probability values and eccentricity weighting factors. Also, VFI exhibits both a ceiling effect
39 (a substantial proportion of early glaucomatous visual fields with MDs better than −5 dB have a value of 100%) and a floor effect
40 (advanced glaucomatous visual fields with MDs close to −20 dB shift from a pattern deviation plot to a total deviation plot). The other limitation of our study was that we assumed a linear rate of BVF change over time. Several studies have suggested that functional changes do not follow a linear course during the natural course of the disease,
41–43 which might be related to the logarithmic scaling (decibel) of visual field sensitivity data. Nevertheless, the assumption of linear change is probably a reasonable one for short and medium follow-up periods, as performed in clinical practice.
In conclusion, our results demonstrated that the rate of change in BVFs was significantly faster than that in the visual fields of the slower-changing eyes and slower than that in the visual fields of the faster-changing eyes. We expect that our findings will have significant implications for studies related to quality of life, monitoring of glaucoma, and providing therapeutic guidance.