When a person views a light source that is sufficiently bright they may experience glare. There are two aspects to glare that emerged largely from empirical observations and were first described formally by Stiles and his colleagues
1; the first is concerned with how a glare source affects the visibility of other objects in the visual scene
2,3 primarily through the role of scattered light,
4–6 whereas the second examines how a glare source can distract, annoy, or hinder the observer, without necessarily affecting visibility or visual performance.
7 The first of these topics is known as disability glare and by its nature has been more straightforward to define and study. The second topic is known as discomfort glare and has proved more problematic in both definition and study.
8 The lighting industry, in an attempt to minimize glare, has studied both of these phenomena and a number of metrics have arisen in an attempt to quantify them.
9 However, in elucidating the underlying mechanisms, the study of disability glare has been the more successful. It is well understood how forward-light scatter by the ocular media results in a veil of light over the retina, which reduces the contrast of the retinal image,
10 and in certain conditions can impair vision.
11,12 Yet very little is understood about the mechanism or physiological underpinnings of discomfort glare.
The majority of studies on discomfort glare have focused on how different properties of the glare source affect discomfort. Glare-source luminance,
7,13 angular size,
14 eccentricity from the observer,
2,14,15 spectral content,
16,17 arrangement of the glare source (or sources), and illuminance in a defined plane have all been investigated.
18,19 Measures of discomfort are typically obtained as either a rating on a 9-point scale, known as the De Boer scale
20 or by method of adjustment, whereby the observer adjusts the intensity of a glare source to the borderline between comfort and discomfort (BCD).
14 Many of these studies have been concerned with road lighting or interior lighting, and they have led to the introduction by the CIE of a number of glare-index metrics, which attempt to quantify the level of discomfort for a given lighting installation.
21,22 The metrics involve a weighting between glare-source luminance, glare- source size, and surrounding or background luminance. The various weightings have been estimated empirically and generally, for a given source and background luminance, increasing the size of the source increases the discomfort, but to a much lesser extent than can be achieved by increasing source luminance.
8 Little has been said from a physiological perspective about why in many scenarios source luminance, rather than total light flux, has a greater role in inducing discomfort; the detection of each would involve different retinal and neural mechanisms.
23 Determining more precisely the contributions of source luminance and overall light flux may shed light on the mechanisms underlying discomfort glare.
There have been a number of attempts to link discomfort glare with certain physiological indices. Early work focused on pupil size fluctuations,
24 particularly pupillary hippus (an involuntary, rhythmic spasm of the pupil),
25,26 however, later work showed little correlation with pupil-size fluctuations and discomfort glare.
27 More recent studies employing electromyographic techniques (EMG) have examined facial muscle activity under conditions of discomfort and suggested that EMG could be used as an objective test for discomfort glare.
28,29 Some studies have employed similar techniques
17,30 and based on their findings regarding spectral sensitivity to discomfort glare
31,32 suggest that the most likely physiological mechanism is input from intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC's) to the trigeminal system.
A different line of research has revealed that visual scenes departing from natural image statistics result in higher visual discomfort,
33–35 which is thought to be caused by hyperexcitability of neurons in response to unnatural stimuli.
34,36,37 High-luminance light sources typically employed in discomfort glare studies are likely to cause hyperexcitability or saturation of a given set of neurons. However, in assessing potential physiological mechanisms for visual discomfort one needs to be aware of the large variability in the stimuli that can induce it
8; it is quite likely that different mechanisms would underlie a visual discomfort response arising from a small centrally-viewed glare source, than from one that dominates the whole field of view.
This study measures discomfort glare thresholds for high-luminance light-emitting diode (LED) light-sources viewed centrally. Pupil diameter was measured throughout allowing precise quantification of the amount of light reaching the retina. Discomfort-glare thresholds were estimated using a staircase procedure. The size and surrounding background luminance of the glare source were varied systematically. To limit visual adaptation, the glare stimuli were presented as brief flashes. A simple model based on the saturation of retinal transduction mechanisms will be put forward to explain the results.